Sentences with phrase «marijuana cases»

Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson has already announced he would not prosecute most low - level marijuana cases in his borough.
In this very short video, criminal defense attorney Chad Moody educates Oklahoma marijuana activists that «the marijuana movement writ large really began to gain steam when juries began nullifying in marijuana cases
Good news AGAIN in San Diego, this time in the medical marijuana case of Dennis and Deborah Little, whose dire medical situation includes HIV / AIDS, cancer, arthritis, neuropathy, and more.
In 2004, he argued the medical marijuana case of Gonzalez v. Raich before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Bruce has successfully represented more marijuana cases then any other attorney in the country.
Four days later, the Trump administration acted in effect to undermine that state law by allowing federal prosecutors to be more aggressive in prosecuting marijuana cases.
While marijuana arrests are down overall, prosecutors are still pursuing marijuana cases, although the Department of Justice focuses on priorities like distribution to minors, money laundering and growing on federal land.
The numbers of synthetic marijuana cases called into the Upstate New York Poison Center continues to be off the charts.
Brooklyn DA Eric Gonzalez already declines to prosecute many marijuana cases, and said Tuesday he will expand his policy in the coming weeks.
In addition, prosecutors will review 4,940 felony marijuana cases to decide...
As noted today by Scott Greenfield on his Twitter feed, a recent marijuana case in federal court in Illinois turned on the testimony of Richard L. Doty, Ph.D., who was permitted to testify as a marijuana odor expert.
Some courts in Minnesota, however, have been hostile to the medical necessity defense in medical marijuana cases so far.
And I want to send a clear message, not just to the state of New Jersey but to everybody, that juries will NOT convict peaceful marijuana cases,» Peditto says.
His successor, Ken Thompson, a fellow Democrat, announced in 2014 that the office would stop prosecuting most low - level marijuana cases.
Considered by many to be the No. 1 defense attorney in the country, Bruce Margolin has successfully defended probably more marijuana cases than any other criminal defense lawyer in the country!
Mayor Filner to Speak at Press Conference Against Gag Order in Federal Medical Marijuana Case
The Brooklyn district attorney's office in 2014 defied the Police Department and decided to stop prosecuting some low - level marijuana cases, but carved out exceptions for people accused of smoking in public or who had criminal records.
The district attorney of New York City's borough of Manhattan says he will stop prosecuting low - level marijuana cases.
The Brooklyn district attorney's office, which in 2014 decided to stop prosecuting many low - level marijuana cases, is considering expanding its policy so that more people currently subject to arrest on marijuana charges, including those who smoke outside without creating a public nuisance, would not be prosecuted, one official familiar with the discussions said.
The Brooklyn district attorney announced Tuesday that he will stop prosecuting low - level marijuana cases — but the NYPD responded that cops will continue cuffing Brooklyn pot smokers just as they...
(But what about his vote in the marijuana case?)
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