Sentences with phrase «many wealthy»

The only way to become incredibly wealthy is to start your own business — one capable of scaling to a significant size.
Times editorial board member Elizabeth Williamson writes that wealthier tech employees seem to support Clinton; meanwhile, those living in «a less glamorous Silicon Valley, inhabited by brainy young people whose long hours power the big companies and whose college debt is so heavy that some of them can't even qualify for a credit card» are «feeling the Bern.»
To find the wealthiest people in the world, Wealth - X looked at its database of dossiers on more than 110,000 ultra-high net - worth people and used a proprietary valuation model that takes into account each person's assets, then adjusts estimated net worth to account for currency - exchange rates, local taxes, savings rates, investment performance, and other factors.
This not only harms consumers, especially low income ones, but transfer vast sums to typically wealthy farmers and needlessly endangers our international trading relationships.
Airlines are warring over wealthy travelers, spending millions on plush first - class cabins that look more like flying hotel rooms than seats on a commercial airliner.
That's not significantly different from other wealthy countries.
And when asked to rate whether they are wealthy on a scale of 0 to 100, millionaires gave themselves a score of about 66.
The President would not walk away empty handed, but without a House majority on his side, his attempt to impose taxes on the wealthy at pre-Bush levels ultimately failed.
Some of that spending is driven by homeowners made wealthier by the surge in house prices.
The crowd of mostly thirtysomethings skews wealthy, and cares some about the environment, but they're mostly in awe of the brand.
Before the rule change, entrepreneurs could only raise money through equity crowdfunding from sufficiently wealthy accredited investors.
The co-founder of a venture capital firm shocked many by comparing wealthy Americans to Jews in Nazi Germany, Re-code reports.
But not everyone agrees that foreign property ownership is a good thing for Canadians, and critics argue that wealthy non-Canadians are driving locals out of the market in cities like Toronto and Vancouver.
The trial made embarrassing national headlines for the once - rising Democratic star, who was accused of seeking more than $ 900,000 from two wealthy supporters to conceal his pregnant mistress, Rielle Hunter, from voters during his unsuccessful run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008.
The ostensible goal of the individual AMT is to prevent wealthy taxpayers from paying little to no federal tax.
The wealthiest companies work hard to know where every dime goes.
The document said: «The framework contemplates that the (congressional tax) committees will adopt measures to prevent the recharacterization of personal income into business income to prevent wealthy individuals from avoiding the top personal tax rate.»
And, not exactly able to announce that fact or ask his sick wife to sign off, the wealthy Edwards turned to some wealthy backers to take care of the woman and the baby and hide the whole thing from Elizabeth Edwards and presumably everyone else.
Unless you're an actor, or musician, or athlete — in which case you're still an entrepreneur, because you're in the business of you — starting a successful business is the only realistic way to become incredibly wealthy.
CNBC: Institutions and the wealthy have long relied on private equity for the potential for stellar returns.
As much as people want to be wealthy, most do not believe they can achieve that goal.
Increase capital gains taxes for the wealthiest Americans.
Once that's finished, the resulting investment - grade fishery is then flipped to wealthy buyers looking for trophy retreats.
Chris Larsen, the cofounder, executive chairman, and former CEO of the cryptocurrency company Ripple, became the world's fifth wealthiest person as the price of Ripple's XRP cryptocurrency soared past the $ 3 mark this week.
You can't open a corner coffee shop and hope to become incredibly wealthy; you'll need to scale that business, like branching out and owning a number of different locations.
The problem, according to the plan's critics, is that financial entities such as private - equity, venture capital and hedge funds are all partnerships whose wealthy partners would see substantial tax savings on large portions of their income unless congressional tax writers find a way to exclude them.
The just - released list of the wealthiest people in America is proof.
This is Donald Trump's world now, and it remains unclear whether he will make it a wealthier place with big tax cuts, or wreck it with border taxes.
He said there are two concentric circles of potential customers for any innovation: the inner circle consists of the wealthy, and the outer circle, of the masses.
Global sales were projected to top $ 24 trillion in 2015 and are expected to grow another 3.2 % this year, making the magnates who run the sector's largest companies even wealthier.
Two hundred and fifty million people in the wealthiest country on the planet are barely making it.
So even as Tesla woos middle - class buyers in the U.S. (the Model 3, due to arrive this fall, will start at about $ 35,000) buyers in China have mostly resembled Vanessa Zhu: wealthy drivers who view Teslas as luxury vehicles, or at least as the coolest new piece of tech since the iPhone.
Planning for longevity is a growing issue among Asia's wealthy, says Hartmut Issel of UBS Wealth Management.
The AMT is a separate tax system with rules governing treatment of income and deductions, designed to prevent the wealthy from paying too little in taxes.
The wealthiest 7 % (households earning $ 840,000 or more), on the other hand, had more money to invest in the stock market, which has rebounded at a faster rate.
Wealthy drivers are crowding showrooms in China's major cities, and Chinese buyers have put down $ 1,200 to preorder the company's Model 3 sedan in numbers second only to those in the U.S.
Hong Kong is the second - wealthiest city in the world and offers some of the priciest real estate.
He said Trump's plan, however, would create «a whole new set of wealthy individuals being able to dodge their taxes through this new provision.»
However, according to NYU economist Edward Wolff, the wealthiest 1 % of households own 38 % of all shares of stock.
And interest isn't just coming from wealthy energy entrepreneurs anymore; in the last two months, a «significant» number of Wall Street investors have begun inquiring about the boutique venture.
«Initially, products and services are so costly and complicated that only the wealthy have access,» he said.
Amid the Great Recession and an expensive divorce from his first wife, Wilson, who blogged about her demands on LiveJournal, Musk was living off loans from his wealthy friends.
The most efficient way to build wealth is to own a part of a company with the most wealthy entrepreneurs today owning large percentages of their businesses.
Most of their largest gifts, however, come after a wealthy donor dies.
Built in 1754, Harkotten Castle served as a hunting lodge for a wealthy German family.
He says wealthy people often benefit from «rich habits» and others often struggle because of «poor habits.»
All of that is making consumers feel wealthier, which could lead to more spending.
The service is aimed at some of the wealthiest commuters in the city.
Despite being seen by many as a land of opportunity, a steady stream of wealthy Chinese have left or are planning to leave the mainland for opportunities offshore.
Wealthy shareholder Gordon Gekko (played by Michael Douglas) addresses other stockholders at a shareholder meeting of the fictional firm Teldar Paper:
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