Sentences with phrase «many types of carbohydrates»

You might want to speak to a doctor / naturopath / dietician about it, the diet focuses on avoiding certain types of carbohydrates.
I have worked with clients who have difficulty with what are called «FODMAP» carbohydrates — certain types of carbohydrates that digest poorly in some situations.
There are two types of carbohydrate in foods: digestible and non-digestible.
(FODMAPs are types of carbohydrates that are sometimes poorly digested by the small intestine, causing irritable bowel symptoms like pain, bloating and gas when they pass into the large intestine.
It turned out that the «carbs» in the article were resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate that our digestive enzymes can not break down.
The type of carbohydrate that is of concern to most people is digestible carbohydrate (starch and sugar).
GI (glycemic index) tells you whether the carbohydrate in the particular food is a «slow» or «fast» type of carbohydrate.
Energy bars: For energy supply before, during or after sports, different types of carbohydrates can be used for an immediate energy boost, for a sustained energy release or a combination of both.
The type of carbohydrate consumed is also very important, and this factor is actually becoming more accepted (though gluten - free diets still get their share of unfair mockery in the mainstream media).
If you're new to the world of resistant starch, here's what you need to know: Resistant starch (or RS) is a type of carbohydrate that we can't digest, so it fewer calories than regular carbs.
It's also formulated with a special type of carbohydrate that is supposed to reduce gas.
Glucose, a type of carbohydrate, is the brain's main source of energy.
If you think about food as your body's fuel source you know that you'll need to have in it everything your body uses.The most important parts to include are good fats, good proteins and healthy types of carbohydrates.
Prebiotics are a type of carbohydrate that's naturally found in foods including some fruits and vegetables.
Prebiotics are a type of carbohydrate that helps promote gastrointestinal health.
Insulin is secreted in response to a type of carbohydrate called glucose.
«There are still many unanswered questions regarding this study, including what type of carbohydrate - containing foods may be the most important foods that breast cancer survivors should limit,» she said.
Eating carbs rich in Resistant Starch (RS), a type of carbohydrate thats getting lots of attention in scientific circles.
What is not so speculative is that once you're leptin - resistant, you become obese and insulin resistant, and at that point you are intolerant to any type of carbohydrate.
Yes, you heard that right — Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body can't digest.
All plants contain fiber, but seaweed also has other odd types of carbohydrates that we lack the digestive enzymes to digest.
Research suggests that many IBS sufferers are sensitive to these types of carbohydrates — including fructose (found in fruits and honey), lactose (in dairy), fructans (in wheat, garlic, and onions), galactans (in legumes), and polyols (used as artificial sweeteners and found in stone fruits like apricots, cherries, and nectarines).
In fact, scientists found that the gut bacteria in healthy Japanese people are higher in bacteria that can digest the types of carbohydrates in seaweed (source).
As you know, fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body can't break down into glucose, and both types of fiber, soluble and insoluble, are beneficial for the organism in many ways.
The researchers surveyed roughly 48,000 Italian adults about their diets in detail, noting the amount and types of carbohydrates they consumed on a regular basis.
Using easy - to - understand subjective measures, like how you feel after a meal, as well as a blood glucose monitor, you can precisely determine what amounts and types of carbohydrates and other foods allow you to keep your blood sugar within healthy ranges.
And recent research reveals that potatoes contain a type of carbohydrate called resistant starch, which can help you stay full, keep blood sugar in check, and maintain gut health.
Mucin is a polysaccharide (a type of carbohydrate) that is combined with protein to form a strong, gel - like substance that is tightly adhered to the gut epithelium.
There are two types of carbohydrate in foods: digestible and non-digestible.
The type of carbohydrate present.
The type of carbohydrate that is of concern to most people is digestible carbohydrate (starch and sugar).
Corn maltodextrin = a polysaccharide (type of carbohydrate), which is digested as rapidly as glucose.
Even a modest reduction in consumption of these types of carbohydrate - rich foods may promote loss of deep belly fat.
Resistant starch is a type of carbohydrate that our digestive enzymes can not break down, meaning it's not absorbed in the small intestine of healthy individuals.
That's thought to be at least partly thanks to a type of carbohydrate they contain called glucans.
The glycemic index is a system of numbers associated with a particular type of carbohydrate that indicates the carbohydrate's effect on raising a person's blood glucose (also called blood sugar) level.
Diabetics need to pay close attention to the amount and type of carbohydrates they eat.
This powder consists mainly of two types of carbohydrates — rapidly digestible starch, which breaks down easily into glucose (blood sugar), and resistant starch, which we can not digest.
Know more about the different types of carbohydrates that we need depending on our activity level.
The type of carbohydrates your supplement has is important.
Remember that all fruits, especially fruit juices, are high in fruit sugar — fructose, a type of carbohydrate.
The difference between this type of carbohydrate and the «naughty» ones, is that it is not digested or absorbed into the body, but it has a starring role in keeping you healthy.
These foods contain a special type of carbohydrate called resistant starch that nourishes and strengthens beneficial gut microbes.
The amount and type of carbohydrates you consume every day can affect your blood sugar.
But the study, which assessed the women's diets only once and then followed them for 15 years, did not look at what types of carbohydrates or what sources of protein these women ate.
In terms of carbs, you should not only limit your intake but also the types of carbohydrates you bring into your body.
The type of carbohydrate consumed pre-workout is not critical and individuals are encouraged to experiment with different types of carbs.
There are many types of carbohydrates - this Wikipedia article explains more:
1) Just how insulin resistant your insulin receptors are on your cells 2) What type of carbohydrate your eating.
However, quinoa contains fiber, a type of carbohydrate not found in chicken.
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