Sentences with phrase «mask symptoms of illness»

In the wild, animals instinctively mask symptoms of illness so they will not appear weak to predators or be shunned by their own kind.
Because your dog or cat can't communicate to you when he isn't feeling well, and because animals are sometimes able to mask symptoms of illness until a disease is advanced, an annual exam conducted by your veterinarian is an important part of maintaining the health and happiness of your pet.
Because your dog or cat can't communicate to you when he isn't feeling well, and because animals are sometimes able to mask symptoms of illness until a disease is advanced, an annual exam conducted by your veterinarian is an important part of...

Not exact matches

Since most people see cats sleeping the days away and don't notice signs of illness until it is often too late (cats are great disease hiders, masking symptoms until the very end), it's common to let time between veterinary appointments lapse.
Rather than focusing on symptoms and prescribing medicines or injections that will only mask the symptoms, holistic veterinarians will focus on the source of the pain or illness to try to heal your pet's overall health.
Cats are sometimes able to mask or hide an illness and disease, often showing only few symptoms of illness.
Do keep in mind that our pets are able to mask symptoms and it may be difficult to determine the seriousness of the illness.
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