Sentences with phrase «many scary things»

We initially backed that with our own reserves, which was a very scary thing to do, but then we got a lot of interest from insurance companies.
«The scarier things are really about politics,» Geithner said.
Sharing responsibility and handing over certain tasks can be a scary thing.
«They clearly lost control of where the market's going, and the scariest thing for them is that the balance of power has shifted away from the things that they can control — brands, distribution and the power of TV advertising,» he says.
More than likely, the main reason holding many people back that giving you a testimonial means they have to do a whole bunch of scary things:
«The scariest thing about your team is that you're top - heavy,» Tisch says.
And things that involve technology, that just come out of nowhere — the internet moving to your neighborhood can seem like a really scary thing.
But she acknowledges that people get concerned easily because, «Wireless power is this mystical, scary thing that we're unfamiliar with.»
In both the online and the real worlds, transparency can be a scary thing.
Entrepreneurship is, at its heart, an incredibly scary thing; individuals are laying everything on the line to pursue an idea, dream or passion.
Deland: The scariest thing is the fear of the unknown, and Alexa and I came from finance — these stable regular jobs where you just keep showing up and getting a really nice paycheck.
The two scariest things in life and business are:
The scariest thing is how prevalent this lack of motivation is.
-- The really scary thing?
The scary thing is, individuals can implement all the best information security practices like strong passwords, two factor authentication, and encryption, but if large organizations fail to secure their systems, you can be in grave danger.
The scary thing about payroll mistakes is you might not even know you're making one until you get slapped with a fine or in trouble with the IRS.
The recent scandals of governments spying on its citizens are making «transparency» a scary thing so do n`t let anyone meddle in your private affairs!
And — my opinion — our democratic principles are being undermined and corrupted by the current GOP, whose crazy train ride to extremism is the scariest thing I've lived through yet.
I don't have anything against people who get rushes from scary things like jumping out of planes or jumping off cliffs.
If you have ever had an Asian grandmother yell at you, it is by far one of the scariest things in the world.
Stock market volatility is always a scary thing.
To me it's a pretty scary thing.
Aliens taking over the world is a scary thing, sure, but humanity drowning in willful ignorance while the corrupt consume more and more of their livelihood... that's both a tragedy and a galactic embarrassment.
I don't know what goes on through these people's minds these days, it's a scary thing.
The future: it's a scary thing, but it doesn't have to be.
The scariest thing is that an estimated 20 % of Muslum - Americans who came from the Middle East are either sypathetic to Islamic Fundamentalists or even a small percent is actively supporting it.
The scary thing is when people say somebody like this is unelectable.
The scary thing is that in 10 years, not only will medicaid be unsustainable there will not be enough skilled care homes for our aging population.
The really scary thing is, if your foolish enough to believe any human being woke from the dead and floated away to some fairytale heaven your naive enough to be persuaded into believing almost anything, which can be extremely dangerous.
The simple fact that we have our major poltical players even mentioning the fact they are «religious» or practice a certain form of religion is a scary thing.
And the very scary thing is their belief in MORMON Theocracy, that is Mormon's will rule the U.S. and the world for 1000 years with Jesus himself after Armageddon.
Telling stories about scary things has always given man some sort of control over his native fears.
But intimacy can be a scary thing.
The really scary thing is that Google has removed access to the satan - Obama look alike picture sets (you can still get to them through Bing).
If scary things come into your mind and heart, it's hard to get rid of them.
When the tinies were toddlers, it was as simple as «shut your eyes and shut your ears» to scary things.
So, no, I don't guard my gates against simply terrible or scary things anymore.
Just because there are scary things, it doesn't mean you need to invite them.
I wonder if she really means it, if she really wants to know that the demon whose voice she thinks she's quieted in her own heart is screaming like hell in mine, and that the scariest thing about being VULNERABLE, about exposing myself to the world without a religion or a platform or a «brand» for protection, is that I might lose them for good... or, perhaps, learn that I can breathe without them.
For a non-critical thinker, «don't really know what they believe» is the scariest thing you can imagine.
The ignorant seem to believe that tolerating immoral behavior (or straight up denying that morals exist), and it's a scary thing.
Specifically, we need to raise the standards and stop sheltering our children from scary things like the unknown, new ideas, and personal failure.
In short, you are the ignorant one and the scary thing is that you're too stupid to even know it.
And the scary thing is that it is becoming more and more common here in the US.
Not for naught did the famous Mr. Rogers — who was also a Presbyterian minister — say the words that have been so often quoted in social media since the bombings: «When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, «Look for the helpers.
One of the scary things about reading posts from people like this is the realization that their vote counts the same as a rational, informed citizen.
The scary thing isn't that this man believes in a supernatural man with horns and a pointy tail, the scary thing is that a significant number of people in our country think he is presidential material.
But the truly scary thing many consumers may not be aware of is that many of those cheap chocolates may have actually been made using child labor.
And the scary thing is, that it is true that God didn't have to give a chance to anyone, so it all seems to make sense.
One of the truly scary things about DC's villainous icon the Joker is the enigma of his beginnings.
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