Sentences with phrase «many racial minorities»

If you are a woman and / or racial minority, chances are you have been interrupted or talked over by a colleague in a meeting (a circumstance often referred to as «mansplaining.»)
Google has faced criticism over its diversity practices from both sides: those who say it's not doing enough to include women and underrepresented racial minorities, and those who assert that its efforts go too far.
This was largely because of the diminished job prospects awaiting less - educated Americans, particularly men and racial minorities.
According to a 2016 study published by the Harvard Business Review, including more than one woman or member of a racial minority in a finalist pool helps combat unconscious bias among interviewers and increases the likelihood of a diverse hire.
As technology links distant countries, high - growth venture opportunities open up to people who might otherwise face limited work options — women, racial minorities, the economically disadvantaged.
According to Frank Dobbin and Alexandra Kalev, organizations with diversity managers, task forces, and intentional mentoring structures report improvements in the representation of women and racial minorities.
hey hey hey, let's not forget all of the wonderful atheists, jews, pagans, muslims, and racial minorities the christians «martyred» when the shoe was on the other foot
These men and women have fought for the abolition of slavery (Wilberforce), established orphanages for abandoned children (Mueller), advanced civil rights for racial minorities (King), fought against HIV / AIDS (Koop), provided human touch, restored dignity, and shelter for the poor (Mother Teresa), created places of belonging and contribution for people with disabilities and special needs (Tada), and fought against the sex trade and human trafficking (Caine).
If SB 1146 were to pass, it would deny students» ability to participate in state grant programs — programs that exist to help low - income students, and which are overwhelmingly used by racial minorities — at schools that are found in violation of the bill.
Without any question it is the racial minorities — Indians, blacks, Mexican Americans, and Asian Americans — who have known defeat most deeply, most bitterly, and most continuously in American history.
We all know of instances in which racial minorities, women, and colonized countries — as soon as they have gotten into a position of independence and power — have become more oppressive than those who had oppressed them.
Since 1976 EATWOT has been sponsoring dialogues among theologians in Asia, Africa and Latin America and oppressed racial minorities in the U.S. Major conferences have been held in Tanzania (August 1976), Ghana (December 1977), Sri Lanka (January 1979) and Brazil (February 1980).
He was, it seems, acknowledging a social truth about race in America during the 1950s, namely that racial minorities did not matter much to the goings - on of mainstream society.
Similarly, when people discriminate against racial minorities, or look at them negatively, they do so indefensibly, based on no defensible reason.
We meet a similar, and similarly contradictory, construal of justice in some feminist literature, as well as in the claim that the society should be both color - blind and have preferential quotas for racial minorities.
Much of the new mystique of the racial minorities comes from the fact that they are alleged to have retained a sense of community missing among whites.
Cone has inspired not only blacks but also women and other racial minorities to enter seminaries and the pulpit, he says.
Most congregations that draw racial minorities can't keep them.
The Samaritans were a racial minority despised and hated by the Jews.
One major fault in the espoused parallel relationships between Christian Privilege and other systems of systemic inequality that disproportionately impact racial minorities, women and the LGBTQ + community is that religious preference is scarcely, if ever, legal to request as a means of legitimizing documentation for state issued IDs, legal documents, marriage certificates, employment applications, etc..
During one of humanity's darkest chapters, when millions of Jews, gays, communists and racial minorities were rounded up across Europe, many Albanians put up a fight to save complete strangers.
So they read Hard Times in order to gain sympathy for the poor, Wright's Native Son in order to gain sympathy for racial minorities, and Forster's Maurice in order to gain sympathy for homosexuals.
Many seminaries seek to attract more women and racial minority students and to expose students to world cultures.
The meaning of scripture can be twisted to serve the purposes of men so we must do everything that we can to ensure that the «Good Words» that are taught are the actual words of Yehoshua rather than the selected words of Paul and the Old Testament that form the basis of discrimination against women, racial minorities, homosexuals, and «different» religions (including atheism).
To recall the set of propositions that opened this article, one can make justifiable judgments here: Some people were advancing causes of racial minorities and women better than liberal Protestants or Christians in general.
