Sentences with phrase «marriage works with»

What works in marriage works with kids.
Our marriage work with you is going to always depend on your level of commitment and the amount of work that you put into following our program.
It is the kind where one spouse is willing to sacrifice his or her own desires in order to make the marriage work with someone who doesn't really care.
In Collaborative Divorce, couples who have decided to end their marriage work with a team of professionals to avoid the arbitrary and uncertain outcomes of court litigation and to achieve a divorce settlement that best meets the specific needs of both parties and their children.

Not exact matches

Building a relationship with a business partner requires just as much work as any marriage.
Working with your spouse can be a minefield if you don't have a growth strategy for both your business and your marriage.
For example, your partner may end up being very involved in your business, you may start a new company during your marriage, or your partner may leave work to stay home with the kids.
Penelope Trunk, the author of Brazen Careerist: The New Rules for Success, argues that one of the advantages of the work spouse relationship is its no - strings - attached vibe — it offers the closeness and support of a marriage, with out any sexual ties, commitment, or other relationship baggage.
Along with work requirements, the agencies are instructed to follow nine «Principles of Economic Mobility» to guide their proposed changes, including giving states more flexibility, encouraging private sector involvement, and promoting marriage as a means to escape poverty.
It could also have a positive effect on womens» employment and careers by making it easier to balance work with home and childcare obligations — since men in heterosexual marriages still often aren't doing their share on that front.
The Green party and FDP both ruled out working closely with Mrs Merkel after the September vote unless same - sex marriage would be supported in any coalition deal.
He repeats his description of the ways bad charity (the Great Society) drove out good charity (religiously based groups): It reinterpreted the causes of poverty as exclusively material and environmental; its bureaucracy tried to reach ever - larger numbers of poor people with a decreasingly personal strategy for fighting poverty; it dismissed the role of volunteers in favor of professional social workers; and it removed the incentives for work, saving, and marriage.
Mr Ngole, who was studying for a Masters in Social Work, had signalled his opposition to gay marriage before posting part of Leviticus 20:13, which says: «If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination.»
Caitlin Flanagan, with her «I'm so put upon because I work and keep house, but marriage is better for the children» thinking, and Sandra Tsing Loh, with her «Don't bother, you'll only get burned» bitterness, have (not surprisingly) missed the point that unsterilized marriage is a great adventure, one that opens your horizons to love beyond self - satisfaction.
These have been formulated in different ways, but a typical list would cite life (including health, safety, and procreation); knowledge (including appreciation of beauty); holiness or religion (in the sense of harmony with ultimate reality); self - integration, justice, friendship (including marriage); and the kind of exercise of skill in work or play that enriches human life.
Perhaps legal plural marriage would be a bit difficult to work, with property laws and so on, but if you just want to live together and share your life, go to it.
He may have sat with you for ours working through problems n your marriage or difficulties with a teenage son.
It will help a wide range of professionals who deal with marriage and want a broader perspective on their work.
Of course there are other reasons for my sporadic blogging this year: a surprise new baby coming which completely disoriented us, a new book to finish writing (and I will share all about that in January), travelling and speaking all over North America, stewarding the message of Jesus Feminist throughout her first year of life, creating the Jesus Feminist collection with Imagine Goods, a trip to Haiti, new opportunities as a writer, three tinies at home with their own lives and drama and growth and change, remodelling parts of our home, marriage, church, friends, life, work, laundry (oh, can we talk laundry?!)
And you would be right, but as Robby notes, «The impulse to crush the rights of conscience... to ensure conformity with what have become key tenets of the liberal faith (abortion, «sexual freedom,» «same - sex marriage») is the authoritarian impulse» at work.
Jacqueline Cooke - Rivers showed us how the weakening of marriage and family, among the African - Americans with whom she works, has led to a threadbare social fabric.
Sorry Christards, at the end of the day, when the change comes to allow same-s.e.x marriage — and it's coming, don't kid yourself — it will be because people across the country are talking to gay and lesbian co-workers and neighbors, meeting same-s.e.x couples and their kids at Little League games, and working at companies with domestic - partner health plans.
I don't agree with the idea that arranged marriage will work.
The love that comes with marriage is about commitment and sacrifice, and if you feel committed enough to make marriage work when money gets tight, then go for it.
