Sentences with phrase «marriage apostolate»

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Very importantly, in this relationship of a total, formed apostolate of men and women, boys and girls together, there begins to grow a love delightful, chaste and respectful which leads to the beauty of fully Catholic marriage, marriage in the fulness of the Faith and its ideals, with the vow «till death do us part» fully understood and given.
Although in her later years Rosa Bonheur might have made fun of some of the more far - fetched eccentricities of the members of the community, and disapproved of the additional strain which her father's apostolate placed on her overburdened mother, it is obvious that the Saint - Simonian ideal of equality for women — they disapproved of marriage, their trousered feminine costume was a token of emancipation, and their spiritual leader, Le Père Enfantin, made extraordinary efforts to find a Woman Messiah to share his reign — made a strong impression on her as a child, and may well have influenced her future course of behavior.
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