Sentences with phrase «marital love»

This reflects a false idea of marriage and a poor idea of marital love.
After the interaction, partners answered questions measuring their overall marital love and conflict.
Physical touch is also a powerful vehicle for communicating marital love.
Moreover, it is demeaning to suggest that Paul VI affirmed the Church's classic position on marital love and procreation (which had been held for centuries by virtually every Christian community until the Anglican Communion broke ranks at the 1930 Lambeth Conference) because he was afraid that changing the traditional position would unravel the entire body of Catholic moral teaching.
A more fully Christian account would hold up the need to support marital love through broader covenants with families, communities, churches and the state.
The sacrament of marital love finds its further expression in parents» love for the fruits of their sexuality.
For Thatcher, marital love reflects God's own triune relationality.
Since it's beyond us to know the depths of God's love but not beyond us to grasp marital love, God describes the former by the latter.
In fact, marriage is uniquely deepened by family life precisely because the act that makes marital love is also the kind that makes new life.
Paterson's third and most important gift is his wife, Laura, whose marital love is as profound as his.
Christ restored the order of creation over the cross, and if marital love involves sacrifice, such is a deeper participation in Christ's life.
Virginity among those seeking marital love would go far to improve the latter's solidity and permanence, creating an atmosphere of honesty and discovery before the equally necessary and longed - for consummation.
But the influence of rationalistic and individualistic ideologies results in a failure to find a positive basis for marital love.
«When a man and a woman give themselves to each other in an act of marital love, they can know the love of Christ as no one else can know it.»
Negative expressivity, however, had a strong impact on marital love, conflict, and ambivalence.
It is through material things — water, salt, and oil; bread and wine; marital love — that the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ comes to the people the Son has made his own.
and perfects» (Gaudium et spes n. 49) marital love in the sense that it is ordered to procreation and it is through such an ordering that marital love is deepened: having a child together expresses [2] a pre-existing love in such a way that it also bonds the lovers more closely together.
And that concession, as we have seen, would eclipse the Church's whole vision of marriage and family — a vision that ultimately serves the needs of children, the internal requirements of marital love, and the dignity of every person in her or his bodily integrity.
Such a view of marriage is neither good theology nor an accurate view of what marriage — and marital love — has been about.
The theorists developed a view of marital love that integrated these diverse goods and held them together.
Many other modern interpreters of marriage have made the same mistake, and so have many people in American churches, who are tempted to join with Coontz and insist that couples get married for reasons of love alone, Economic, kinship and network issues and even the desire to have children are sometimes seen as contaminations of the purity of marital love.
It is no exaggeration to say that Paterson is an homage to marital love — something underscored by the way Jarmusch treats the film's early - morning bedroom scenes.
The Catholic Church now has ample materials with which to make sense of, teach, and apply its settled convictions on the morality of marital love and procreation: the Theology of the Body; John Paul II's magnificent 1981 apostolic exhortation, Familiaris Consortio; the pastorally sensitive 1997 Vademecum for Confessors on the Morality of Certain Aspects of Conjugal Life.
By its thereby diminishing the dignity of sex within marriage is the article implying that such sex is merely an unfortunate, peripheral appendage to marital love?
Hence procreation is seen to be the final purpose of marital love - St. Thomas held that the final cause is the principal cause - and the physical openness of spouses in the physical act of marriage reflects and deepens the spiritual love that unites them to each other and Christ.
For this reason, to acknowledge the beauty and goodness of marriage is to realise that only a setting of fidelity and indissolubility, along with openness to God's gift of life, is adequate to the grandeur and dignity of marital love.
Marital loves will become something wonderfully inclusive and intense as persons move from the provisional material sphere to the permanent spiritual one.
One can say that this task engages them in a constant humanising of their marital love, facilitating the growth of mutual appreciation of each other as persons.
It is sexuality dedicated to hope, to the future, to marital love, to children, and to God.
Furthermore, marital love can be properly celebrated (e.g., date nights, anniversary dinners, etc.) without the tethering to a Romish feast day.
McDormand recalled that she and Murray performed «a marital love scene in separate twin beds» in that Wes Anderson film.
The notion that marital love is a state where the spouses surrender themselves to each other so that they think «we» instead of «me»...
Marital love is an expression of humility and self - sacrifice that brings honor to our heavenly Father.
This study examined how sensitive support provision and receipt were related to marital outcomes in a sample of 57 happily married, middle - class couples from the Midwestern U.S. To assess how observed supportive behaviors may be differentially associated with self - reported support satisfaction, marital love, and marital conflict for men and women, we utilized a series of Actor Partner Interdependence Models (APIM).
Additionally, husbands» sensitive support provision was significantly associated with wives» marital love.
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