Sentences with phrase «market failures»

The government has tried to jumpstart and lead financial markets with tax incentives and energy efficient mortgages (EEMs), but many challenges have stalled or ended in market failures.
This would produce property rights where economically speaking such a solution can be identified as inefficient, not optimal, or even worse, as leading to market failures.
Market failures such as these are avoidable by falling back to a specific morphology of property rights that seems to be often overlooked as a feasible and many times more allocative - efficient solution: the Public Domain.
This section adds to the discussion in Section I, above, a discussion of the market failures inherent in the current system which create additional and compelling reasons to establish national health information privacy standards.
The current system leads to significant market failures in bargaining privacy protection.
The market failures caused by the lack of effective privacy protections for health information are discussed below (see section V.C below).
The chief market failures with respect to privacy of health information concern information, negotiation, and enforcement costs between the entity and the individual.
Rapid changes in information technology should result in increased market failures in the markets for individually identifiable health information.
Neither private action nor state laws provide a sufficiently comprehensive and rigorous legal structure to allay public concerns, protect the right to privacy, and correct the market failures caused by the absence of privacy protections (see discussion below of market failure under section V.C).
The Ministry of Justice is apparently on a recruitment drive for the Public Defender Service in the event of future «market failures» — just like the Army's vintage Green Goddess fire engines in the firefighters» strike 10 years ago.
The few scholars who have used such methodology briefly describe TK as a public good that may suffer from market failures.
The EC has also liberalised the rules around state support to address market failures in areas such as research, development and innovation, growth of SMEs and environmental protection.
Regulators should only intervene in the capital markets to address existing market failures or to address anticipated market failures.
I pause to observe that paralegals may be perfectly positioned to exploit these market failures.
A renewed scrutiny of corporate governance was inevitable in light of the current political climate and the backdrop of the recent recession and notable market failures.
I'd actually prefer the Commission coming with a well - reasoned and published decision that is subject to judicial review over some MS fixing something together with an (aspiring) national champion... This will certainly help to separate the chaff of protectionism from the wheat of true market failures.
As far as I know, Pigovian taxes are still a topic in first year college economic courses, covered as part of «market failures» and economic policy approaches, etc..
When market failures like this occur, there may be a case for government interventions in the form of regulations, taxes, fees, tradable permits, or other instruments that will motivate such recognition.»
Environmental and social damages are underestimated while using coal in China, as a result of market failures and weaknesses in government regulations.
«Most CGE models start from the assumption of an economy where resources are already efficiently allocated, for the good reason that it is not easy to model properly the real and dynamic world of multiple imperfections and numerous market failures,» says the commission.
This is the common thread that ties these diverse issues together: they were all market failures.
Other market failures may come into play.
These actions, alongside the support of science in tackling the major challenges in projecting the impacts of ocean warming and climate change more generally, will help the insurance industry to avoid market failures and increase societal resilience.
mitigation of emissions, including the design of national policy instruments, the roles of market failures such as in technological innovation, and the role of institutions in managing international collective action.
This is because there are other market failures that dilute the impacts of price signals on decision makers.
Fourth, although carbon pricing is not sufficient on its own (because of other market failures that reduce the impact of price signals — more about this below), it is a necessary component of a sensible climate policy, because of factors 1 through 3, above.
This is an application of an important and fundamental principle in economics: two market failures require the use of two policy instruments.
Firstly, mitigation practices may not be implemented for economic reasons (e.g., market failures, need for capital investment to realize recurrent savings), or a range of factors including risk ‐ related, political / bureaucratic, logistical, and educational / societal barriers.
These signs of stress, these trends of deterioration, are in large measure the result of market failures.
When policies address distinct market failures such as the externalities associated with greenhouse gas emissions or the undersupply of innovation, the use of multiple policy instruments has considerable potential to reduce costs.
Other market failures call for supplementary policies.
The answer is surely yes, partly because other market failures will continue to exist that are not addressed by carbon pricing.
Moreover, the same market failures that exist domestically — underinvestment in R&D, a lack of capital and patience in the valley of death — also exist internationally, suggesting that optimal economic outcomes will require governments to correct those flaws.
Rob, I've written before about «government failure» being more widespread and more damaging than alleged market failures.
Before we reveal our «guesses,» here's some background about carbon pricing and market failures that informs our thinking.
This dual - pronged approach should outstrip the impact of pricing alone, especially if the spending program is effective at addressing other market failures (like those listed above).
However, the effectiveness of a given carbon pricing policy will depend on the strength of the price signal, the breadth of the economy it covers, and how well any spending programs or other complementary features solve additional market failures that a price alone does not address.
Barrier removal includes correcting market failures directly or reducing the transactions costs in the public and private sectors by e.g. improving institutional capacity, reducing risk and uncertainty, facilitating market transactions, and enforcing regulatory policies.
One wonders how a problem that results from six market failures can or should be fixed by marshaling «market - based» policy instruments.
But each of Stern's endorsements responds to one of his numerous market failures, belying an allegiance to a neoclassical framework that has little relevance to the history or future of technology and energy transitions.
We need new policies, regulatory frameworks, and institutions focused on four areas: creating market - based incentives to innovate and raise carbon productivity; addressing market failures that prevent abatement opportunities from being captured profitably; resolving issues of allocation and fairness, in particular between the developed and developing worlds and between industry sectors; and accelerating progress to avoid missing critical emissions targets.
Overcoming these persistent market failures to help advance a portfolio of advanced energy technologies and provide the secure, affordable, and healthy energy needed to fuel the economy is clearly in the national interest, and is the proper role for government energy and innovation programs.
This is the work that governments have done since Alexander Hamilton invented industrial policy, not as a corrective to proliferating market failures, but as foundational and continuous policy to create and shape markets themselves.
Such subsidies and market failures, Stern said, slow growth as well as pollute the atmosphere and cause deaths.
One can look at the task ahead as painstakingly correcting an almost endless series of market failures.
In fact, there are so many market failures in energy, one almost wonders whether beginning with an idealized market and working backward through its «failures» is a fruitful way to approach policy thinking.
In reality, market failures plague the energy innovation process at each stage, from lab to market launch.
Free markets, democracy and the rule of law are here to stay despite any and all assessments of market failures from politically marginalised extremes.
Third Way proposes a national Clean Energy Standard to help overcome market failures that are restraining the deployment of clean energy sources like solar, wind, and nuclear power.
Policies exist to address market failures in R&D, but the effective use of technologies can also depend on capacities to adopt technologies appropriate to local circumstances.
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