Sentences with phrase «many venomous»

Stiglitz told us that this decades - old debate about how to balance the creation of short - term and long - term value is recently gaining new life in the US because of the venomous class class tensions and ugly politics arising out of income inequality, and because people in positions of power are looking at the big picture and realizing that something has to change.
As labour relations have turned venomous, the airline's balance sheet looks increasingly toxic as well.
Plus, it was venomous and laid eggs.
The economic crisis magnified this venomous cycle: «Whether it's financial bailouts or oil spills, it seems every time one turns on the television there is some executive testifying before Congress... blaming other organizations rather than taking any accountability.»
In a panel discussion following a Saturday screening of the film in New York, Sarkeesian — a San Francisco entrepreneur who with her team of four creates the video series Feminist Frequency — addressed possible responses to the online abuse women face from gamers, ex-boyfriends and other venomous sources.
The venomous snake swam alongside the boat before making its way round the back and slithering onto the wooden decking.
Predictably, not everyone is, as evidenced by a continuous outpouring of venomous response tweets making the rounds.
Once the venomous spines are cooked or removed, they become a non-issue, and it turns out lionfish are as tasty as any other white fish.
Yet somehow that hasn't stopped entrepreneur and restaurateur Ryan Chadwick, who is on a mission to bring lionfish, a venomous and invasive species wreaking havoc in the Atlantic ocean, to dinner plates across the country.
But there's one that you'd think might make it impossible: venomous.
A business - communication industry group that named Blazek its Communicator of the Year in 2013 said an ethics committee is currently evaluating how to address her venomous leaked messages.
Venomous tweets from the billionaire's granddaughter — aimed at Shari Redstone — are the latest twist.
To be sure, the venomous tweets from Redstone's 34 - year old granddaughter shouldn't matter much to shareholders of CBS (CBS) and Viacom (VIAB), but Sumner Redstone's personal and business lives have always been deeply — often painfully — intertwined.
Venomous snakes and lizards claim the lives of six Americans each year.
In May, a 37 - year old Missouri man who was wading through a river in the town of Nixa was bitten on both legs by a venomous snake and died in the hospital the next day, USA Today reported.
These include big cats, bears, primates and venomous snakes.
We forget that every venomous word we speak or write to others is an assault on the heart of a man or a woman made in the image and likeness of the Almighty.
Think about it - do people like you ever take on the Unification Church (the Moonies), the Church of Scientology or their ilk with such venomous wrath?
How dare you pretend to be a christian and spew venomous words that contradict the religion you say you belong to and believe in.
And your message is more hateful and venomous than anything myself and any of my Christian friends would ever wish upon anyone.
Much environmental writing is marked by a treacly sentimentality about nature, often combined, oddly enough, with a venomous contempt for the part of nature that is humanity.
What I find difficult to comprehend is how venomous some of these comments are from those who claim to be Christian.
Despite all your venomous statements, people recognize your lies and deceit.
It takes a venomous snake at least a day to regenerate more venom after a full milking.
He caught there what we would see played out, with a venomous, unbending force a year later, as the votaries of same - sex marriage would seek to bring down the hammer of the law on such luminaries as bakers and florists.
Those that believe in the sacrificial and purity gods, collapse into rule keeping, legislative righteousness, slavish thinking, and venomous anger as they kill their own gay children or chant «holiness» as they murder in fact or figuratively.
Then it was the older woman, his mother's mother, who lost her temper at Fania, «and spat terrible words at her in Russian or Polish mixed with Yiddish,» while his mother «sat there like a scolded child, and as her mother shot one venomous question at her after another, all of them soaked and sizzling with sibilants, she said nothing in reply.»
Participatory theonomy provides the antidote to the venomous moralism that vilifies and demonises «homosexuality is wrong because God said so»; «we've never allowed that sort of thing»; and other irrational sentiments unfit to print.
She pronounced it with venomous, piercing rage, like a vulture pouncing on its prey, and then she threw her cup against the wall.
In any event, it was all fairly conventional, merrily venomous talk - radio ranting, and I would probably have forgotten it a moment afterward if, at the end, the woman speaker had not opined that this «Occupy business» was all a part of the decay of the «traditional Christian values that built this nation» — a judgment to which the other two assented vigorously.
There are some harsh posts here, but there are easily as many if not more harsh «venomous» posts by religious people here, including yourself.
Many parts of Finkelstein's critique of the contemporary Jewish world have been made before by other leftist Jews, for instance by Lenni Brenner in Jews in America Today (1986), while venomous anti «Zionism has been a stock «in «trade of the extreme left since the 1960s.
And, mind, this means all kinds and ways of violence: psychological manipulation, doctrinal terrorism, economic imperialism, the venomous warfare of free competition, is well as torture, guerrilla movements, police action.
You are an idiot Bob, and for justthe things I have seen you post, the venomous hate you spew... you will burn
In a pair of particularly venomous columns National Journal editor and Washington Post columnist Michael Kelly not only derided antiwar protesters as those «unhappy people who like to yell about the awfulness of «Amerika» or international corporations or rich people or people who drive large cars,» but he also attacked pacifists as «liars,» «frauds» and «hypocrites,» whose views are «objectively pro-terrorist» and «evil.»
The snake was not venomous, but all of her friends told her to kill it, to have «a good snake massacre».
They have repeatedly declared so in venomous words and murderous deeds.
Such a shame that such a personality could be filled with venomous hate and greed.
So Gingrich pitched in and added to the sum total of public ignorance while also injecting his own personal brand of venomous hysteria (Bernanke was also the most «dangerous and power - centered» Federal Reserve Chairman in history) into the conversation.
No one in their right mind would knowingly handle venomous snakes, Repubs or Dems.
I can always tell when someone like you speaks the truth by the number of venomous posts that follow.
These people who spew venomous hatred against us and against the Lord are spiritually driven.
Muslims appear peace loving on the outside, but at the root of all, they are guided by venomous philosophy — Kuran, which teaches violence and intolerance for every other faith and religion.
John the baptist called the religious leaders in Israel vipers,,,, Jewsus did too... so does Paul in Romans chapter 1 saying that they had the poison of asps under their tongut... just mean venomous people who have sour spirit controling religion...
John the baptists callled theh pharasees vipers to give you a clue Jesus called them serpents and viperfs too and Paul after departing form his venomous campaign after killing Stephen and vonverting turned aroudn in Romans chap 0ne saying they had th epoison of asps under their tongues quoting a vewrse in the Psalms... serpents are mean hateful religious people... that's all...
Taking up serpents the way jesus speaks of is simply to expose them as venomous hateful hypocrits who are full of envy..
Don't play with venomous snakes.
A venomous snake does what its programming tells it to do... bite idiots who get too close to them
You could say that all venom is poisonous, but not all poison is venomous - that would be going pretty far out, though.
they,,,, the serpents today are in lead positions in Churchds who are venomous and hatefull... due from the lack of satisfaction in their own lives nd careers and intentions..
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