Sentences with phrase «many rules in place»

But he said regulators need to put new rules in place around highly risky products, and get to the bottom of whether there's been any wrongdoing concerning the VIX itself.
«Simply removing that exemption and putting a set - aside rule in place for all government contract vehicles would significantly increase the pool of contracts available to small businesses,» Reeder says.
The administration could move to keep the rule in place, or otherwise tweak the program to be more selective about which entrepreneurs are eligible to begin with, for example.
Federal Aviation Administration finally has rules in place for businesses wanting to use drones.
Even with the FCC's rules in place, ISPs have found a way around the net neutrality order through a practice called zero - rating.
Accordingly, there are also rules in place on what athletes can, or rather can not, tweet — regardless of when they're doing the tweeting.
«Right now, the FCC has rules in place to make sure the internet continues to be an open platform for everyone,» Zuckerberg wrote.
However, as in the NFL, that impact will plateau at a certain point if firms lose sight of why they put the Rooney Rule in place, say diversity experts.
On the other hand, commenters supporting the proposed 60 - day delay or a longer or indefinite delay argued that such delay would be appropriate, because it would provide sufficient time for the Department to complete its review of the Rule and PTEs in conformance with the President's Memorandum without issuing a series of extensions that could create market frictions due to uncertainty regarding whether the Department would ultimately leave the Rule in place, revise it, or rescind it.
Many towns do not have rules in place to deal with an online service for people to rent out their rooms or homes on a short - term basis.
That said, trade wars do happen even with these rules in place, usually on a smaller scale.
It is such a uniquely incredible business with mouthwatering returns on capital, high barriers to entry, and unrivaled geographic diversification, that there is a singular rule in place in our household: Once acquired, shares of Coke are not sold except under extraordinary circumstances.
Even though their might be some general rules in place that help manage the interaction between everyone, sometimes people are just too loud, conversations are inappropriate, or people are just being inconsiderate to others nearby.
Trump and Hillary Clinton both campaigned given the rules in place; they would've campaigned differently with different rules.
Because of this, there are some rules in place when using this feature:
The release takes issue with the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan and calls on the government to create a regulator that understands the impact of proposed activity and puts rules in place to prevent any unacceptable impacts.
With this rule in place, a common question we see from retirees is what happens if I retire in the middle of the year?
At this time, there are no contribution limit rules in place that will cap contributions based on account type.
For centuries, he argues, courts in the United Kingdom, United States, and elsewhere recognized that wealthy people could use third - party lawsuits as a weapon against those they disliked — and had rules in place to prevent this power from being abused.
If you have been our subscriber and have been reading our reviews on a regular basis than you would have known by now that we have stringent rules in place to review the best binary options brokers or a software.
Other countries have more discretionary rules in place.
Jimmy agrees, which is why he recommends you not only have a set of rules in place for buying — but also for selling.
However, the decision on whether to fund the loan is still completely in the hands of the underwriter at the bank, not due to any regulatory control or to specific rules in place.
We need to have rules in place to stop people from being as awful as we can tend to be, or there will be a large number of people suffering for a small number's gain.
I do not think our God to be so egotistical that He just puts rules in place that are there purely to lord it over us that He is God... they are there to protect us.
In this case, it can't be denied that there must be rules in place.
Point 3 — 28 states already have this rule in place.
I am sure your church would also like to have some rules in place that prevent discussion and criticism of the pope and the recent horrendous abuse cases.
With these rules in place, Darwinists can claim to have proved that natural selection crafted moths, trees, and people, and point to the peppered - moth observation as proof.
@Laughing: You said, «Absolutely, except the market has rules in place to specifically stop that from happening.
Absolutely, except the market has rules in place to specifically stop that from happening.
Then so are Georgia and a number of other states, which have had the same rules in place for years with nary a peep from the Catholic Church or those who are now clutching their pearls.
Guess whose administration put the rule in place there.
The Catholic Church in Ireland did not take serious steps to stamp out child abuse by priests even after the scandal blew up worldwide and the Irish bishops put rules in place to stop it, a new report says.
Wait, no, we're not simply a democracy, we have rules in place specifically to prevent a majority from trampling the rights of minorities.
«Labour MP Damien O'Connor questioned National Party links to Chinese - owned company, which is one of a handful of New Zealand - based companies to get approval from China to export infant formula since China put tighter import rules in place in 2014.
With no rule in place for such a circumstance, race marshal Myron Gavin appealed to common sense.
There are no rules in place for tanking behavior committed during «the Process» and as such no cheating has taken place.
This is a far cry from the «four minutes of commercials for every hour» rule in place at the Masters, with PGA ads peppering you every couple minutes.
Unless one day there are rules in place saying you can't do this or do that then I can't see any reason why clubs can't use any means necessary.
If you have a problem with the rule, that's fine — fight to change it — but it doesn't negate that there's a rule in place.
The talk of # 25 million I can't see as being a figure AFC would accept, not considering we could allow foreign clubs to talk to him 1st by the ruling in place for end of contract.
They wonder why the owners do not have a type of Rooney Rule in place that forces owners selling to strongly review African - American candidates.
«I'm sure they have got rules in place when all the controversial incidents come up but it does seem some incidents are getting far harsher punishments than others.
I like the idea of the G League becoming an alternative for NCAAB, but unless there are rules in place (no idea if there are), what's stopping him from just signing with the best team once he comes of age?
«So I was definitely disappointed,» Nash, whose high school does not have a girls» golf team, told Doyle, «but I understand that there are rules in place.
Los Angeles can not put a rule in place to prevent that.
They probably know it now, even with this rule in place.
However, with the new compensation rules in place, the Rangers are only looking at a pick in the 75 - 80 range in next year's draft in return for losing Darvish.
I am not so sure about all the in fighting and politics involved but it does seem a bit daft that the best man for the job does not always get it, with the bizarre ruling in place that a ref can only do it once.
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