Sentences with phrase «marriage matters»

In other words, although scholars are not exactly sure why marriage matters for children, they know that marriage does matter for them....
Thus a major theme we address in this issue is why marriage matters for child wellbeing.
Our Florida divorce attorney has over 15 years of experience representing clients in Florida family law cases, including both contested and uncontested dissolution of marriage matters.
He shares his thoughts on why marriage matters in the «The Black Pulpit,» a weekly series of opinion pieces that explores faith in the black community.
Anderson focuses on three questions: «What is marriage, why does marriage matter for public policy, and what are the consequences of redefining marriage?»
«For in Christ Jesus, neither opposite - sex marriage nor same - sex marriage matter at all; but what matters is your faith expressing itself through love.»
The Church's approval or disapproval of gay marriage matters not in the slightest.
And, we need to look at whether marriage matters for couples past the baby - making years or for those who chose to be childfree.
And it's true that marriage matters today in the U.S., because it grants those who tie the know more than 1,100 perks and protections — and that's just at the federal level.
In the years that have gone by, the extra marriage matter was stringently a matter that was men completely outclassed.
Recently, there's been a ton of talk about marriage mattering less and less.
Released by a group of eighteen family scholars, the latest edition of Why Marriage Matters offers important new findings from the social sciences on the state of marriage in the United States, including why recent increases in cohabitation and family instability pose a risk to children.
Like previous editions, the third edition of Why Marriage Matters reviews the relevant research on family topics and comes to three fundamental conclusions: marriage is an important social good, marriage is an important public good, and the benefits of marriage extend to poor and minority communities.
Presentation for Marriage Matters Ministry at Willowcreek Community Church — DuPage Campus, Aurora, IL.
Here is part of Anderson's response to why marriage matters for public policy:
Surely we must find ways of leading couples gently and lovingly towards the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony, and never shy away from why marriage matters.
Justice and Marriage Matters of justice might seem to have little to do with whether one is a man or a woman.
PhariseesIn «Marriage Matters» («Public Square,» November), R. R. Reno wondered how such a display of «public» immorality — same - sex marriage — could be greeted without comment.
For much of history, marriage mattered.
Nor are the results of the latest NMP study, «Why Marriage Matters,» which predicts doom and gloom for the children of cohabiting couples.
Once you're parents, your marriage matters even more because now you have these people who count on you not to kill each other.
The report, released August 16 and entitled «Why Marriage Matters,» pulls together findings from 18 scholars to argue that kids living in cohabiting households don't do as well socially, educationally and psychologically as kids living in intact married households.
«These 19 senators from across the nation all know firsthand why marriage matters to gay and lesbian couples, their kids, their kin, and our country,» said Evan Wolfson, the founder and president of Freedom to Marry.
This Marriage Matters ad arguably does more to show off Ashley Madison than to promote the sanctity of marriage.
Why Marriage Matters.
In «Marriage Matters» (7:20), the filmmakers and church volunteers sound off on the film's concepts, intentions, and metaphors.
Other matters, marriage matters, are governed by explicit legislation.
The length of your marriage matters when dividing property in your divorce.
The problem with this response is that the couple may not realize that their marriage is invalid and when, many years later, the validity of the marriage matters, it may be too late for them to do much about it.
Nor are the results of the latest NMP study, «Why Marriage Matters,» which predicts doom and gloom for the children of cohabiting couples.
Why Marriage Matters is a free handout to share the positive impact of healthy marriages and the negative impact of broken relationships on our society.
Why Marriage Matters is a free handout to share the positive impact of healthy marriages and the..
Through the organization that he helped establish, Every Marriage Matters, he has watched numerous couples fix their troubled relationships.
Why Marriage Matters is a one - page, four - color handout that quickly and convincingly shares the positive impact of healthy marriages, as well as the negative impact of broken relationships on our society.
In the recently released report, Why Marriage Matters: Thirty Conclusions from the Social Sciences, findings show that kids raised in unmarried partner households fare worse than being children whose parents divorce.
This third edition of Why Marriage Matters was released in mid-August (2011) and lists several conclusions from the research that people in cohabiting relationships or contemplating a live - in relationship need to know.
Why Marriage Matters: Twenty - one Conclusions from the Social Sciences, Institute for American Values, New York, 2000, p. 6.
New research — made available for the first time in this third edition of «Why Marriage Matters» — suggests that the rise of cohabiting households with children is the largest unrecognized threat to the quality and stability of children's lives in today's families.
For much of history, marriage mattered.
Why Marriage Matters is a handout that shows the research - supported, positive societal and personal impact of marriage as well as the negative societal and personal impact of broken relationships.
Why Marriage Matters is a one - page, four - color handout that quickly and convincingly shares the p..
Marriage matters.
I can only conclude from my own life, that adventure in a marriage matters in a way we don't acknowledge.
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