Sentences with phrase «many zealots»

About 15 years ago Cornell attended the «corporate athlete program» at the Human Performance Institute, making him a zealot for optimizing performance not only with exercise but also with adequate sleep.
Things aren't going to get better unless we get actively involved and try to knock some sense into these zealots, who are all worried about everyone's feelings whatever the facts may be.
The sugarless wafers were a key component of the zealot's eponymous diet.
Profits realized by government can and often are spent on its citizens, but for anti-government zealots like U.S. presidential contender Ron Paul, that's reason enough to get rid of the Fed.
Already, farsighted zealots are pouring newfound riches into the cryptocurrency economy, creating blockchain - oriented businesses, like the Winklevoss twins» Gemini, or starting cryptocurrency - specific hedge funds, as AngelList founder Naval Ravikant is doing.
A punctuality zealot, she'd chide staff for starting meetings a couple of minutes late.
He was no grim - faced zealot — witness Paul Wells's account of his offstage performance at a Public Policy Forum dinner.
Fret Zealot is an LED lighting device for your guitar that will train you to play in 60 seconds.
Pedego store owners «are more mature and, I think, more rational» than younger business owners, says CEO DiCostanzo, an electric - vehicle zealot who is on his third Tesla.
«You become a Popeyes zealot as soon as you experience Popeyes food.»
«At Popeyes we don't use the word loyal — we use zealot,» Bachelder said.
Neuroscientists have compared brain activity in Apple fanatics upon seeing iProducts to religious zealots shown holy imagery.
As genial as he is — he is the quintessential cheerful Sunday - school teacher and kids» - little - league - coach kind of dad — he has the personality of a zealot.
Like religious zealots, they single - mindedly dedicate themselves to improving their customer's competitive position.
Why follow Khosla: 431,000 people can't be wrong — Khosla is a true influencer and «entrepreneurship zealot,» as he says.
Hence the idea for Fret Zealot, so named for the metal strips that traverse a guitar's neck.
Fret Zealot will be competing directly with products like FretX, a $ 59 LED device that serves the same function, though it's more basic in design as it's placed only on the first four frets of a guitar.
So far, Fret Zealot — which officially launched in December — has shipped 1,500 of the $ 200 devices, with another 1,000 orders already placed.
ViralNova, a Buzzfeed - like media startup chock full of feel - good stories, was bought this year by digital - media company Zealot Networks in a cash - and - stock deal that could be worth as much as $ 100 million if Zealot appreciates in value.
The company will likely move to Zealot Media's Venice, California, headquarters.
E-mail, HTML (Vermont Country Store, Agora Inc., Stealth Stocks, Forbes, Forbes Option Advisor, Glider Technology Report, Forbes TPO, Forbes ETF, Edith Roman, Forbes - Janet Brown, Gold & Energy Zealot, 21st Century Alert, Forbes - Professional timing service, Forbes - Oberweis Report, The Single - Stock Futures Revolution, AWAI Mailing)
That being said, in defense of the anti-globalists, White House senior adviser Stephen Miller is also Jewish, and as an anti-immigration zealot, he's never been tarred with the «globalist» line.
Racists, bigots, haters, lying politicians, bad bosses, cronyism, inequality, people who say one thing and do another, thieves, and zealots who impose their will on others.
Her biggest passion is empowering you to be your best at work... and in life (i.e., she is an empowerment zealot!)
But others, including Vanguard founder and low - fee zealot Jack Bogle, argue that you can get along fine without international shares.
But this isn't enough to satisfy the almost religious fervour of the anti-hydrocarbon zealots.
The «Argumentum ad Rogerum» is a logical fallacy used frequently by Bitcoin Core zealots, charlatans & socks to shift the discussion of BCH / BTC from philosophy, economics and technology to the character of Roger Ver.https: / / / 37KdArSs9f
Would all you religious zealots feel the same about expressing yourself if a devil worshiper got on the plane and started praying to the devil out loud.
Well after Climategate and the manipulation of data and the quick in house cover up with zealots like Al Gore on the side of science.
It seems as if since the religious zealots God is unable to call down lightning as they think he should when they feel we have blasphemed him, the zealots enjoy taking matters into their own hands and attempt to bully and persecute and even murder atheists on their God's behalf.
What you morons describe as «partial - birth abortion» was outlawed YEARS ago because of zealots like you.
They're generally portrayed as hyper - religious zealots with a strong evangelical bent.
Did your imaginary God have a staff meeting with all you zealots or something?
In fact atheists are just about the most religious zealots there are.
Ryan's zealot driven religious views and economic plan scared the hell out of many voters.
A million times more people have been kiIIed by religious zealots in the name of their relgion than an atheist in the name of atheism.
ha ha — ummm don't publish these in Dutch — some religious zealots might try to burn down the place from whence they came — lol.
One nation under God was added not by zealots but by the greatest generation.
Religious zealots in America (nearly always of the chrsitian variety) never tire of trying to stuff their dogma down the throats of all Americans.
You said, «In fact atheists are just about the most religious zealots there are.»
The religious zealots have taken over.
Prophets are the product of delusional zealots seeking attention.
It is no different from what when on in the middle east, when their uberlords realized it was much easier to control stupid zealots than intelligent, sentient beings.
We have become the very thing we flew from in order to create this country: a country ran by religious zealots.
If Jesus existed (and that is not a given since his name means «salvation,» he's probably an allegorical character), and if the stories about his visit to Jerusalem early in the reign of Pontius Pilate are true, he died because he was an anti-Roman insurgent, probably involved in a Zealot uprising over the use of the Temple treasury to finance the construction of an aqueduct.
Remember that many zealots have their own interpretations of the bible, Koran.
The hypocrisy of the religious zealots is revolting, they speak as if their history is pure as the driven snow and that people like me are the evil ones.
Using names like Zealot, and degrading people for their beliefs only turns more people against you.
The atheists take unfair advantage of the religious zealots, because they refuse to stop using reason as their core belief.
They're part zealot, part thug, part political entrepreneur, in societies undergoing profound social transformations.
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