Sentences with phrase «marriage bed»

That was done to provide the undefiled marriage bed with the maximum of enjoyment, free from guilt, disease, and harm.
The bride and bridegroom examples, wedding feast, undefiled marriage bed, what God has joined together is not parted, the spouses body belongs to the other spouse, leave mother and father to become one, order God / man / women all united and equal in Gods eyes.
The written law was but the last of a series of futile efforts to bring Israel to God's marriage bed by means of intermediaries.
Similarly, regarding the procedure of embryo adoption, or artificial impregnation by embryo transfer into a recipient woman, although it may be backed by laudable intentions to save embryonic lives, I would still argue that it demands a consent — a yes to becoming a mother — which is too close to that sacred, momentous «yes» of a wife to her husband, when they become one flesh, to be allowable in any context other than the intimacy of a loving marriage bed.
At the entrance of the property, facing the main house and next to a lotus pond, is a detached guest bungalow with its own private terrace furnished with antique daybeds and a Javanese marriage bed.
Last night Jared Wilson issued an apology on his Gospel Coalition blog for a post that, quoting another writer, used violent imagery to describe how men should exercise «authority» in the marriage bed.
He could have been married and still never have sinned because of the marriage and of the marriage bed.
We're not judging (well, maybe a little, but): «the marriage bed remains undefiled,» says Paul.
There were 3 beds back then; a woman's bed, a man's bed and a marriage bed.
The scholar Edmund Leites has studied hundreds of Puritan sermons about love and sex (there are many), and he has documented how much they preached about the duties to desire and how they saw the marriage bed as the «other altar of love.»
I know many complementarians who, although they believe men should hold authority over women in the home, church, and society, make an exception for the marriage bed, acknowledging the Apostle Paul's teachings on mutuality in this regard (1 Corinthians 7:1 - 5).
It's mostly a quotation from Douglas Wilson, but the offending paragraph is woefully ignorant of the mutual sexual language of Song of Solomon (a book sadly neglected too often by complementarians) and flat - out contradicts the gospel - reshaping denial of authority in the marriage bed in 1 Cor 7.
Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, the Apostle Paul also taught mutuality in the marriage bed, writing to the Corinthians, «The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband.
Also, the marriage bed should be kept pure, so there can be no sexual activity outside of marriage., either before, during, or after marriage.
Praise of virginity and warnings against lust in the marriage bed have given way to anxious reassurances that Catholics do not hate and fear sex.
The Bible says that the marriage bed is undefiled.
It is about Christ as the center of your marriage bed.
God's command is that the wife's body belongs to the husband and the husband's body belongs to the wife and nothing defiles the marriage bed (I believe in Corinthians?
Paul states that the «marriage bed can't be defiled.»
As a Christian, I learned (from my husband) that the Bible says the marriage bed is undefiled (meaning you can do about anything except animals or extra partners), and that the command from God to be fruitful and multiply came BEFORE the Fall.
The bible says, «The marriage bed is undefiled!»
You think your marriage bed is undefiled... but many marriage beds are defiled because people are cheating on each other or don't love each other.
Mine is deeply spiritual and we teach that the marriage bed SHOULD be HOT!
But the marriage bed is undefiled.
They go as virgins to the marriage bed in a way that was quite normal then and all but unimaginable now.
Once she discovers that Twillie's «fortune» consists of nothing but phony oil - well coupons, Flowerbelle refuses to allow Twillie into the bridal chamber (he unwittingly crawls into the marriage bed with a goat, muttering «Darling, have you changed your perfume?»)
The marriage bed looms like an elephant in the room, as the fairy tale promise of young love gradually turns into a nightmare.
Its clear dramatic model is Alfred Hitchcock's 1940 adaptation of Rebecca, in which a nervous, untutored young woman is brought into the confidence (and marriage bed) of a mysterious, fabulously prosperous older man only to find herself dwarfed in his affections by the memory of his departed first wife.
Rachel's friend Stephanie (Jessica St. Clair) tells her that the way to get passion back into her marriage bed is to do what she does sometimes with her husband — go to a strip club.
Thus, not only is it preordained that every movie must end up reinforcing monogamous matrimony as an ideal, but even worse, every comedy must make sure that no one transgresses so much against the marriage bed as to make him or her unworthy of returning to it.
Dominic Cooke's On Chesil Beach, adapted from a dour novella by Ian McEwan, transforms cultural myth into hard fact, framing the marriage bed as not a venue for bawdy larks, but face - clawing torment.
Well, Microsoft slunk out of the marriage bed less than three years later and then a couple of months after the divorce the bastard Barnes & Noble siblings, College & NOOK have been separated.
Newlyweds Edward Mayhew and Florence Ponting, not long out of university, are both still virgins on their wedding night, and the overlapping anticipation and anxiety of what they will encounter in the marriage bed provide the drama of the story.
One can not sue to recover for injuries resulting from defilement of the marriage bed or from interference with the marriage by simply casting the defendant's conduct as a breach of contract, or negligence, or some other intentional tort.
in the marriage bed.
It's a cliché that hot sex always cools down, especially in the marriage bed.
When you leave your marriage bed and begin to sleep in separate beds it can be the beginning to the end to your physical as well as emotional intimacy.
It drapes across your marriage bed with heaviness.
All are to honor the marriage bed and keep it pure.
I even went so far as to judge other parents whose kids slept in the «marriage beds
The idea of the kid - free «marriage bed» went out the window pretty quickly once we met our tiny baby daughter who was incapable of ever sleeping by herself.
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