Sentences with phrase «many traditional beliefs»

«While I think the traditional belief is that this is somewhat of a «boomer» product, I believe that the statistics are proving that not to be true at all,» the CEO added.
And in his new book, The Power Paradox: How We Gain And Lose Influence, he explains why our traditional beliefs on leadership power must be tossed away if our goal is to succeed in motivating 21st Century workers.
One might be puzzled at how a philosophical radical regarding traditional beliefs could incline to conservative ideas with respects to practices and institutions, but there is no great mystery.
And even the many who have wholeheartedly converted have been reluctant to relinquish all their traditional beliefs and practices.
Certainly the universe has more to offer by way of guaranteeing their traditional beliefs than what Schweitzer proffers, they contend.
Faithful communities around the world are increasingly being threatened by secular ideologies intolerant of their traditional beliefs.
Job argues on behalf of reality while several of his friends take the side of this traditional belief.
Karl Barth gave voice to the concern of a generation to recover lost elements of traditional belief.
Reports circulated over a draft of an executive order designed to expand protections for individuals, organizations, and corporations» religious convictions — including traditional beliefs on gender, sexuality, and marriage.
My disappointment is that the church has been slow to change, reluctant to seek unity, afraid to identify with the poor and hesitant about opening its doors to spiritual explorers who may have questions about traditional beliefs.
A quarter of both evangelicals and black Protestants said they wouldn't mind if their church adjusted its traditional beliefs and practices, and a minority (8 % of evangelicals, 13 % of black Protestants) wanted their church to adopt modern beliefs and practices.
He maintained that if the church is to be relevant to our time it must be ready to criticize itself and re-examine its traditional beliefs and practices.
It opposes every traditional belief of Christianity when it comes to how we treat our brothers and sisters all over this earth.
It is important to recognize that traditional beliefs about the Trinity and about the status of Jesus Christ, which are often called Christology, were shaped by opposition to views which the majority of Christians felt were untrue to scripture and to their experience of faith.
His «Credo of the People of God» reaffirmed traditional beliefs that were being called into question in some theological circles.
This means that a large number of Christians follow the traditional beliefs of their antecedents, churches or mission bodies that led them to Christianity.
This way I can navigate through traditional beliefs of other believers.
Strange as it may seem, there is no need for someone who holds traditional beliefs to deny that there may be much good in the sexual relations single people enter into.
They may be helped by the traditional belief in guardian angels.
«Man whose soundbyte quotes may shock traditional beliefs of Jesus turns out to be someone who knows a thing or two when you spend roughly two months talking to him and reading his work»
Moralistic Therapeutic Deism appears to mix with more traditional beliefs and practices in different ways for conservative Protestants, mainline Protestants, black Protestants, Roman Catholics, Jews, Mormons and the nonreligious.
But while you wouldn't necessarily know it to read some headlines, experts don't believe parchment amounts to much in terms of turning over any traditional beliefs about Jesus being married.
Although initial provisions of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 affirmed constitutional protection for the practice of Native traditional beliefs, those basic rights continue to be threatened by legal challenges to the American Indian Freedom of Religion Act of 1978.
By comparing the six campuses that required statements of faith from all entering students with the three campuses that did not, the study was able to test whether a more «insular» setting actually served better to protect the plausibility of traditional beliefs.
There are plenty of «traditional beliefs that have been handed down from generation to generation» not worth saving, right?
In closing Bill Nye the Science Guy... you can not tell parents to go against and not teach their kids, the traditional beliefs that have been handed down from generation to generation because it goes against what you believe.
It's my understanding that most atheists reject the traditional beliefs in gods including the Abrahamic god; but do not necessarily assert or try to prove that there can not be any deities.
Whether the traditional belief in providential design is truly «outdated,» as Sauer believes, is another matter.
New developments have a proven history of overturning traditional beliefs held by majorities, right?
Indeed, some of them are sensitive to the changes taking place in religious thinking, to the uncertainty about many traditional beliefs, and to the difficulty of speaking of God so as to be understood.
I claim that Vosper, rather than blowing her own horn or trying to make a buck off the church while she can — as some have accused — is actually working in the spirit of Bishop Pike to bring about this same honest re-examination of traditional beliefs, polity, and social awareness and action as someone who appreciates the tradition and all it holds dear, but only in a different way than the church would wish.
The church must be ready for self - criticism and closely examine the validity of its traditional beliefs and practices in a «work come of age».
The main question remains: Can relational theology contribute to traditional belief in subjective immortality or only critique misplaced emphases within that belief?
Is it possible that the UCC, in its efforts to be inclusive, are now being invited to be truly inclusive, even of its own members and clergy that are undoubtedly re-examining traditional beliefs?
Vosper is not the only minister who questions and even rejects traditional beliefs.
Christian faith... is possible apart from belief in Jesus» resurrection in particular and life beyond bodily death in general, and because of the widespread skepticism regarding these traditional beliefs, they should be presented as optional.
Despite a widespread impression to the contrary, «creationism» was not a traditional belief of nineteenth - century conservative Protestants or even of early twentieth - century fundamentalists.
Does Whitehead's position lead him to a traditional belief of life after death?
In the Western countries, including the United States, Muslims are struggling to reconcile their traditional belief that the Sharia embraces all of life, including politics, with the religious and cultural pluralism of the modern state.
In their quest to make a new kind of Jew, the Zionists went so far in the early years of the state as to seek to strip the hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees from Arab countries of their traditional beliefs and practices in order to transform them into good secular and progressive Zionists.
Under the guise of scientific objectivity and antiseptic disinterestedness, the legitimating authority of traditional belief has been seized and bent to the service of new legitimations by a new authority.
There is an unspoken skepticism of traditional beliefs which lack sufficient philosophical justification.
On the one hand, insofar as traditional beliefs could be «useful» to secular ends (i.e., the rise of capitalism) they were reshaped into a supportive religious ideology (i.e., the Protestant ethic).
And this was no diluted, traditional belief in miracles, according to which events in themselves natural are called miracles on account of their significance or their surprising or terrifying character.
The fully secular were respondents who claimed no religious belonging and reported no significant religious beliefs or behaviors (reporting no religious «preference,» holding few traditional beliefs, and seldom or never attending religious services).
In this age when the culture of modernity has been fast eroding the traditional belief in God, along with the transcendent spiritual world supposedly surrounding him, the conservative devotees of the religious past hold ever more firmly to the most tangible form of the past: Holy Scripture.
They have maintained a fair amount of traditional beliefs; in the same fashion, the Hindus have easily come to terms with the cult of Virgin Mary who is the dominant figure in the religious life of Christians.42
If Bell's book is not an argument for universalism, and that Bell's rhetorical questions are not meant to ridicule the traditional beliefs of eternal conscious suffering, penal substitutionary atonement, and salvation by faith alone in Christ alone, then the marketing mechanism is a paradigm example of what Harry Frankfurt has defined as «bull ****.»
Could it be that Americans, even some who profess traditional beliefs about these issues, prefer their theology a bit vague?
He sets out some traditional beliefs - that we have an all powerful, loving and knowing god - who gave us free will - but he's ultimately in control (both the prime cause, so in terms of cause - effect and foreknowledge there can be no free will, and with the ability to intercede at any moment, which is the reson for intercessionary prayer).
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