Sentences with phrase «marine worms»

Marine worms refers to worms that live in oceans or seas. They are special types of worms adapted to the marine environment. Full definition
Other marine worms are thought to release glowing blue particles into the water to make themselves look less tasty to hungry predators.
«New species of marine worm discovered in Antarctica.»
These centers occur in the forebrains of arthropods, as well as in marine worms and flatworms.
Now, the robot's first findings are already helping scientists piece together more of this previously hidden under - ice food web, including more evidence of the under - ice algae, as well as tiny copepods, ctenophores (jellyfish), predatory marine worms called arrow worms, and abundant amounts of large floating slime balls, known to scientists as larvaceans.
Japanese researchers have discovered a new species of the enigmatic marine worm Xenoturbella, which they have named Xenoturbella japonica, as reported in a new study published in BMC Evolutionary Biology.
«Mysterious new seafloor species sheds light on early animal evolution: A new species of the enigmatic marine worm Xenoturbella, dredged from the seafloor of the western Pacific, contributes to understanding of the early evolution of the Bilateria.»
This species, together with the so - called Osedax antarcticus, are the two first species of this type of marine worm found in Antarctica.
«Sea urchins, little tiny crabs, marine worms live down in there,» along with many other species, Gaylord said.
Despite many other species of marine worms on the fossil bed, only Cricocosmia jinningensis and Mafangscolex sinensi were found to be acting as hosts.
The fossils, discovered by a team including researchers from the University of Leicester, show two species of marine worms with other, smaller worm - like animals attached to the outer surface of their body.
Solitary and highly mobile, it doesn't appear to have much in common with its close cousin the pterobranch, a much smaller marine worm that spends its life in stationary colonies, anchored to the sea floor by rigid tubes.
Simultaneously, bioeroders, such as parrotfish and boring marine worms, breakdown the reef structure into rubble and the sand that nourishes our beaches.
Canus abbreviatus is a carnivorous snail living off the coast of Hawaii that primarily hunts marine worms, which it stuns with neurotoxins and then devours.
The rush of water washed ashore marine worms, microfossils of which were recently unearthed.
In this issue, experiments were conducted with sediment dwelling marine worms, showing that chemically inert microplastics of a size similar to sand grains from the beaches in which the worms lived caused physical harm (Wright et al.) whilst Browne et al. showed microplastic can move pollutants and additives to worms, reducing functions linked to health and biodiversity.
«Microplastics make marine worms sick.»
«This study certainly has a lot of novelty to it, since marine worms are a tremendously neglected area of venom research,» says Bryan Grieg Fry at the University of Queensland in Australia, where he explores the evolution of animal poisons.
Light from coastal cities, harbors, and other humanmade structures impacts marine worms and other invertebrates
«Microbiome study suggests marine nematodes are not picky eaters: No relationship between nematode species and microbial profile suggests marine worms don't have a restrictive diet.»
Described for the first time in 2002, these bristly marine worms, or polychaetes, tap into bone and then rely on bacteria to help them break down fats and proteins in their new skeletal homes.
«A brooding marine worm found in Antarctica.»
Tomopteris, a tiny marine worm, erupts into a shower of angry sparks and unloads its eggs into the water before rapidly undulating away.
I went to college at Reed College in Portland, where I did a research fellowship for my undergraduate thesis that used advanced microscopy to study the development of some bizarre marine worms.
You will have to see the tree for yourself as you discover the hard and soft corals that are pulsing with life, especially marine worms!
This champion marine worm (Lineus longissimus) can stretch up to 55 meters, longer than an Olympic - sized pool, and coats itself in mucus smelling a bit like iron or sewage.
Light from harbors, ships, and offshore structures such as oil rigs may be disrupting the lives of marine worms, barnacles, and corals, preventing their wayfaring larvae from finding suitable habitats in which to settle down, according to a new study.
Do not collect bait (for example yabbies and marine worms) from one area and use it in another.
She is now a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities where she investigates the microbiome of the marine worm Capitella teleta.
In fact, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife put submersible vehicles off Oregon's coast during a hypoxic event that went anoxic (oxygenless) in 2006, he says, monitoring conditions and recording numerous carcasses of sea stars, sea cucumbers, marine worms and fish.
Although fossils of the two species of marine worm, Cricocosmia jinnigensis and Mafangscolex sinensi, have been found before, these are the first reported examples to show other animals attached to them.
For years, scientists have been debating the taxonomic status of Dickinsonia — placing it with fungi, marine worms and jellyfish, to name a few.
For slugs, mussels, marine worms and a cadre of other critters, secreting sticky substances that attach strongly to soaked surfaces is just a fact of life.
New data showing unexpected similarities between the eyes of a marine worm and those of humans suggest a shared origin.
The researchers also found fish that swim upside down, marine worms that live in the icy melt, crustaceans called amphipods and a strange creature resembling a sea cucumber, which they nicknamed «the eggroll.»
Those marine worms play a key ecological role as an important source of food for other animals.
For 12 weeks the authors let seafaring invertebrate larvae — such as those belonging to marine worms, sea bristles, and squirts — accumulate on the panels and blossom into immobile, adult communities.
But the marine worm Spirobranchus lamarcki was much more abundant on artificially lit panels than on control panels.
The sea mouse is a marine worm the length of your thumb and is native to the North Atlantic and Mediterranean.
However, to observe it in a marine worm is exceptional and, more surprisingly, it guards eggs from external threats.
One example is a marine worm called Ophryotrocha puerilis puerilis, which starts out male but may become female.
The fossils, featured in a study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, show two species of marine worms, each with one to 15 smaller worm - like animals attached to them.
The two species of marine worm, Cricocosmia jinningensis and Mafangscolex sinensi, were typically a few centimetres long.
Laboratory experiments show that microplastics can have negative impacts on organisms, such as a reduction in the growth of marine worms and changes in gene regulation in fish.
Many of the marine worms construct a tube either in soft sediment, or on hard surfaces including coral heads.
Approximately 247 taxa of marine flora have been described within the complex and over 500 fish, 65 sceleritian coral, 45 hydroid and 350 mollusc species have also been identified, in addition to a great diversity of sponges, marine worms and crustaceans.
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