Sentences with phrase «many purposes of life»

«I can tell you definitively that the purpose of my life is to be an inspirational leader who enjoys solving problems and creating breakthroughs for myself and others,» Bill reveals.
One of the purposes of the living will is to create a plan to dissolve parts of the bank if need be.
(Barron's) • In Search of the Perfect Recession Indicator (Philosophical Economics) • A Fireside Chat With Charlie Munger (MoneyBeat) • Complexity theory and financial regulation (Science) • Five Pieces of Conventional Wisdom That Make Smart Investors Look Dumb (CFA Institute) • This Lawyer Is Hollywood's Complete Divorce Solution (Bloomberg) • Curiosity update, sols 1218 - 1249: Digging in the sand at Mar's Bagnold Dunes (Planetary Society) • The Plot to Take Down a Fox News Analyst (NYT) • Ask the aged: Who better to answer questions about the purpose of life than someone who has been living theirs for a long time?
«We need red blood cells to live (the same way a business needs profits to live), but the purpose of life is more than to make red blood cells (the same way the purpose of business is more than simply to generate profits).»
At the most basic level, the purpose of life insurance is to replace something of monetary value when someone dies.
= > you have mistakenly comingled biology and the purpose of life.
... that's the sole purpose of a life?..
The purpose of life in this sphere is to learn how to exist or live in this physical world.
I have asked Christians many times, «what is the purpose of life», and so many are too quick answer with the religiously correct response, «to serve Jesus».
And yet when it comes down to the final moments, when it gets real, when we have no more need for the societal benefits of religious posturing, we learn what is really most important, and the answer (given the real purpose of life, see above) is what we should reasonably expect: family.
Of course if the purpose of life was to make the invisible wizard happy you would think he might be more visible...
If you want to find the purpose of life and all that God has in store for you, ask Him to be your Lord and Saviour and you will be blessed beyond understanding.
And we have the purpose of our lives to transform information to God.
As the Wisest Guys have been telling us for millennia, we are all one with the same One, and the purpose of life is thrival for all.
The purpose of this life is not happiness, contrary to what you may have heard or read.
They've never asked the question, «what is the purpose of my life
And a virtue ethic may work to locate the limits and purpose of a life of moral duty by specifying the telos of that life.
It is the overarching meta purpose as in the purpose of human existence as opposed to an individual self created self bestowed purpose of life (such as caring for ones family) that I was musing about.
But at least he has enough true light by which to live, and he has powerful and indeed exciting clues to the meaning and purpose of life and to man's ultimate destiny.
Evangelicals think about it even more: 64 percent of evangelicals and 72 percent of historically black Protestants said they thought about the purpose of life weekly or more.
... [E] verything about human experience suggests that love is better than hate for the purposes of living happily in this world.
And what is the purpose of life.
The mandates — labor, marriage, government and the church — reaffirm the goodness and purpose of life.
It believes something they do not believe — the purpose of the living God for all mankind.
* the purpose of life is principally to satisfy or work towards the satisfaction of those needs and wants
And too often we think that the way to do this is to buy them things: things that are pretty, things that are fun, things that snap and pop and whir and race and entertain — until we have taught our children that the purpose of life is to be happy and that being happy means having pleasure or being entertained.
Albom makes it his own by emphasizing that the purpose of life can be discovered only in an afterlife.
The ultimate purpose of life is to know God, and beyond this end there is no other end.
Some ppl believe there's no purpose of life, you just live your and die.
If god solved all of our problems, what is the purpose of this life??
The Way, the universal message of Good News, as expressed by all the long - enduring religions, has always claimed that there is more and that the purpose of life is here and now.
How then can we tell when the purposes of our life are in harmony with the purposes of God?
What's the purpose of living then?
Christians, for hundreds of years, have said that the purpose of life is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.
Our revelations of God and purpose of life as expressed by the great thinkers today reflect the image of God in us as well.
In the study just cited, respondents were asked first to indicate which among a list of such experiences they had ever had and then whether or not each experience had affected their thoughts about the meaning and purpose of life a great deal.
Thank you that through our relationship with Jesus we can know God and the purpose of our lives.
Generally speaking, those who had had these experiences were also prone to say that they had deeply affected their thoughts about the meaning and purpose of life.
It opens the way to consummatory values, which contain the meanings and sustain the purposes of life.
The new being, which Christians find manifested in Jesus, is working in the world, wherever there are human beings who are serious about the meaning and purpose of life.
The essay for German composition, Reflections of a Youth on Choosing a Vocation involves a careful study of the purposes of life and human being's proper duty to fellow human beings.
Those who believe in justice as competition typically also adhere to a larger conviction: The good society maximizes the place of the free market because the overriding purpose of our life together is to make possible the satisfaction of people's wants.
He rejects the concept of substance: «The simple notion of an enduring substance sustaining persistent qualities, either essentially or accidentally, expresses a useful abstract for many purposes of life....
The value and purpose of your life can only be known by those that remain after you are gone.
It's a relationship that will shape your identity, form your beliefs, influence your choices and guide the entire purpose of your life.
As for the preacher's sermon, perhaps one on the «purpose of life» or «be fruitful and multiply» would be in order.
Whenever we confess the traditional words of the creed «I look for the resurrection of the dead», we are not comforting ourselves with the hope of personal immortality; we are making a very solemn confession about the serious purpose of life.
It is within a man's lifetime that he either fulfils, or fails to fulfil, the purpose of his life.
The purpose of life is to perpetuate life, from a strictly biological perspective.
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