Sentences with phrase «marginal cases»

All of those pins can be reclaimed without impacting consumers or accessory makers (except in extremely marginal cases).
«The imposition of such automatic penalties could have the consequences of making the courts less receptive to arguments that the GAAR applies, because in marginal cases they may consider the imposition of such penalties to be unfair.
The problem that has occurred is that no one's doing home equity loans, especially on marginal cases where the owner's business is in trouble.»
Alarie: we deal with this now; judgments change interpretation; machine will deal with this the same way we do as new information added; cases that end up being adjudicated are already a fraction of disputes that arise, i.e. many settled or abandoned; time of the courts better spent dealing with marginal cases; opportunity to spend more time considering these cases more carefully, better decisions, and more informative; many cases should not go to court
For a detailed discussion of the Argument from Marginal Cases read
Sir Andrew Morritt agreed that the public interest could be relevant but only in marginal cases.
In a criminal case, once a jury has rendered a «not guilty» verdict (excluding extremely marginal cases where, for example, the jury accidentally filled in the wrong jury form and hasn't yet left the courthouse, or some form of extreme jury tampering such as bribery or extortion is discovered after the fact), this decision can not be appealed or overturned by a judge, even if the «not guilty» verdict was knowingly reached for reasons contrary to the law.
Lenders just don't have the time to work with marginal cases, Hunsinger says.
Regarding the tribune of the people conception of getting one good leftie elected to parliament, this is a marginal case.
In marginal cases, editors and reporters should weigh the pros and cons of such publication and whether the potential damage outweighs the possible public good.
Marginal cases are allowed; for example, a star may be either a supergiant or a bright giant, or may be in between the subgiant and main - sequence classifications.
«Gambling generates by way of experiment the lightning - quick process of stimulation at the moment of danger, the marginal case in which presence of mind becomes divination - that is to say, one of the highest, rarest moments in life.»
Stella was a marginal case, of course, because, after all, he derived at least initially more from Johns than from...
You are marginally interesting, but this is not constructive engagement, so you are a marginal case given our existing moderation policy.
Any case of real merit is buried among hundreds and thousands of less useful cases and marginal cases.
This was not a marginal case.
One thing that a «cyberlawyer» needs to evaluate, more than the legal issues governing trademark and copyright, is whether seeking to obtain or enforce a trademark, particularly in a marginal case, is worth the potential negative publicity.
This factor may have been absent in the Kerner case, where it sounds like a parent simply sought to seek palliative care at home in lieu of further cure oriented treatment in a marginal case for further cure oriented treatment.
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