Sentences with phrase «many stories of people»

This data disregards all the successful stories of people, like me, who started their own business.
But the stories of the people who created these acclaimed works are just as fascinating and inspiring as the ones we see in theaters, ranging from partnerships between newfound friends, finally getting to yes after years of hard work and the remarkable work ethics of idiosyncratic minds.
In fact, the comments section of the above mentioned article has many stories of people who did sell in past years because they thought house prices were too high, only to subsequently watch from the sidelines as prices continued to march upward.
It could be the story of the person who developed the product.
San Diego - based GoFundMe has no shortage of heart - tugging stories of people raising money for everything from cancer treatment and college tuition to international adoptions.
If you're trying to transform your organization, the best thing you can do is tell the success stories of the people who are doing it well.
You know, people may say they understand diversity, but until you have lived it and have seen and heard the stories of people around the world, you really might not understand what diversity and inclusion really is or how important it is.
How often do we hear stories of people downing six energy drinks every night while they build their product?
Here at, we've brought you popular stories of people who retired in their early thirties and others who retired...
Our site is made up of many pages, but ultimately, this one page shares what's most important — the real stories of people using FlexJobs to successfully find jobs that better fit their lives.
There are an infinite number of stories of people who have made a ton of money but are miserable.
Startup Rising is contrarian, as are many great entrepreneurs: His stories of people, innovation, and ideas in the Middle East are cautiously hopeful — a contrast to the grim news stories.
Through stories of people who've made dramatic gains in self - awareness, she offers surprising secrets, techniques and strategies to help readers do the same — and how to use this insight to be more fulfilled, confident, and successful in life and in work.
I have heard stories of people taking out second mortgages and buying Bitcoin.
I hear a lot of stories of people who spend hundred of hours working on Internet businesses that never make more than 4 figures a month.
Here are three stories of people who badly wanted to buy, and who fulfilled that desire with an FHA mortgage.
There are far too many horror stories of people losing their bitcoin through their own negligence or lack of knowledge on how to secure their bitcoin.
In The $ 100 Startup, author Chris Guillebeau shares stories of people who started lifestyle - sustaining businesses for under $ 1,000 — sometimes as little as $ 100.
One good trait of a storyteller is they also know about the story of the person or people they are telling a story to.
There a lot of great success stories of people becoming home - based franchisees and eventually making millions of dollars, but not everyone will find this level of success.
Sometimes you would hear stories of people getting robbed of their hardworking money on their way out of the bank.
Although no hard statistics currently exist, stories of people who claim they are victims of spiritual abuse abound.
May we be discerning in connecting the stories of our people to the story of God.
There are numerous stories of people chronically ill, doomed to death who suddenly find themselves free of whatever affliction had tried to take them.
Where are the stories of people saying they are strong and live a happy life and think they should now turn to the church?
But I also want to say, if you had been here (I'm in Birmingham) and read some of the stories of people's kids being killed by this storm (so many had lost power already by earlier storms and had no idea F4 and F5 tornodoes were about to hit, and their kids were at friends» houses... and then those friends» houses were totally destroyed, and several parents lost all of their kids - I also know of several people who lost their wives AND all of their kids because they were at work while their family was at home)... anyways, if you could read some of these stories, who are you guys to tell them that their loved ones are not going off to a better place?
This means that this section needs to be filled the stories of the people themselves.
C) The stories of the people whose human rights are violated all too familiar.
I read stories of these people...
The Above stories are not islated stories, but they are closely inter-connected; and therefore, it is our belief and assumption that the stories of the people reveal the historical reality of the world, as they experience them.
Foley on the other hand, much is not known about his faith, what we know of him, he was passionate about telling the stories of those people who are caught in the cross fire in those war torn countries.
In your services, share the stories of the people's lives you touched.
Ten years later, the need for discernment seems no less great, for in every generation the story of Peoples Temple seems to be repeated in some way, leaving in its wake a grieving and confused community of families, friends and loved ones.
E) The stories of the people, who are forced to be alienated from their natural abode, whose environments are destroyed and polluted and poisoned by the industrial chemicals and atomic - radiation, whose lifeline is threatened by the deforestization and pollution of the fishery are countless.
D) The story of the people and coqunity, whose life have become miserable due to the corrosion of their cultural life and bombardment of coqercial information and values and outright cultural repression due to the policy and mechanism of cultural control and manipulation.
Danica, I completely agree with you... this is a collective story of people who have been kicked to the side, marginalized and silenced.
@Julie McMahon September 27, 2014 at 9:28 pm ``... this is a collective story of people who have been kicked to the side, marginalized and silenced.
To put it simply, most of their work is high - level illustration of supernatural truth, not stories of people on the move toward belief.
This is, of course, what the story of the people of Israel is to the Jewish theologian, what the story of black oppression is to the black theologian, what the story of the poor is to the third - world theologian.
The Old Testament is full of stories of the people of God being punished and suffering for their association with other nations because it contaminated their faith.
We heard stories of people being bullied for being black, gay, lesbian and Sikh.
It was shocking to hear the stories of people who felt they could not be honest with the people hired to be their Pastor.
A modern novel, based upon a true story of persons who defied Hitler's tyranny, so perfectly expresses the fulfilment of eros in the love of justice that it has been vividly un my mind throughout this discussion of family love.
Also, through my work on trafficking and prostitution, to raise the stories of people whose voices aren't heard in society right now.
It is the story of a people — ancient Israel's history over a period of some fifteen hundred years.
There have been many stories of people dying of cancer and the next day, the doctors can't find any trace of it.
There are so many stories of people, INCLUDING THE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH going well out of their way to save people.
They tell biblical stories of Jesus responding to the common people, and contemporary stories of the people in Korea, especially those who are oppressed or suffering.
The story of Joseph, all the stories of the Bible are not just stories in a book of virtues, they are stories of people who see God at work in their worlds, who see that they need God desperately.
It is a poignant story of people trying to hold on to their faith and community, but finally coming to terms with changes to which royal power gave the appearance of inevitability.
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