Sentences with phrase «many simpler matters»

The legitimacy of «Trumpslation» is no simple matter - and the world's translators have several confusing years of it to look forward to.
Then it's a simple matter of selecting the person you want to see (they only give you three per day to make it easier to choose).
Yet, it could be a simple matter of taking a coworker out for coffee.
At the same time, such previously simple matters as giving an employee a promotion and a raise now required various levels of approval.
«While some of the requirements are a simple matter of checking the box and can be fulfilled through a well - drafted internship agreement, the majority are subjective,» says Peter Minton, founder and president of Minton Law Group in New York City.
For the skeptics, it was a simple matter of 20 % margins being less than 40 % margins.
As a proud Republican, casting my vote for President has usually been a simple matter.
When the head of the company is just down the hall rather than on the 30th floor or in a faraway city, talking to him or her is a simple matter.
There's a couple forces at play, it's not a simple matter of the stock of money goes up and prices go up automatically.
Then, it was a simple matter of segmenting the data by the year in which the company raised its Seed round, tracing the trajectories of the startups in each «batch,» and converting everything to percentages for easier comparison.
Far from being a simple matter of what the «neutral liberal state should do in public matters,» then, public law is for Sullivan the crucial tool of social transformation.
-- It's a simple matter to find people who are just as convince of their «personal experiences» as you are of yours, but hold incompatible beliefs.
It is a simple matter of provable fact.
We are back to a more ancient struggle between a world vision based upon the satisfaction of self - centered desire and another kind of vision that may seem impossibly simple because it is conceptually a very simple matter.
< — I never said it was a SIMPLE matter..
Go ahead Kermit... should be a simple matter of choosing, right.?
We need only be human, a simple matter of being in relationship with God and other human beings.
Thanksgiving seems such a simple matter — a spontaneous overflow of relief, or a habit of daily recognition that we continue to receive God's good gifts.
This is a relatively simple matter in connection with our common sense.
It becomes apparent that to define prayer is no simple matter.
When our conclusions regarding regarding troubling passages in the NT contradict the clear, positive statements out of the mouth of Jesus in John 3:16, 18, 5:24, and elsewhere, regarding eternal life being a simple matter of faith we need to keep seeking until our understanding of those passages agrees with that He said.
It is very nearly a simple matter of geography.
It is a simple matter of subtraction.
Tracing the particular influences behind anyone's conceptions is rarely a simple matter.
But he recognized that stating just what constitutes an improvement of value is not a simple matter.
As Girard says, it is a far from simple matter.
To many people it came to seem a simple matter of common sense.
In theory, it would seem to be a simple matter to alleviate the national malaise.
Another school of thought, while conceding that war is one of the most vivid revelations of sin in human history, does not find the disavowal of war so simple a matter.
The motu proprio, he insists, «compromises thecoherence of the Church's self - understanding and threatens to reduce the liturgy to a simple matter of individual «taste» rather than what it is meant to be: an accurate reflection of what we believe as Catholic Christians who live in the twenty - first century»: for that, of course is utterly different from what Catholic Christians who lived in previous centuries (and in the twentieth century before the sixties) believed: hence, the absolute indefensibility of what he calls «this medieval rite».
To be a crank is a relatively simple matter; to be an Orthodox intellectual crank is a much more complicated undertaking.
I commented on this cause a lot of people don't believe it... It's a faith thing... You called me out on the simple matter of metaphor which to me is out of the question but none the less true.
And would it not be better to regard prayer as a simple matter of silence, not including any phrasing of our thoughts, desires, and aspirations in verbal form?
This is no simple matter.
Authorities are still needed; but the authority question is no longer a simple matter of which one.
If we we can not get such a simple matter right what hope do we have of discerning any deeper or hidden matters of God?
What Griffin seems not to appreciate is that determining whether a world of a given sort is even logically possible is not a simple matter.
It is no simple matter to discern what Riccoldo's experience of Islam was.
For at the time resistance and rebellion and heroism of the bold and daring kind were simply not among the existing options, and emigrating was a trauma, not a simple matter of packing up and going.
The evolution of life on earth from simple matter is accepted as a fact by secular science.
If you don't like what the people at your present church think about gays or you're being wealthy, then it's a rather simple matter to find a different church that matches your att.itude.
ROGER: The evolution of life on earth from simple matter is accepted as a fact by secular science.
What he misses is that at every stage of development, even the simplest matter - energy will always be an ordered system.
That union could be pursued by him along three paths, active, purgative, and contemplative, respectively; and progress along either path would be a simple matter to measure by the application of a limited number of theological and moral conceptions and definitions.
It is not just a simple matter of literate or liberal churches not selling themselves well enough.
But this difficulty of translation of one European language into another is a simple matter compared to the attempt to translate a European language into an Asiatic one.
It was not a simple matter of standing up and self - righteously condemning an evil which one actually never had to face.
And in any event, it is a simple matter of self - respect to get into the argument and fight.
To start with, one must wonder why these two issues» both of which ought to place politically liberal evangelicals in significant conflict with the Democratic party's social platform» are presented as «controversial» matters about which faithful Christians may disagree, while issues like foreign policy, environmentalism, and economics are presented as simple matters of justice.
Someone who wanders into a pew for the duration of Lent may rightly be perplexed by the New Testament's somewhat schizoid outlook on a simple matter: Is the cross a good thing or not?
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