Sentences with phrase «many stays at home moms»

This is something that businessmen and stay at home moms are all getting in on.
Jianna had a number of jobs in marketing, management and sales, before also becoming a stay at home mom.
Hey wait a minute, I think this is what happens already for stay at home moms or dads!
Allow me to be your guide into creating an independent online income for you, my fellow Stay At Home Moms
I think it's great you are a stay at home mom and there's no need to justify it as it is a precious job that takes a lot of time.
Being a stay at home mom does not necessarily mean that you can not engage in any money making activity.
If YES, here are 50 craft hobbies that make money for stay at home moms.
I too am a stay at home mom and I love looking for new ideas for decorating my house and making it a happy place for my family.
You make me feel so good about my decision to be a stay at home mom.
The stay at home mom had no means to provide.
«We live in a culture that values neither the career women nor the stay at home moms.
My mother had dreamed of being a stay at home mom, maybe teaching a class or two at the local college.
I am well educated, but chose to be a stay at home mom because material possessions mean nothing if my legacy (my children) arent successful in life.
but the WHOKLE of Bible showsotherwise (BOT man and woman made in image of God) in gensis Proverbs 31 is of a woman who works for her pay (NOT a stay at home mom) Paul refers to WOMEN as being his fellow workers!
To all who are leaving comments.Thanx for challenging my thinking, im learning lots from u guys.Where are all the ladies though?hehehe.I'm a stay at home mom too Jeremy.
I am close friends with a stay at home mom in TN, and we text each other with comments and anecdotes about us and not just our kids.
This mission is lived out as she works part - time as adjucnt faculty in Bible and Theology in Western Seminary's distance learning program, at her church, City Life Church in Grand Rapids, and as a stay at home mom and wife living on a college campus with her husband, Cory, who is a Resident Director in a men's dorm.
My mom was a stay at home mom and took care of the house and our family.
It's been nearly a year since I went back to work full time and I would love to say again that I am a stay at home mom!
My name is Pam and I am a stay at home mom with two children who inspire me to be a better cook.
I am an architect by profession, now a stay at home mom to two energetic boys.
Amina Rashad was a stay at home mom, her kids had started growing up and she began searching for something to fill... Keep Reading
Stay at Home Moms should be just that — stay at home Moms.
I agree with you on term stay at home moms being just that they stay at home!!!
Personally, I don't think that stay at home moms (or anyone else, for that matter) should be shoveling when the thermometer's broken and the 2 or 3 that ought to be in front of the 5 is missing.
I know what you mean about the stay at home mom thing.
This year, since I am a stay at home mom again, I have time to whip up some Christmas cookies between library playgroups and George's vet appointments.
I dearly love my boy but being a stay at home mom is hard for me because it was never part of the plan I had for my life.
I am a teacher turned play therapist and stay at home Mom.
I found this amazing recipe from Musings From a Stay at Home Mom that is so quick and easy and put a smile on my hubby's face.
Angela's Adventures is written by Angela, a stay at home mom of two little ones (and another one on the way)!
I am a stay at home mom of two boys and I have been... [Read more...]
As a stay at home Mom with 2 year old twins, one dish meals are invaluable - can you add more?
I am a stay at home mom to 3 kids ranging from 1 to 7.
A stay at home mom since 2009, Heather spends most of her days chasing children, maintaining a household and using the Internet to stay connected to the outside world.
I used to be a pastry chef and now Im a stay at home mom.
Tara is a stay at home mom to her adorable son, and as the name suggests, her blog is a place where she writes about food from all over the globe.
:) I recently went from full - time corporate, working mom, to full - time stay at home mom.
I'm calling this a BS so some upper class stay at home mom can have shit to blog about because she's bored at home.
Just a stay at home mom, trying to feed people anti-crap.
I am a 30 - something food lover, retired elementary school teacher, and stay at home mom living in Peoria, Illinois.
I am just a stay at home mom who loves to cook for her family.
Since we moved two months ago I'm still trying to adjust to being a stay at home mom with a clingy 11 month old and being on social media and cooking.
Why is Mrs Pof3 a stay at home mom?
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What is the difference between a job and being a stay at home mom?
ShareI am at the junction of tip - toeing back into the workforce after an absence of 2.5 years and though I look forward to actually finishing a cup of tea (and one that has not been reheated for the 20th time), I do feel pretty passionate about my role as a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom).
As a former stay at home mom now working mom (not by choice), I have to say it is harder to work and parent, but not because of the scheduling and working «two jobs» but because of not being able to be where you heart really is.
I was a full time stay at home mom for 4 years before my desire to start Hip Mountain Mama took over.
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