Sentences with phrase «march for»

Find out more about how to join Meat Free Monday at the People's March for Climate in central London this Sunday.
On Sunday 29 November, Meat Free Monday will be attending the People's March for Climate, Justice and Jobs, ahead of the crucial climate conference in Paris — why not join us?
Since I made this cake in March for my father's birthday, the whole family keeps requesting that I make it again and again.
I am going to be making a bunch of diamond sugar cookies for my in - laws 60th wedding anniversary in March for party favors for the guests.
As always life had its own plan in March for me, haha.
Who could complain about 70 + degree temps in mid March for well over a week?
I love March for so many reasons.
A march in D.C. called March For Our Lives is planned for March 24, as well as one on April 20, the anniversary of the Columbine shooting.
A version of this essay was delivered as remarks to the Massachusetts Caucus of the March for Life on January 19, 2018.
Should we hold a March for NFP as well as a March for Life?
March for Life NYC 2016 March 19 We will start with a 8 am Mass at The church of Holy Innocents 128 W 37th Street NYC 10018.
He was happy to march for marriage on his parents» 43rd anniversary, and you can follow his infrequent tweets @johnamurdock.
The Church was growing in confidence and March for Jesus, which began in the mid-1980s, took worship onto the streets.
In São Paulo, March for Jesus is now a public holiday and millions gather annually to worship together.
The 44th annual March for Life comes less than two weeks after the Guttmacher Institute, the former research arm of Planned Parenthood, reported that abortions fell to less than a million in 2014.
Abortion continues to be touted as a women's health issue, from pro-abortion marches entitled «March for Women's Lives» to the emotive slogan shouted in the direction of many a pro-life demonstration: «Right to life, that's a lie!
«This decision will save lives, will encourage the hundreds of thousands of men and women who will march on Washington this week [at the Jan. 27 March for Life] for the rights of unborn children, along with millions more around the country who believe that foreign aid should promote life, not end it,» stated Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), in a written release.
Despite snow, ice, and below - freezing temperatures, thousands of people are still protesting abortions during today's 41st March for Life rally in Washington, D.C., from the National Mall to the Supreme Court.
«You'll find hundreds of thousands of us at the March for Life.»
The announcement of her retirement came days after the annual March for Life and the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, two of the most popular occasions for pro-life demonstrations.
Because we march for those who have no voice and a little cold and snow won't stop us!»
Ahead of Friday's annual March for Life, pro-life Christians celebrated new federal protections for health care workers who decline to administer procedures such as abortion, sterilization, or euthanasia on religious or moral grounds.
As thousands of Catholics and other pro-life persons gather in Washington on January 27 and walk together in the annual March for Life, the time has never been better, nor the need more urgent, to pray for our country, to pray for the end of abortion, and to pray for a conversion in the hearts our leaders.
As US abortions dropped to their lowest level since Roe v. Wade, evangelicals joined the annual March for Life in an unprecedented way.
Even the technology touted at 2018's March for Life can divide the cause when it comes to abortion policy.
The annual March for Life comes to Washington the Friday after the Women's March.
This is one reason why the annual March for Life is filled with younger people — Catholic and Evangelical and otherwise — the very people some told us just a few years ago would turn away from the pro-life movement due to «fetus fatigue.»
I would also like to add the the March for Life is not about religion or faith.
Murray and others at the rally were looking for ways to fight abortions beyond overturning Roe v. Wade and were energized by a recent suggestion from Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, who greeted marchers Monday on Capitol Hill and will be the keynote speaker at a March for Life dinner Monday night.
The March for Our Lives was sparked by young people who believe that what they have to say is just as important as what the adults have been saying for generations.
Senior editor Mark Bauerlein talks with associate editor Julia Yost about Donald Trump's first week in office, from the inauguration speech to the Women's Marches to the March for Life.
(Granted those who attended the march were of various faiths and denominations) The purpose of the March for Life is to stand up for the children in the womb who have no voice and turning our culture of death into a culture of life.
Recently, hundreds of thousands of people took part in the March for Our Lives, the student - led anti-gun violence protest that held demonstrations in 800 cities in the U.S. and numerous sibling marches around the world.
If you've listened to the student leaders from Parkland, Florida, over the past few weeks or watched the speeches delivered at the March for Our Lives, you'll know that hell hath no fury like teenagers on a mission.
I do not see any marches of «The Million Muslims March Against Islamic Terror» or «Million Muslim March For Koranic Reform.»
Christopher Palko describes the conservative coalition at the March for Marriage: The March for Marriage had without a doubt the most racially diverse crowd that I had ever seen associated with a right - of - center political cause.
Jenkins goes on to mention his intention to participate in this year's March for Life and to announce the formation of the «Task Force on Supporting the Choice for Life», which, with faculty support, will sponsor «serious and specific discussion» about pro-life concerns.
Evangelicals who attended last week's March for Life in Washington, D.C., also expressed reservations about Trump, reports CNHI.
The fruits of their considerable labors were displayed before an audience of more than 300 consultants, church executives, pastors and seminary educators who gathered in Atlanta last March for a three - day conference on «Understanding the Local Church.»
Ill - fed people can not march for their rights.
At the March for Life this past January, I saw a teenage girl holding a sign that read, «She could be the next Beyoncé!»
Tens of thousands of Nicaraguans have joined a march for «Peace and Justice» called by the Catholic Church, the second massive demonstration in less than a week following a wave of deadly protests against social security reforms.
D'Escoto had recently completed a fifteen - day march for peace from the Honduran border to Managua.
My friends who work in scientific fields were aghast when they saw that the organizers of a planned «March for Science» had tweeted that «colonization, racism, immigration, native rights, sexism, ableism, queer -, trans -, intersex - phobia, & econ justice are scientific issues [black power....
The current push is a peaceful march, the March For Our Lives, on March 24 in Washington D.C. to demand action to prevent gun violence.
We should welcome the March for Science as it sets out to destroy the academy's undeserved reputation for neutrality and to reveal science for what it has always been.
«We are fed up with police violence, racism, intolerance and injustice that passed down from generation to generation,» it posted as part of a post about the march for Freddie Gray.
«I came because the young people who died deserve a tribute, that we march for the peace in the country, for justice and for the return of the democracy that has been kidnapped by this government,» said Marlene Alvarez, 26, who works in a laboratory in the capital.
«We are going to march for peace so that there is justice.
«Why do you periodically take a leave of absence from official government duties in order to fast, pray, and march for peace?»
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