Sentences with phrase «many worker bees»

What sets elite performers who turn out prodigious quantities of valuable work apart from normal worker bees, who despite our best intentions and long hours, consistently produce less than we hoped?
You want your company to be successful — whether you're the boss or just a worker bee.
God knows you want to break free, worker bee.
In top - down power structures, employees are viewed as worker bees and considered to be objects or expenses rather than assets; there is little concern for their happiness or well - being, since the motive for hiring them was purely productivity and profit.
Whisper that to yourself a few times, and file those expense reports, you cubicle - dwelling worker bees, because according to the authors, the modern organization — maddeningly imperfect and dysfunctional as it may seem — is here to stay.
A non-team player suddenly becomes an independent and efficient worker bee.
Or the newly appointed team leader, who was actually perfectly happy with his or her role as a worker bee.
The steps it takes to go from being a worker bee to a decision maker can be very difficult.
When you believe that people are human beings first and worker bees second, you say something about their worth.
Microsoft unveiled the price of the Surface Hub Wednesday, and it falls well outside of the average worker bee's budget.
Strive to treat employees as people, not just worker bees.
If you have an income mindset, you're likely a worker bee.
I lost my father that way, and my mother paid on his medical bills for years and years * after * his death, never once considering bankruptcy, like a good single mom worker bee.
I felt like I was floating, floating on the love and prayers of all those who hummed around me like worker bees, bringing notes and flowers and warm socks and quilts embroidered with words of encouragement.
They are the worker bees, the bedrock of the good things the Catholic Church does.
few know that the bible teaches the «oneness» of the church and few know it teaches if we bring a lost soul back to God we hide a multitude of our own sins... we are to be worker bees for God... we are to give God all our attention... we must trust God never man... our entire lives should be bible ran... to try and rationalize less bible study is why America is not a Christian nation.....
Besides a handful of national holidays, the typical American worker bee gets two or three precious weeks off out of a whole year to relax and see the world — much less than what people in many other countries receive.
Individual bees are swayed by this information to the extent that, after inspection of individual localities, worker bees change their preference and dance for the superior place rather than the one they first discovered or that was communicated to them by their mates.
(Sorry about microwave, unfortunately this is the reality of worker bees nowadays, no hobs in office kitchens; again if you are at home, just poach egg as you would normally).
From flower power to girl power, during summer months, 98 % of the hive's population is composed of female «worker bees
Not everyone on the pitch must be worker bees.
Ryan was a cog, the worker bee, the less - swanky option in the Patriots» eyes.
From 9 to 10 a.m., seventh grade «worker bees» begin assembling lunches; delivery begins at about 10 a.m.
Married, divorced, single, students, worker bees, stay - at - home moms, active community members, church goers you name it.
The folks over at Mitera Collection where I can sometimes be found blogging in their postpartum life series (see here), asked me if they could interview me about my journey from NYC worker bee to becoming a Mother / Childbirth Educator / Lactation Consultant / Ice Cream taste tester.
If the stakeholders and worker bees are around the same table, they can brainstorm and approve ideas on the run.
IF that same person was in tier 6 with all the worker bees, after four years they would walk away with $ 24000, which represents a return of their 6 % contribution, plus interest.
«Win was definitely the worker bee of the group,» Jackson said.
A big blob of royal jelly, abundantly resupplied by worker bees, surrounds the larva at the ceiling.
Principal investigators (PIs) «especially» seek «students with academic aspirations» as the best «worker bees in the PI's lab.»
Dozens of dead worker bees lie headfirst in a hive.
Early deaths force premature worker bees out to forage, leading to a weaker colony of weaker bees.
Faced with such a resilient foe, a group of worker bees resorted to coating the beetles in a sticky mix of resin, mud and wax.
They and their educators / employers must perceive them as more than «worker bees» for carrying out the research agendas of veteran scholars.
Guard worker bees instantly attacked the parasites, but the thick - skinned beetles had little trouble warding them off.
For protection, Jataí worker bees have evolved a specialized variant: the bouncer bee, a burly guardian with massive legs and a surprisingly small head.
The wings of female worker bees are powerful, too.
If one worker bee senses danger she emits a warning pheromone that summons other bees to the fight.
Some flowers bear ultraviolet markings, invisible to the human eye, that attract the worker bee and tell her where to land to scoop up nectar or pollen.
Like workaholic employees, worker bees, ants, and wasps give up families of their own for the good of the hive.
BEE COLD CASE Just what caused sudden disappearances of honeybees (a worker bee shown) about a decade ago is still a matter of scientific debate.
When the leaderless hives received decitabine in their nectar, the worker bees became much more likely to develop ovaries and lay eggs.
So when bees are born, they are very fat and they stay in the hive and they, you know, they do — they tend to the larvae and they, you know, stick around home; then at this particular point in their life cycle, they lose about half their weight and then they go out and forage and they become the worker bees that are out in the field, getting the pollen.
Tsvetkov and her colleagues found that worker bees exposed to neonicotinoids exhibited lower life expectancies, by up to 23 percent.
The researchers collected worker bees from all of the colonies, and analyzed them to assess the bees» immune responses and their overall «pathogen pressure.»
«When deprived of the pheromone that queens emit, worker bees and ants become more self - centred and lazy, and they begin to lay eggs,» said lead researcher Dr Luke Holman from The Australian National University (ANU).
THEY»RE not called worker bees for nothing.
Additionally, it was the socializing group who reported being happier than the worker bees.
Instead worker bees guard the entrances of these chambers, which often allows the beetles enough time to mate and produce their hive - trashing larvae.
Mark Greco and Peter Neumann, entomologists at the Swiss Bee Research Center in Bern, discovered that as soon as the beetles enter a hive, worker bees in the colony surround them and force them to immediately pull their legs under their carapaces, adopting what is known as the «turtle» protective posture.
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