Sentences with phrase «many time periods»

Individual investors have only returned 2.5 percent in that same time period in large part due to fear.
For these four pairs, exchange rates for time period of up to 10 years can be obtained.
Moreover, using long time periods for averaging makes it impossible to avoid major volcanic eruptions, which involve uncertainty as to the large forcing excursions involved and their effects.
During time periods outside of the market hours for the underlying product being traded spreads maybe wider than what you are accustomed.
If you can remain cancer free, you may be able to lower your life insurance rates over time a period of time.
There is also the issue of variability in the value in any specific short time period from a single simulation.
We also are fighting for longer time periods in which to make a life - altering decision..
Students often fail to submit their papers on the given time period as they are already under a lot of pressure of completing their projects and assignments.
People who have suffered severe injuries or lost a loved one through wrongful death have a 2 year time period within they must initiate the process for a tort claim.
In addition, at different time periods during the year, teachers and administrators collect data to identify children's progress toward specified benchmarks and end - of - year expectations.
Generally, you must convert the policy at certain time periods specified in the policy.
They can also generate an extra money over specific time period by renting out property or by creating an informational product which can be downloaded online for residual sales.
Others will cover pre-existing conditions only if you purchase your policy within a specified time period after paying your trip deposit.
You can even set time periods when they can use the computer.
Plus, no matter how frequently vaccines are given there is a short time period when the puppy is not protected.
Besides looking pregnant for a shorter time period after giving birth, this also means that you may have a shorter postpartum bleeding.
But I intend to break it down into three different time periods with different sets of characters so that a single storyline will conclude within three years of start up.
It establishes patterns that you might have never realized existed, and even lets you compare based on time period — both long and short term.
Over a six month time period of perfect bill - paying, you can see an increase in your credit score.
You can even layer multiple term life policies to provide different amounts of coverage over time periods where your needs may change.
It is important to remember that there is a limited time period within which you can bring a claim after a car accident.
Since there can be a long time period between when one policyholder dies and when the death benefit is paid, it doesn't work as well as income replacement.
Future studies should replicate and further explore the role of parenting over an extended time period from childhood into young adulthood.
The amounts offered and time periods covered vary as well.
The rules vary for leases when other time periods for rental payments are involved.
Our pets may do better within certain time periods before losing energy or showing any change in their pain levels, for example.
The only difference between a 50 - day moving average and a 200 - day moving average is the number of time periods used in the calculation.
How much have you gained and over what time period did the weight gain happen?
The statewide voucher program is currently capped at 1,000 students and would cost about $ 75 million over the same time period if it is not expanded.
You can also define time periods for the change - indefinitely, or for up to 8 hours.
This calculation looks at price changes for units that are available across time periods, matching on street address, bedroom size, and square footage (within 50 feet).
Even this short time period shows a strong natural component.
The chart below shows annual returns for stocks, bonds and a 65 %: 35 % mixed portfolio during various time periods.
My parents allowed me to buy smartphone in about 1 - 1.5 years time period only....
One significant ambiguity relates to when the 60 - day time period begins to run.
The main concept to remember is Term policies will terminate after the stated time period designated on the policy.
With ART insurance plans, you will have seen many increases in the same time period so will be paying very different amounts at the end of your policy that that of the beginning.
This diversification strategy, like the value strategy, goes through time periods like the last five years when it delivers below - market returns.
The tests that you did in the cases, changing time periods, looking at auto correlation etc. to you seem non trivial, but that is because you found them relevant.
Do you set the work in a specific historical time period which may influence the spectrum of colour?
Of significance, moving small amounts from bonds into stocks over an extended time period ended up being slightly better than having a fixed allocation with rebalancing.
The pump may need to be replaced if used frequently over a long time period because the motor is small and not meant for heavy - duty use.
• Safety timer — automatically send a distress alert to a contact of your choice if you don't stop the timer within your chosen time period during a showing.
In the first five months of 2016, there have been at least 23 reported shootings by toddlers, as compared to 18 in the same time period last year.
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