Sentences with phrase «many ways of learning»

«Strive to improve yourself, look for ways of learning, growing, and so on; but at the same time appreciate how good you already are,» advises PsyBlog.
It's because Gen - Y has a different way of learning and interacting in the workforce.
Uncover innovative ways of learning about the attitudes, actions and intent of your customers, and sharing that insight to both your stakeholders and community members.
Their training is a unique, inspiring and empowering way of learning.
Rediscovering a love for biography and memoir as a way of learning about history.
Having good mentors is a way of learning faster, which will take you more quickly to where you will be successful.»
Participant observation has not always been an accepted way of learning about a social group.
As a way of learning how to take alien points of view, this sort of exercise is excellent, and some children do very fine things with it.
It seems to me that the ease and carelessness with which many Christians employ the word «biblical» is one of the biggest barriers in the way of learning to love the Bible for what is, not what we want it to be.
One of the best ways of learning what the Bible means is by studying the historical and cultural background of the various Biblical books.
Answering questions can be a way of learning.
The only reliable way of learning this is by using the accepted methods of historical study.
Most traditional religious groups in the country can, I think, find ways of learning from this elemental American commitment to humaneness.
Darn that «control freak» part of my personality that seems to get in the way of learning what God is trying to teach me!
The matter in which there might be spiritual progress in time on a time span extending over many generations of life on earth is... the opportunity open to souls by way of the learning that comes through suffering, for getting into closer communication with God during their brief passage through this world.
So, as you can see on the thread below about PHILOSOPHICAL SECTARIANISM, the blog is pretty good way of learning about philosophy.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, some have a different way of teaching just like some have a different way of learning.
Also great for those of us looking for an accessible way of learning to create new dishes — without sugar.
Food has been my way of learning about my heritage, about the people who came before me and the place where we have our roots.
«Dexter has this way of learning about people, sometimes without them knowing it,» says his wife, Lydia Manley.
Seriously though, I think a lot of that is attributable to the way each of you learned.
Willy Schaeffler introduces a class of youngsters to the fun - and - games way of learning the fundamentals of skiing
The adult has to be aware of what it means to be a role model, because the child lives in imitation, as his / her main way of learning.
As a challenge and a way of learning, I decided... [Read More]
If you have ever wondered what is the right school for your child, how to effectively work with teachers, and what the different ways of learning are, you will find this book helpful.
Tiffanie Hoang is a leraning specialist who works with students to create individualized learning strategies and tools to better help them understand their own ways of learning, and to explore and appreciate the fullness of their personhood.
A good way of learning some scientific principles is to encourage your child to help with cooking from an early age.
Movement and play are the work of the young child and imitation is their special talent and natural way of learning.
«the focus on what is appropriate for children at each stage of development»... «the hands - on and creative way of learning»... «how it integrates various learning styles»... «the preservation of mystery and protection from commercialism in the lower grades»... «I like the pace that the children learn, with room to play»
For a child, play is the most natural way of learning; thus, engaging in active play with your child may allow you to witness their growth while also being part of it.
Babies want to play with their food as it is their way of learning about the whole feeding process.
It is a toddler's way of learning the word and its meaning.
And fewer behavioral problems means fewer obstacles in the way of learning.
And more than that, He designed children in such a way that their primary way of learning is through modeling.
A fun way of learning without realising it
Letting your baby explore his surrounding is the best way of learning, take cues from baby and help in his observation.
Punishment makes kids rebellious and gets in the way of their learning emotional regulation.
Children may find that school does not suit their particular way of learning, so parents who become unhappy with the education which is provided in schools may also decide to home educate.
This was my way of learning what to do and what not to do.
Parent education and training offers a helpful foundation by assisting parents to increase their knowledge about FASDs and how the associated brain damage altered their child's way of learning and interacting with the world.
And one of the best way of learning [read more]
And one of the best way of learning this is to follow the guidelines of previous generations of parents.
It is a natural way of learning as topics flow from one to the other.
This is especially true in the preschool years when kids tend to imitate adults» actions as a way of learning.
Adapting to their preferred way of learning will keep learning fun and not a chore.
The Montessori way of learning is focused on hands - on learning that is tailor - fit in accordance to the needs and learning curves of students.
It is a way back into the light, a way of understanding what it means to be part of the world and a way of learning what is at stake when people are excluded.
It will be a way of learning respect for our country and each other just like national service was.
In Synthetic Aesthetics, researchers and designers team up to present an exciting way of learning from nature
Scientists have long understood that the brain has two ways of learning.
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