As part of marriage preparation Catholics couples are paired with another catholic couple and they discuss how Natural Family Planning works and are available to answer questions.
Such a ministry is geared toward early help with minor emotional disturbances, crisis situations, parent - child relationships, and critical life experiences such as birth, death, illness, marriage, school, and work adjustment.
Again the trouble may lie in factors harder to cope with — domestic disharmony, friction in one's work, a job one loathes but fears to leave, worry about the future, lack of success in some pivotal enterprise, separation by distance, by marriage, or by death from one who is deeply loved.
Many of her friends» daughters had also returned home from a broken marriage with a child or two that they dumped on their parents while they were out «catting around» in a futile tragic attempt to heal their bruised egos and Mother was quite thankful that I spent my after work hours in my room reading my bible.
Even though I have seen some wondrously happy married couples, most of the marriages I have worked with were struggling to find even vestiges of joy.
Since 2013 the Diocese of Westminster has been working with the Explore educational charity to provide a «remote marriage preparation» experience in the diocese's high schools and parishes.
Show creator Carl Reiner was hard at work delivering an interesting, nuanced portrayal of a marriage when most television shows were still asking viewers to laugh at smart, long - suffering husbands putting up with their silly, accident - prone wives.
The voluntary educational programs are multi-pronged: They promote wiser relationship and marriage choices among less - educated youth, help engaged couples approach marriage realistically, assist married couples overcome the vicissitudes of life together, and work with cohabitating couples aspiring to marriage to achieve that goal.
My own statements about the way in which the decline of marriage contributes to the difficulties facing the working class were singled out as suggesting that unmarried women with children were somehow responsible — blaming the victim.
Court has hit the headlines with her vocal opposition to same - sex marriage while she told a Christian radio station on Wednesday that transgenderism was the work of the devil and compared a global plot to promote equal sexual rights to Hitler.
And it is perhaps not insignificant that each of these three works, in different ways, was influenced by Lewis's acquaintance with and, finally, marriage to Joy Davidman Gresham.
Here it can be said, however, that the key to successful aging begins now, in working to deepen the marriage and to find inner values for coping creatively with the years of maturity.
There's a risk in thinking that marriage, parenthood or really any major milestone associated with adulthood, as «hard work,» but it's equally as problematic to think it will be a breeze that doesn't require any effort.
Hand in hand with increasing inwardness goes a newly developing affirmation of production (work) and reproduction (marriage and family).
We realized, with joy, that working on our issues IS marriage.
That is, most study in diocesan seminaries and are trained to work in the more familiar Catholic settings of parishes - celebrating Masses, baptizing children, presiding at marriages and working closely with families in their parish.
But this feeling of being trapped infiltrated everything else in my life, including my religion, my home, my work with nakedpastor, my marriage, and my family and friends.
Update (Feb. 1): In his first public comments, Saeed Abedini told the Idaho Statesman that «much of what I have read in Naghmeh's posts and subsequent media reports is not true,» but he plans to work on rebuilding their marriage in private because «personal issues are best dealt with personally.»
Derek says the themes on the album include battling cynicism («Everything Will Change»), coming to terms with who God made you to be («Eye of the Hurricane»), Jesus» nearness to those who are disenfranchised («Closer Than You Think»), unity among the divisions of the church («A Place at Your Table»), the hard work of marriage («The Vow»), and God's great love («Love Part 3»).
I have had seasons for my marriage, for my work, for my processing, for my mothering, for my relationships, for my writing, and so of course, I've had them for my journey with Christ.
This is a big part of what marriage is: working together to find something you can both live with.
That starts with making marriage and work a better deal.
It's probably the prairie kid thing, combined with the evangelical - mutt thing, but when acedia slinks into my soul, spreading into every corner of my life with an ooze, when my mind is fuzzy and apathetic, when I'm listless and worn out, burned out, on religion and parenting and marriage and family and everything about my life, I get to the daily, methodical, healing goodness of real work.
His success led finally to his marriage with Khadija, a wealthy woman for whom he worked.
Father Holloway would say «the office of marriage is a co-sharing with God and with Christ in the work of creation.»
Readers of Al - Jumuah deal pretty ordinarily with the ordinary vexations of family life in America: How to stay connected with your kids, how to raise good kids who know the value of study and hard work, how to improve a marriage, all these from a Muslim perspective are explored, more or less in the same way they are examined in a Christian family magazine.
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