Sentences with phrase «marriage education ministries»

We are also available to partner with churches to set up relationship / marriage education ministries.

Not exact matches

The «two in one flesh» that is achieved through the marriage act integrally ordered to progeny, will itself be ordered to the ministry of their education and formation (cf. Luke Gormally's article in Faith, Nov / Dec 2004, Marriage: The True Environment of Sexuamarriage act integrally ordered to progeny, will itself be ordered to the ministry of their education and formation (cf. Luke Gormally's article in Faith, Nov / Dec 2004, Marriage: The True Environment of SexuaMarriage: The True Environment of Sexual Love).
Closely related field (social work, psychology, counseling, child development and family studies, medicine, nursing, pastoral counseling, ministry, theology, education, and sociology) and graduate coursework in marriage and family therapy from an accredited institution or national accrediting agency.
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