Sentences with phrase «marble busts»

The phrase "marble busts" refers to sculptures made out of marble that depict the upper part of a person's body, including their head, shoulders, and chest. Full definition
A series of marble busts of wounded soldiers from World War I and repaired North African wooden learning boards (ketab) observe this towering structure of bookshelves filled with centuries of accumulated human knowledge.
«Whether a dashed - off sketch of family life by Rembrandt or a preparatory study for a famous marble bust by Bernini, each work in this revealing exhibition is a window into a personal world.»
In both the lift and turn of the young man's head and the open V of his zippered collar, this bronze refers to an eighteenth - century marble bust by Jean - Antoine Houdon.
These were created in response to the heroic aesthetic defining the 19th Century marble busts of Long Island industrialists.
In one work on show, No. 162 (1966), a classical marble bust of a male figure is given a startling makeover, with yellow paint applied to the hair and face.
Right along El Medano Beach, this resort and spa has distinctive walls tinted rose along with marble busts, a Neptune statue, and gleaming domes.
General Lee (Robert Duvall) and «Stonewall» Jackson (Stephen Lang) may as well be talking marble busts in some Disney Hall of Greek Deities attraction, rooted in place while spouting on endlessly about their manifest right to defend their homes from marauding Yankees.
A grand marble staircase lined with antique marble busts of Roman Emperors leads up to the entrance of the apartment.
With deft spraycan control, the two carefully layered urban scrawl with a classic marble bust, leading to a beautifully textured and complex wall painting.
The exhibition interprets sculpture as broadly as possible: from marble busts to coins, reliefs, intricate wood - carving, and jewellery.
Then there are skillfully carved marble busts of Victorians whose once - celebrated deeds have now slipped from memory.
Several Old Master galleries placed marble busts and gold - ground paintings next to fashionable contemporary art icons.
Thomas Ball's neoclassical marble bust of Margaret Van Nest (1870), granddaughter of former Rutgers trustee Abraham Van Nest, for whom the university's Van Nest Hall is named, is among the important nineteenth - century examples.
In terms of pricing, Mr. Auffret was perhaps more aware of the $ 33 million the John Paul Getty Museum paid in June 2015 for a long - lost marble bust of Pope Paul V by Algardi's rival Gian Lorenzo Bernini.
During the fair's opening hours, Pace sold «Cave Girl,» a new marble bust by Kevin Francis Gray — who will have a solo show at the gallery in New York in March — for 80,000 pounds, or about $ 102,000; a small - scale painting of copper wire and gesso, «fourteen / sixteen» (2016), by Prabhavathi Meppayil, for $ 20,000; and two life - size works by Kohei Nawa, featuring glass - encrusted taxidermied deer, for $ 380,000 and $ 230,000.
You can't have marble busts without columns and crystal chandeliers.
«Whether a dashed - off sketch of family life by Rembrandt or a preparatory study for a famous marble bust... Read More
Marble busts of famous authors and philosophers adorn the long hall, and ancient books fill the towering ceiling - high shelves; pictures can't do this place justice!
It's an accurate replica of Andrea Ferrucci's famous 1514 marble bust.
Marble busts of Roman emperors.
Within the wreckage bronze statues, marble busts, urns, vessels, jewellery, and coins have been brought to the surface or in some displays... not.
Within the wreckage bronze statues, marble busts, urns, vessels, jewellery, and coins were brought to the surface.
Through the practice of modern and contemporary sculptors, the three - dimensional art form has certainly come a long way since the marble busts and butts of yore.
In other galleries, just steps away from the first - century bronzes and marble busts, will be site - specific installations created by renowned contemporary artists.
The Friends of the Collection has historically supported the acquisition of many iconic objects, including Hiram Powers» marble bust of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; Charles Frederick Kimball's Coal Sheds, Topsham and Brunswick; Marsden Hartley's Kinsman Falls; Marguerite Zorach's Diana of the Sea; Celeste Roberge's Rising Cairn; and Charles Duback's The Coopers; among many others.
In the main gallery, marble busts of famous people stood proudly around the edge of the floor.
Finkelstein breaks with tradition and paints the focal point — a marble bust — smack dab in the center of the painting.
If you want to go classy, a handsome bronze or marble bust of your loved ones» favorite president is sure to provide a «wow» moment.
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