Sentences with phrase «market comparables»

The phrase "market comparables" refers to similar products, assets, or properties in the market that are used as a benchmark to evaluate and determine the value or price of a specific item. It helps in understanding how a particular item or asset compares to others in the market. Full definition
The team's track record has been one of the most consistent in the region achieving top quartile returns for their first fund relative to global and emerging market comparable funds during the same period.
The team's track record has been one of the most consistent in the region, having fully exited seven investments and thus, achieving top quartile returns for their first fund relative to global and emerging market comparable funds during the same period.
Compared with traditional bookmakers, crypto bookies now offer betting markets comparable to the leading high street sportsbooks and often have more competitive odds too.
The price of that home was based on fair market comparables that were done by both parties,» Duffy said.
The authors compared messages marketing lower strength wines and beers (across 86 web pages marketing 41 lower strength wines and 48 web pages marketing 16 lower strength beers) with messages marketing comparable regular strength wines and beers (across 86 web pages marketing regular strength wines and 48 web pages marketing regular strength beers).
Netflix's P / E ratio is many times that of market comparables.
It's therefore important to work with your team to critically evaluate market comparables and carefully consider what cap rates you think are valid.
As a diptych, this work should be especially attractive to her fans — after all, looking at market comparables, it's essentially two for the price of one.
Many UK developers are taking advantage of uneducated investors by charging much more than the market comparables.
Assessors typically argue that special - purpose properties may only be valued using the cost approach; that market comparable sales may not be used to value special - purpose property, and / or that the value of the special - purpose property is so intimately tied to the property's owner or user that the assessor must use income from business operations (as opposed to rents) to value the property.
While it's true that builders resist lowering a home's price so they can maintain their market comparables, they sometimes are willing to add an incentive if buyers, say, use the builder's preferred lender.
Pay particular attention to the market comparables listed on the property record card.
They are designed to create affordable housing in Whistler, you get «more for your money» than an open - market comparable.
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