Sentences with phrase «many pundits»

Many pundits say the sport has lost touch with young people and needs to win them back.
These sports pundits who tell you what to think and when.
I don't believe this «1st leg» thing is anything but coincidence, but it makes a good story line for sports pundits.
A lot of pundits on twitter said so..
Figures like this get cited by pundits who say the market isn't that expensive.
Do not mistake TV pundits for people that understand the Laws of the Game.
And by the way, so many TV pundits keep saying that our pitch size is the reason for our poor performances at home and that we should reduce it.
At the time, most political pundits were predicting a remain result but there was a noticeable public sentiment to leave.
They are not in most pundits football tips to win the EPL but they could well be a shock package if the new signings can gel together straight away.
Most economists, as well as financial pundits in the mainstream media, focus on the money cost of energy.
Every year its the same nonsense coming from pundits and fans that we can win league but its not true.
Regardless of what pundits say about the market today, you can achieve sales success.
I agree with him that pundits like me need to know more about the important work the police are doing, which in the overwhelming majority of cases is done very well indeed.
Conservative pundits did not issue any comments on this reversal of news.
His calls for stricter gun control measures have made him a frequent target of conservative pundits and conspiracy theorists.
Many pundits thought that this tablet was going to be an e-book reader that would revolutionize the industry and give publishing the shot in the arm it so desperately needs to survive.
Several mass media pundits currently argue that change is accelerating and that technology is mostly responsible.
But politicians and pundits alike predict new conditions won't be felt on the island for some time.
Since Ant - Man was released after a slew of higher - grossing Phase 2 titles, it was considered slightly disappointing by industry pundits given the high bar the studio had recently set.
Unfortunately, most pundits believe that the additional features are nothing more than part of a play to sell the struggling division.
I guess some fans and so called pundits want more from him but when he plays, arsenal wins.
This is the «latte» factor that many financial pundits talk about.
Now we hear pundits claiming that traditional publishing is at least as good a decision for some writers.
It why they are called title contenders every season and we are just outsiders and will finish 4th like most pundits predict every season.
While financial pundits are aware of this literature, they are just as susceptible as the average investor.
Not just according to me but other pundits as well.
The announcement of these two smartphones has caused excitement and led to varied reactions among tech pundits and the public at large.
It's time policy makers, elected officials and even pundits help elevate our voices in these critical debates.
When pundits all across the Internet are arguing over which of her performances should win Best Actress, you know that she's had a pretty special year.
But you will not hear pundits mention this fact.
A lot of pundits see this as a danger to the independence of news organizations.
He was never as good at it as many pundits gave him credit for.
There's nothing we do that the press and pundits seem to appreciate.
In the next few days all of the newspapers will be filled to bursting with various pundits making political predictions for 2012.
I've heard over the past month or so various pundits suggesting that we mustn't let him go; we'll be relegated without him etc..
I always get a kick out of market pundits who talk about how uncertainty is high right now.
Despite what television pundits and «experts» may have you believe, the answer is not so simple.
So the race seems to be tightening up, but in a low - turnout race pundits expect no more than 800,000 people to vote in a city of more than 8 million.
This opens a space for public relations firms, news pundits, environmentalists, and others to step in and define the terms of exchange to their liking..
Industry opinions on what's driving the increase vary, and we have a few pundits weigh in below.
And stats, because if pundits are right, this could be the year the stats all went to shit.
Many industry pundits agree that popular trade books will be 80 % e in the foreseeable future — within 5, 8 or maybe 12 years.
The press and pundits just don't understand his thinking, and where there is a black hole of information, they look to fill it.
And, the subject of this post, the Left - wing pundits.
This is where fans and pundits get most excited.
We know it, other teams fans know it, pundits know it, and he refuses to address it....
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