Sentences with phrase «many useful idiot»

The leaders of Animal Farm maintain thought control by obscuring the facts with smokescreens, rewriting history, creating conspiracy theories about pending attacks, faking victims, slander, scapegoating, murdering opposition, outrageous public works projects to keep the animals busy, and through a large group of useful idiots — sheep — that spread their message unthinkingly and distract dissenters.
This story fits in so well, what you said Stalin did, was exactly what Blockstream people did, they all kicked out the real people that supported and promoted the actual original idea and system (in this case Bitcoin system) and then using censorship, propaganda and army of USEFUL IDIOTS to fight their dirty wars, try to take out the original idea, and replace the system with some other shit that will benefit them.
It would mean that any project that gains enough traction is open to being taken over through the same means that Bitcoin was taken over before: censorship, lies, propaganda, theft, slander, and masses of unprincipled useful idiots.
I like you and all and I really appreciate you being a USEFUL IDIOT this whole time, but now I must ask you to submit to Allah».
A useful idiot for the Obama administration and its willing accomplices in the press.
Conservatives are nothing but useful idiots to the rich.
I have said that conservatism is 5 % people who game the system (like the slave holders of old) and 95 % useful idiots those who fight for them but have no interest in the outcome (used by the system — manipulated)!
That is where the phrase, «useful idiots» come to play.
Some in our gov» t and the media certainly are useful idiots.
It is open season on Christians and CNN is just one more useful idiot leading the charge towards total fascist intolerance and complete erosion of our rights.
The Natural Family BLOG is my love note to all of the many useful idiot thought police moderators who censored, banned, and deleted my voice all over the web these past two decades.
It is sad the Akufo - Addo did not donate one of his eyes to that useful idiot, Adzakuma.
They have sold US out to global interests who are rife with traitors — to US — and the teabaggers are their useful idiots.
The defeat of Hillary Clinton and the election of Donald Trump, whether there is Kompromat on him or not, whether he is an innocent man or not, a useful idiot or the Manchurian candidate personified, is currently being perceived as another remarkable Russian triumph as the Kremlin again rewrites the rules of conflict.
They want their Islamic Victory mosque at Ground Zero and liberal useful idiots are on their side.
Don't make yourself their current useful idiot in the parliamentary Labour party.
«Useful idiot» is a political term which is often used to describe the misguided supporters of an unreasonable, irresponsible, ill - conceived and ill - advised cause.
From: Vote Tim ScottTimothy (Tim) Eugene ScottFed nominees vow to rebuff pressure from Trump on interest rates The Hill's 12:30 Report Juan Williams: Trump's useful idiots MORE
The media never admits after the election how they have served as useful idiots for the DCCC.
Unfortunately, it is the hotheads and useful idiots, those who act only from heart and not from head, who fall prey to the agent provocateurs.
He has accused the Lib Dems of being «useful idiots».
But it's clear the Lib Dems have become the Tories» useful idiots; offering progressive poses for a Conservative budget that hits the poorest hardest and an economic strategy that puts honest people's jobs at risk.
Reacting, Fani - Kayode wrote on Twitter,» When I wrote that this boy was a useful idiot and an accursed slave some said I was being harsh.
Buckingham MP John Bercow reminded the useful idiots that Cuba is not Paradise, but rather a dystopian nightmare:
Useful idiots for the Tory Party and the No to AV campaign's shadowy backers the lot of you.
Really sucks to see our hobby being **** up by corporations who pander to the useful idiots and Sjw's.
The useful idiots — those well - meaning gamers who bought the» ethics in game journalism» party line and got unwittingly swept up into a harassment campaign — have mostly departed.
However, the teachers unions and the radicals will get most of the press coverage and teachers will come out of all this looking like useful idiots or worse.
Indoctrination: How «Useful Idiots» Are Using Our Schools to Subvert American Exceptionalism is an invaluable book written by Kyle Olson, founder and CEO of the Education Action Group, an organization that is on the frontline of education reform and a champion of school choice.
Really sucks to see our hobby being **** up by corporations who pander to the useful idiots and Sjw's.
Is Canada unwittingly serving as a «useful idiot» in Xi Jinping's grand plans to restore China's lost greatness?
Useful idiots tattooing the CO2ppm of their brithday.
All he said is that it really was an anonymous older guy that was responsible for exposing the Left's AGW - spokesarse, Al Gore as just one more of Lenin's Useful Idiots.
The AGU treatment of scientist Roger Pielke Jr. by its minions should come as no surprise though, since these editors are likely the useful idiots of AGU board members pushing non-scientific political agendas.
So, it really is an anonymous older guy that is responsible for exposing the Left's AGW - spokeshole, Al Gore as just one more of Lenin's Useful Idiots?
If all you do is continue your nonsense then you do great harm because you become one of the useful idiots whose comments get mocked by those who seek to discredit skeptics and use stupidity like yours as an example.
Thank you, Chris Mooney and the useful idiots of the academic world - destroying science and the journals with political correctness one step at a time.
The circulation of misinformation is a form of Disinformation, which was a key strategy used on a massive scale by the KGB to promote communism (and btw recruit «useful idiots» to their cause) during the Cold War.
The sooner the Federal Government acts on this abuse of Australian citizens by the wind industry and their conflicted «useful idiots» the better off the world will be, for everyone.
By allowing themselves to be co-opted as useful idiots to support a so - called «noble cause», where the ends justify the means as well as failing to exhibit a modicum of caution or undertake due diligence, they now find themselves endorsing an industry denying in public what it knows in private to be true.
It is also about the useful idiots co-opted to help sell its message.
These people are the coin of the manipulators as in «useful idiots
The Left welcomes Lenin's useful idiots whether they be from the pseudo-left or establishment Republicans.
Be a nice «useful idiot» and watch your bank account disappear in a cloud of CO2 Insanity.
UN In Desperation Tries To Frighten Political Elites; Turns To WAPO Reporter To Spread The B.S. — Useful Idiot or Dumber Than A Rock?
They don't care that their «we are saving the planet» actions are seen by the money men as the actions of useful idiots.
And there are a lot of «useful idiots» on their coat tails that seem to be helping them in their endeavours.
C3 Headlines September 25, 2009 article was entitled: «UN In Desperation Tries To Frighten Political Elites; Turns To WAPO Reporter To Spread The B.S. — Useful Idiot or Dumber Than A Rock?»
The trick is in the meantime to avoid impoverishing ourselves attempting to avoid a scare trumpeted by people who desire additional, even complete, control over our lives, helped along by their useful idiots.
(As long as they fulfill the role of useful idiots in the governments cancerous growth).
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