Sentences with phrase «mass of the electron»

The measured mass of electrons in solids is always larger than the value predicted by theory.
Religious faith has nothing to say about the valence of oxygen or the mass of the electron.
Last year a team at University College London used the clustering of galaxies as a proxy for the clumping of matter, and their result put that mass at under 0.28 electronvolts, less than one - millionth the mass of an electron.
One pocket far away might be similar to our universe, but the mass of the electron might be a bit different.
GHOST FINDER New results of experiments at the Daya Bay neutrino detector (walls lined with photomultiplier tubes, shown) hint at the existence of a lightweight sterile neutrino, about one - millionth the mass of an electron.
Quantum mechanics changed the rules of the game, and the idea that electromagnetic back - reaction alone is responsible for the mass of the electron no longer appears viable.
KATRIN will study neutrinos, which are less than a millionth the mass of an electron, by sifting through the aftermath of radioactive decays of tritium, an isotope of hydrogen with two neutrons.
Much of Lorentz's 1892 paper deals with the seductive, though not unproblematic, idea that the mass of electrons could be a consequence of their electric charge.
«We don't have any alternative explanation for the dark energy; we don't have any alternative explanation for the smallness of the mass of the electron; we don't have any alternative explanation for many properties of particles.
«We really just stumbled upon a model in which, suddenly, we found that the mass had gone from like 1,000 times the mass of an electron to zero,» Lai said.
«And if we double the mass of the electron, life as we know it will disappear.
Moving to the blackboard, she scribbled a long sequence of equations, each crowded with the symbols representing the fundamental parameters of the universe: the speed of light, the gravitational constant, the mass of the electron, the strength of the nuclear force.
This then helped them calculate the mass of its electrons.
From experiments, we know that a photon can be no more massive than a thousand - billion - billion - billionth (10 -30) the mass of an electron, and for theoretical reasons, we believe it has exactly zero mass.
However, the best experiments show that an individual neutrino has only a tiny mass of less than 10 electronvolts (the mass of an electron is about 500 000 eV).
The key for NOvA is that the greater the mass of the electron neutrino flavor, the more likely the beam of neutrinos will interact with the hundreds of miles of matter they cross on the way to the detector.
By comparing the frequency of the atom's circular movements with the frequency of the spin - flipping microwaves, the team used quantum electrodynamics equations to derive the mass of the electron compared with a proton.
The mass of an electron appears prominently in many of the fundamental laws that govern the subatomic realm, yet direct measurement has been complicated by the particle's scrawny mass.
It is inversely proportional to the mass of the electrons and ions — the frequency is greater if the mass is lighter.
positron A subatomic particle with the mass of an electron, but a positive electrical charge.
Don't let them con you into paying hard cover prices for a mass of electrons.
The Oil Drop Experiment replaced a subatomic particle with a drop of oil, and in so doing allowed precise measurement of the mass of the electron.
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