Sentences with phrase «many times we show»

Quick response times show that if something important comes up you are always on top of your inbox.
TV networks have spent more time showing an empty podium or a Trump headshot during his phone interviews than they have on most of the rest of the Republican field.
The half - time show will feature Justin Timberlake.
«Successful people treat it like the half - time show at a football game — an opportunity to regroup and consider how they're going to play out the rest of their day.»
Loretta Lynch, attorney general under President Barack Obama during the 2016 campaign, at the time showed an interest in avoiding using the word «investigation» to describe the FBI's interest in Clinton's email server, Comey said.
It's the very same estate, in fact, that Beyoncé called home while in town for her Super Bowl half - time show last month.
Yet, a recent report from the Financial Times shows that over the past two years MBA graduates have cooled on entrepreneurship, with less than one in five choosing the less stable startup experience.
When the big image of the product appears on screen, we want the time shown to be close to the actual time on the audience's watches.»
A GfK Roper poll sponsored by the Associated Press and conducted around the same time showed 69 % felt taxes would have to be increased to balance the budget, compared to just 29 % of Americans who felt it could be balanced without raising taxes.
In his junior year, he quit school to move for L.A., where he got his breakthrough fronting KYSR - FM's afternoon drive - time show (reportedly for $ 15 an hour) and hosting three TV shows for kids.
The restriction effectively limits the reach of individual accounts to users who already follow that person — their tweets are essentially hidden from everyone else for the period of time shown in the warning.
Why it is probably bunk: News reports at the time show that Ripken was at the stadium and sitting in the dugout prior to the power outage.
The product is featured on CNBC's Wednesday - night prime - time show «Staten Island Hustle,» which follows the group of businessmen and their entrepreneurial efforts.
«Next time she shows up late,» Lipson told this boss, «improvise something you're never tried before.»
That number tops the previous record of 1.4 million comments, which was set in 2004 when Janet Jackson experienced an alleged wardrobe malfunction on live - television during that year's Super Bowl half - time show.
In another report, The Times showed how an employee at Palantir Technologies — an intelligence contractor founded by the Trump backer and tech investor Peter Thiel — helped Cambridge harvest Facebook data.
Records reviewed by The Times show that roughly 300,000 people took the survey, but because of the access to friends» information allowed at the time, Facebook said that as many as 87 million users could have been affected.
Elon Musk has shared yet another photo of SpaceX's spacesuit, this time showing the full - body design.
But the emails obtained by The New York Times show no response from Mr. Cohen, who told congressional investigators that he regarded Mr. Sater's talk as puffery.
When you advertise on GCI Cable networks, any advertisements aired during a recorded program will be replayed each time the show is watched.
We have to protect & build our Steel and Aluminum Industries while at the same time showing great flexibility and cooperation toward those that are real friends and treat us fairly on both trade and the military.
Paying your bills on time shows that you are reliable and can effectively manage (and pay off) your debt.
Hogg urged his followers on Twitter to contact advertisers for Ingraham's prime time show, and by Thursday afternoon, after at least two companies had distanced themselves from the program, the host offered an apology.
For example, between the period of 2012 and 2016, many US companies had a hard time showing positive growth at one point or another during this period.
Now that you've indulged in Thanksgiving excess and dipped your toe into holiday shopping, isn't it time you showed a charity some love?
While these data at times show marked differences across areas, they suggest that prices in a number of inner - city localities, including Melbourne's CBD and the City of Sydney, had come off their peaks by the September quarter (Graph D2).
As with the debut, offer a lot to take in upon first listen, but this time they show their ability to bring back the tempo and impress you in more ways than one.
In fact, many times I showed up after worship ended.
However close study of the time shows that Roman rule was no more oppressive and usually less so than the people they conquered.
In this Guest Post by comedian Tony Brent, he says it's high time we showed the rest of the world we know how to have a good time!
Research in an article by The New York Times shows the power of writing your personal story can lead to behavioral changes and improve happiness.
My reflections on the nature of evolutionary time show that it is not essentially contingent and that it is possible to speak of God's eternity as the Fullness of Time without implying that God becomes or is contingent.
If we metaphysicians, on our side, spent more time showing how metaphysics shapes practice in a variety of fields, the dichotomy between our field and the crucial issues of justice and survival could be overcome.
And every time you show them the empty closet they refuse to believe it was empty a moment ago or won't be full of monsters as soon as you close the door.
In my past (very recent past) I have spent a lot of time talking, speaking, and writing about grace, and very little time showing it or living it.
Moreover, the phenomenological analysis of our direct experience of time shows that the emergence of the present novelty and the retention of the past are two complementary aspects of one and the same process (BMP II.8).
Studies comparing marriage and birth records during colonial times show, for instance, that Elijah and Hannah married on January 1, and on June 1, Hannah gave birth to an eight - pound, six - ounce baby girl!
The writers accurate use of common names of the time shows they had access to reliable information about the people and places involved in the history of Jesus and that their writings took place at about the same time as the events (there would have been no way to access information regarding names of that time hundreds of years after the period, remember, no books, no libraries, etc..)
Later, the Super Bowl half - time show reinforced our patriotic sentiments, as marching bands and drill teams formed a large American flag on the football field.
We have our predecessors to thank for not needing to fear that someone would put a bullet in our head every time we show ourselves as Christians.
• «There must be no scenes at any time showing law - enforcing officers dying at the hands of criminals.»
By the time he shows up and finds out who has come slithering home, he is convinced that he has been displaced.
The man Jesus at one and the same time shows us the full potential in man, and brings us into encounter with God, the deepest reality for our existence.
When it was announced that Timberlake would perform the half - time show at this year's Super Bowl, many people understandably thought of Janet Jackson.
Throughout this lecture I have assumed that whatever else we may believe about Jesus we accept that he was, inwardly as well as outwardly, a man: I need not spend time showing that this assumption is to be found in every part of the New Testament.
You all think it's just the half - time show, but what if you're wrong and you believed and did all this stuff for nothing?
So with the conversion experience: that it should for even a short time show a human being what the highwater mark of his spiritual capacity is, this is what constitutes its importance — an importance which backsliding can not diminish, although persistence might increase it.
The Catholic representative, in his great outgoing spirit, spent most of his time showing that the Roman church does respect and guard the individual conscience.
I have quoted Calvin's Institutes: «God [exalted] man above all the other animals to separate him from the common number, because he has attained to no vulgar life, but a life connected with the light of intelligence and reason --[this] at the same time shows how he was made in the image of God.»
«The «blame Woodstock» explanation [The NY Times showing its true colours?]
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