Sentences with phrase «market of the future»

My approach to lawyers as a commercial entity is based on my near - certainty that the legal market of the future will include many providers, of which lawyers will be just one.
AAU places equal emphasis on the three primary university value streams: highly qualified graduates for the labour market of the future; new cognition, knowledge, technology and innovation that address important societal problems; and effective dissemination of knowledge through cooperation with the community and wider society.
But by taking advantage of tax - favored accounts that let you save tax - free for college expenses, you can put yourself back into the driver's seat and get your kids the education they'll need to succeed in the dog - eat - dog job market of the future.
Even if these efforts are successful, the international community needs to keep in mind that China would adopt such a carbon trading scheme strictly in its own interest - that is, to reduce local air pollution, increase energy security, and gain a competitive advantage in the energy markets of the future.
Success in marketing to U.S. Millennials — the generation of people now 18 to 34 years old — will be critical to companies across product and service categories.1 One reason, of course, is that Millennials represent the consumer market of the future.
Otherwise, the U.S. risks falling further behind in the race to dominate the clean energy technology markets of the future — becoming a customer, rather than a supplier.
Does it have something to do with the marking - to - market of futures accounts?
At the ITB Berlin Convention the focus will be on Asia as a source market of the future.
Building the electricity markets of the future, Re-powering Markets explains, requires a comprehensive framework that encourages low - carbon investments and operational efficiency but also keeps security of supply as a top priority.
More About Farmers» Markets The Farmers» Market of the Future Know Your Farmers» Market?
Coinigy is the best way to access the global financial markets of the future.
There is a difference, in other words, between Uber and many of its major competitors in the self - driving race: Firms like Waymo, GM, and Ford are either carmakers selling private vehicles or software companies betting that this technology will help them secure space in the automated mobility market of the future.
Investors have the opportunity to take advantage of today's attractive lending climate and reap the benefits of the impending and growing SFR market of the future.
The numbers for computing and physics, key subjects for the labour market of the future, are far below where the Department for Education (DfE) would want them, with only 68 per cent and 66 per cent of trainees required.
Michio Kaku, a noted theoretical physicist and futurist, predicts, «The job market of the future will consist of those jobs that robots can not perform.»
This, the third in a series of videos in which law students put questions to Berwin Leighton Paisner managing partner Neville Eisenberg, looks at the impact of alternative business structures and the return of the big accounting firms to law on the legal market of the future.
Cryptocurrencies are the market of the future and we will be there to offer trade alerts on what we project will be some of the biggest winners in the Cryptocurrency space.
We know the women entrepreneurs» market is the market of the future and the future is now: we also know that consumer spending accounts for two thirds of the economy and that women make 85 % of all consumer purchasing decisions.
They are the markets of the future.
This presents a challenge for every company that wishes to involve its product development department in these markets of the future, according to Brabender.
Economic opportunities will flow to those countries who establish leadership in the markets of the future.
The Best of Fast Company: The Farmer's Market of the Future, a Solar Ear for the Deaf, and a New Use for Old Telephone Booths
A shorter two - year program would appeal to a market of future lawyers different from the norm.
Cryptocurrencies are the market of the future and we will be there to offer trade alerts on what we project will be some of the biggest winners in the Cryptocurrency space.
It's the market of the future
The argument was based around the idea that technology is critical to the markets of the future.
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