Although white traditionalists tend to be outnumbered, the electoral scales are balanced somewhat by their greater turnout: ethnic and racial minorities, white modernists, and seculars voted less frequently.
White males may not actively decide to exclude women, racial minorities or those from different cultural or class backgrounds, but they simply do what is easy and natural and surround themselves with those that look, think and relate like them.
White middle class people often take the attitude that if only criminals, members of racial minorities, welfare recipients, Third World peoples, behaved like us and shared our values, they would not have the problems that they do.
It can also be argued that there are class interests involved in this: the new class staffs the welfare - state and civil - rights institutions, the major putative beneficiaries of which are the racial minorities of America.
♦ A colleague at Harvard passes on this broadsheet issued by the «Coalition for Civil Rights,» a group made up of «spokespersons» for myriad ethnic and racial minorities, plus gays, lesbians, and assorted lifestyle liberationisms.
For example, the mothers of the vast majority of the children born out of wedlock are racial minority teen - agers who come from broken families living below the poverty level.
The oppressed groups in our society — women, racial minorities, the poor — know well that current language is enslaving and insensitive to them as persons.
While over half of the world's nations have abolished capital punishment, and while international criticism of the U.S. has been intense, America continues to condemn the poor and racial minorities (particularly those who kill whites) in disproportionate numbers, as well as the mentally ill, the mentally retarded, juveniles (here the U.S. leads the world) and sometimes the innocent — and all this to no apparent deterrent effect.
The first is an underclass of the pre-affluent consisting of blacks and other racial minorities, the poor, and others at the margins of the socio - economic order.
In a chilling chapter titled «The Theater of Terror,» Taylor describes a prison system that locks up economic and racial minorities — 70 percent of those in prison are people of color.
Is it from concern for racial minorities?
The religious opposition to the Vietnam War was certainly more effective than the opposition of those who spelled America with a «k.» And if we have made some significant progress with respect to the place of racial minorities in our society in the last twenty years, it is due mostly to religious leadership.
The fact is that, even though every other racial minority is at least split on the issue, as a party the Democrats and their black leaders have adopted an exclusively statist understanding of minority rights.
The result is that the black alliance within the Democratic party is not with other racial minorities but with ideologically based groupings» feminists, gays, unions» who are now divorced from the values of the party's traditional base, not to mention those of the black public (Jesse Jackson, for example, flip - flopped on almost all these issues once he decided to run for the nomination).
The protests of racial minorities, middle - class youth and women had different causes and different goals.
Ironically, although the book is ostensibly about minorities, specifically racial minorities, what Brown really is getting at has more to do with ideology than race.
This is evidenced by the fact that in industry, schools, and many other aspects of community life, a racial minority will be tolerated as long as it is a very minor minority.
The theory, apparently, was that homosexuals were impermissibly burdened if they had to secure special protection, equivalent to that afforded racial minorities, at the state rather than the local level.
... Yet while the hope I feel is real, I have not lost any of the skepticism I have frequently registered about the effects of a Trump presidency on evangelicalism, on racial minorities, and on America.
The next hurdle for us is to love him back as we are very white middle class with only a few racial minorities, pray for us.
In the US, I think that about 25 % of the population consists of racial minorities and if you include ethnic minorities you get something closer to 50 %.
Black, Hispanic and «others» representing Asians, Pacific Islanders and mothers in other racial minorities were grouped together as non-white because of their few numbers (Black = 4 %, Hispanic = 6 %, other racial minorities = 5 %).
From the 1940s onwards, liberal Democrats began pushing for desegregation and civil rights legislation for racial minorities.
The «Minimalist» position is that the Holocaust (which means Total Destruction) refers to the targeted extermination of the Jews (and perhaps the racial minorities) and not to the Russian POWs, Gays, and Political Prisoners because Jews were uniquely singled out in Mein Kampf and other Nazi writings.
The congressional lines require pre-clearance by the federal Department of Justice to ensure the rights of racial minorities are not abridged.
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