Sentences with phrase «many skills we have»

«I have learned, as an entrepreneur, the most important skill you have to have is you have to be an optimist and pessimist at the same time,» said Stephanie Tilenius, former Google VP and founder of Vida, an app that pairs you with 24/7 access to a health coach.
«The problems we were having were too complex for the skills we had,» says Jeremy Coughlin, director of business intelligence.
If North Korea's weapons program ends, the scientists with highly sought - after skills would «risk of proliferation of their deadly knowledge to other states or terrorists,» according to the senators.
In Canada, the opportunity to improve is immense — the number of people with inadequate literacy skills has increased to almost one in two the past decade.
«Read the book, So Good They Can't Ignore You [by Cal Newport],» he suggested, «and understand how the skills you have built can offer career capital.»
«The most important skills I had to learn to be successful were people skills,» he tells CNBC Make It.
Expanding on this belief, they assessed over 15,000 leaders from more than 300 organizations across 20 industries and 18 countries to determine which conversational skills have the highest impact on overall performance.
The key was to identify correctly which skills would be desirable to have a year or two ahead of the demand.
The knowledge and skills they have represent the fuel that drives the engine of business, and you can leverage that knowledge.
No one, however, can claim that his or her LinkedIn skills have been personally endorsed by Bryan Mills.
The half - life of desirable skills has shortened with the hastening pace of technological change.
It makes sense that leaders with strong interpersonal skills would achieve greater results.
Often those working in this sector will move to multidisciplinary areas where the knowledge and skills they've acquired through work experiences can be applied.
People who master this skill have figured out how to find the gaps in what people spend their money on versus what they really want and need.
In fact, they need to go even further to look for a skill they have yet to learn or master, and then learn it.
Those skills have taken her to Montreal - based cosmetic company Lise Watier, where after graduating she started a job this summer as a project manager for an in - store campaign that launched in October.
Thanks in large part to that same mobile technology, workers with marketable skills have more freedom than ever before to strike their own balance between the demands of their job and the rest of their lives.
Think of how you can apply the skills you have learned in a new, fresh way, Hanson said.
Last week, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued a security notice warning that «an attacker with a low skill would be able to exploit these vulnerabilities» using known weaknesses that exist in older Windows software.
And you've probably uncovered a few that are undeveloped; people you've neglected, talents and skills you haven't leveraged, testimonials you haven't asked for.
You and your team are professionals who spend dozens of hours each week becoming experts on your clients» industries, learning best practices and honing skills you've spent decades building.
«Give and Take» explores what effective networking, influence, collaboration, and leadership skills have in common and opens up an approach to success that has the power to transform individuals, organizations, and communities alike.
Delineate the strategic, financial, technical and creative skills you have, and which ones you're missing.
The candidates you most want to attract -; in some cases, people who are so skilled they have options -; will opt out.
The more skill you have as a company with trade and foreign policy, the better able you will be to do business in global markets outside the U.S.
Williams's people skills have also been a boon to her career.
Being able to learn this skill has helped me improve my own track record tremendously.
Your communication skills have the potential to leave a lasting impact on others — make sure that impact is a positive one.
You can use your resume as a way to showcase your experiences, your accomplishments, and the skills you have, but also make it clear how you've grown over the years.
The result: By the time someone reaches the executive suite, their independent thinking and problem solving skills have never truly been put to the test.
List at least five relevant skills you have gained in your previous positions, projects or volunteer jobs.
The RAISE Act's lower quotas and emphasis on English and other skills would make it harder to fill those jobs with immigrants, and thus mean more Americans would be diverted from higher - paid, more productive tasks into cleaning - or else have to live and work in dirtier conditions.
Indians have emigrated to the U.S. in large numbers, they and their children have enriched American universities, and their entrepreneurship and technical skills have produced thousands of jobs and companies.
However, while many people just list the skills they have, you can take it one step further.
Yet several successful executives have shared with me how beneficial practicing this skill has been for them.
You might consider which skills have been most helpful to your own career, or to past interns — or, ask them before they show up for work that first day.
«There's been enormous change in breast imaging since that time, [and] in addition, radiologists» interpretation skills have improved tremendously,» says Dr. Wadden.
In population - based studies, we don't see social skills making any difference, and indeed in our adult samples teaching social skills has a very modest effect.
They explained to me their job, and helped identify the skills I had that were relevant to a product marketing role.
Consider a skill you've developed: Business, sports, personal, anything.
«I ask them about their past experience managing tricky situations with peers, and I've found that those with stronger soft skills have deeper perspectives on what to do and why.»
Opportunities are created through connections, and selling the skills you have.
And you're not just applying for a position, you also have to think about the step after that, so your skills have to fit in all the ways.
One of the critical factors in developing digital mastery is to make the IT infrastructure more consumer - like, thereby enabling employees to use skills they have developed outside of work.»
What skills have helped you find strength while others around you were burning out?
That skill has translated directly to supporting her career growth in inside sales over the years.
In general, people in jobs requiring «cognitive non-routine» skills have done much better than those in jobs needing «manual routine» skills — and women are more frequently found among the first category of jobs.
And the skills they had before are likely to degrade because they're not being put to use.
Then I left corporate America to work in the cannabis industry, where I assumed my decade - plus of leadership experience, corporate design knowledge and other skills would be of value.
Unfortunately, Khalidi's restorative skills have not translated into strong profits.
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