Sentences with phrase «market frictions»

"Market frictions" refers to obstacles or barriers that prevent the smooth functioning of a market. These obstacles can include factors such as high transaction costs, limited information or transparency, government regulations, or unequal access to resources. These frictions can disrupt the efficiency of the market and hinder the free flow of goods, services, or information, ultimately impacting the overall economic performance. Full definition
Rieder and Brownback discuss how cyclical turning points result in market friction, even with solid growth, presenting the...
In most calculations, they account for market frictions by opening (closing) short positions at the bid (ask).
Though there is nothing concrete known about the pricing of the device, it is expected that Google will keep the pricing strategy unchanged and launch the new variant at a competitive price point to maintain market friction with Apple's iPad mini and Amazon's Kindle tablets.
My main interests relate to financial market frictions and limits of arbitrage.
We test whether momentum strategies remain profitable after considering market frictions induced by trading.
Tokenization of assets will greatly reduce market friction, in part by giving investors unprecedented levels of information, writes Pavel Kravchenko.
«Rising mortgage interest rates pushed more buyers to close deals, but monthly sales are likely to be uneven in the months ahead from several market frictions,» he says.
Other market frictions need to be addressed, such as assuring that proper comparables are used in appraisal valuations, and streamlining the short sales process.»
Rieder and Brownback discuss how cyclical turning points result in market friction, even with solid growth, presenting the Fed with two potential paths.
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