Sentences with phrase «many sick men»

For years, Rite Aid (RAD) was the sick man of the retail pharmacy industry, after a debt - fueled, pre-financial-crisis expansion left the firm unable to cope with the competitive pressures it faced from online retailers like
«We expect the Macron reforms to transform France like the Thatcher reforms had cured the erstwhile sick man of Europe, the United Kingdom, some 35 years ago,» said Berenberg Europeaneconomist Holger Schmieding.
At the end of the segment, Subitzky broke down and confessed «I'm not Don Henley — I'm just a sick man
While talking heads talk, they overstate the British problems for at least the British exports get a boost from a weakened currency, which is something that the sick men of Europe (PIIGS) can not avail themselves.
Jungle disease, illness and the effects of malnutrition were rife, yet sick men were often forced to continue with the brutal work day and night in searing temperatures.
In one month, Geoff had overseen the arrival of 21 sick men from another camp, all conscripts from the mining villages of Rhondda.
Sure, JPII wasn't able to single - handedly and perfectly end the horrible abuses that occurred at the hands of quite a few sick men... sick men who would likely have found another means.
At least one place Lewis explains this problem was in the Screwtape letters, where a demon exclaims, «How much better for us if all humans died in costly nursing homes amid doctors who lie, nurses who lie, friends who lie, as we have trained them, promising life to the dying, encouraging the belief that sickness excuses every indulgence, and even, if our workers know their job, withholding all suggestion of a priest lest it should betray to the sick man his true condition!»
you're a sick man... it would be better if it were the parents.
Some priests are sick men who have found an avenue to access children for their own reprehensible desires.
I see straight through this to the heart of a sick man who salivates for power and theology is just the vehicle.
When the erosions of age begin to leave their mark on my body, and still more on my mind; when the ills that must diminish my life or put an end to it strike me down from without or grow up from within me; when I reach that painful moment at which I suddenly realize that I am a sick man or that I am growing old; above all at that final moment when I feel I am losing hold on myself and becoming wholly passive in the hands of those great unknown forces which first formed me: at all these sombre moments grant me, Lord, to understand that it is you (provided my faith is strong enough) who are painfully separating the fibres of my being so as to penetrate to the very marrow of my substance and draw me into yourself
In the words of the Presbyterian Thomas Becon, Christians must apply The Sick Man's Salve, which turns out to be faith and hope in final salvation.
Returning, though, to ST1.75.2, just after discussing the sick man's tongue, Thomas argues that the intellect does not even make use of a physical organ [ST1.75.2].
And so we observe that the tongue of a sick man that is infected by a choleric and bitter humour is incapable of sensing anything sweet, but everything seems to him bitter.
ii,10,422b8 - 10), thinks that the cause of all things tasting bitter to the sick man is itself bitter.
An example of this is the story of the sick man who had to be let down through the roof into the room Jesus occupied because the door was blocked by large numbers of people (Mark 2:1 - 5) It is significant that apparently the friends and not the patient himself sought the healing and had the expectant trust.
or «You must let me do as I please — I'm a sick man and I can't help being like this.»
For the sufferer, it is as if one should liken him to a sick man who turns himself from side to side, and now at last discovers the position in which there is relief — even if the wish still pains.
Tóibín's The Blackwater Lightship (1999) is ostensibly about a young Irishman dying of AIDS, but Declan, the sick man, is a minor figure in the story.
Finally Islamic science was effected very badly by the Osman empire which was called (The Sick Man of the East), but although they are no longer here today, we are still not left alone to advance our lives or to try to create any thing for our selves or for humanity....
In forgiving the sick man, he assumes that man's physical and spiritual needs are all of a piece.
The Catholic way is dying like a sick man with AIDS in Europe where it was founded and supposedly supposed to be gaining a lot of power.
Glenn Beck is one sick man... the things he says are indicative of someone with a brain tumor... the way he twists things to fit his teachings... or rather... preachings... is very scary.
Even when the roof of his house was destroyed he cared for the sick man and commended his friends for bringing him in in such a way.
you want us to kill these children?never minde i allredy no you punk.your a sick man.
This is one sick man and the Catholic Church should look at reappointing his post unless they share his views secretly.
Even a sick man, unable to be militant outwardly, can carry on the moral warfare.
If a pitcher never becomes empty, if an old woman bears a child, if iron floats — these are miracles; if five thousand men are fed with five loaves and two fishes, if a sick man is healed by laying on of hands and a single word — these are miracles.
The resulting Armenian reform and protest movement gained strength at a time when the Ottoman Empire was «the sick man of Europe,» disintegrating under a burden of debt and corruption.
A man who lives, not by what he loves but what he hates, is a sick man
For when the sick man who is wasting away from consumption believes himself to be in the best of health, his disease is at the most terrible point.
The sick man pushed one of his hands against the Cure's calotte (coif), shoving him back, and cried, turning abruptly to the other side, «let me die in peace (Laissez - moi mourir en paix).»
The evangelist does tell us that the sick man, Lazarus, and his two sisters were very close friends of Jesus.
«A sick man is not usually fit to think of very many things, and therefore two or three comfortable promises» to «roll over and over» in his mind «may be the most profitable matter of his thoughts.»
Meanwhile, not a thought is given to the possibility that the new coeducational college that was brought into existence forty years ago is the «sick man» in our midst that invites American youth into the new debauchery.
So for this theology there is no question but that the sick man must have committed an offense against God; otherwise he just would not be sick.
One tells of the demon Legion who, on going out of the sick man, drives a whole herd of swine into the water (Mark 5:1 — 17).
Ozil has skill but he runs like a sick man, even the ball looks heavy for him.
He is a sick man, man!
Running like a sick man.
I'm 48 now; I've already taken care of a sick man — while bringing up a baby.
There are sick men in this world and there are sick women in this world and all I know how to do anymore is to keep telling our Children and showing our Children how much we love them, how important they are, how we care about their thoughts and we care about their feelings and we care about their wants and we care about their needs and that we can all know whatever happens, wherever we are or wherever they are, they are loved with all our hearts and souls.
Its a fact, that women are many times more likely to stay with a sick man, than the other way around, MAny women find their husbands walk out on them in a health crisis.
The fact of your being a president doesn't mean you don't get sick and what is political about getting sick but you see the narrative had been developed for a long time that he was a very sick man, he was on the verge of death at any given time, all of these were not true.»
Some have also called Mr. Rawlings a sick man, suggesting that he may be suffering from mental disorders which are causing him to frequently forget his own words, thereby contradicting himself endlessly.
Previous posts by Dr Bose: Sick Men of South Asia: Pakistan and Bangladesh are separately traveling in the same direction, toward erasure from the political maps of the future; Will Pakistan Exist in 2050?
He also warned that the country was suffering with «high unemployment» and was on the verge of becoming the «sick man of Europe again».
The whole matter was that, the husband of the lady once worked with the President many years ago but medically unfit now so cleverly sent the wife to meet his boss at the place.The interesting point is that to our surprise the President suspended the last activity for the day to enable him visit the husband of the lady.The people in the village couldn't believe what they witnessed when the President arrived in the community.The house of the sick man was invaded by the town folks including the Odikro who took the opportunity to put out his feeling telling his excellency that «I have heard of your down to earth attitude but you've practically exhibited it here to our surprise»
«The UK is amongst the sick men of Europe when it comes to rates of alcohol related liver disease, which are far worse than many wealthy countries.
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