Sentences with phrase «mass of the gas»

Values are the ratio of global warming from one unit mass of a gas to that of one unit mass of carbon dioxide over 100 years.
It is true that the cosmos was at one point a swirling mass of gas and dust out of which has come the extraordinary complexity of life as we experience it.
But farther out from the center, the winds push away and remove about 800 solar masses of gas each year.
The smaller galaxy is no lightweight either, comprising roughly 40 billion solar masses of gas and dust.
SDC13 is a remarkable cloud network of four filaments converging on a central hub, with a total mass of gas equivalent to a thousand of our Suns.
«In the summer, the water in Lake Wohlen sometimes looks like champagne with masses of gas bubbles rising to the surface,» she added.
Pumice is formed as pyroclastic material is ejected into the air as a froth containing masses of gas bubbles or vessicles, the lava solidifies quickly and the vessicles are contained in the rock.
This dense cloud is a star - forming region called Lupus 3, where dazzlingly hot stars are born from collapsing masses of gas and dust.
It could be that NGC 1052 - DF2 was once a placid mass of gas and has been recently perturbed by another unseen galaxy nearby, sparking star formation.
If the size and mass of this gas halo is confirmed, it suggests a source for some of the «baryons» so far unobserved.
DeanMJacksons claim that the GHE of a gas depends on its density can easily be debunked by comparing the molecular mass of some gases.
The index is defined as the cumulative radiative forcing between the present add some chosen time horizon caused by a unit mass of gas emitted now, expressed relative to that for some reference gas (here CO2 is used).
That would mean warm matter in the void of space could only radiate to other cooler masses of gases for instance and we know that is not true.
Each discovery has shown just how creative nature can be and has brought Boss a little closer to understanding the intricate process by which a swirling mass of gas and dust turns into a vibrant system of planets.
Occasionally these objects look something like planetary nebulae, as in the case of the Crab Nebula, but they differ from the latter in three ways: (1) the total mass of their gas (they involve a larger mass, essentially all the mass of the exploding star), (2) their kinematics (they are expanding with higher velocities), and (3) their lifetimes (they last for a shorter time as visible nebulae).
He now wants to totally ignore that and treat the masses as constant across the flasks while using the heat capacity per unit mass of the gases.
«When the mass of gas is roughly equal to the mass of dust, the two interact in a way that leads to clumping in the dust and the formation of patterns,» said lead researcher Wladimir Lyra, a Sagan Fellow at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. «In essence, the gas shepherds the dust into the kinds of structures we would expect to be see if a planet were present.»
Crucially, McGaugh finds very little scatter in the data — just what would be expected if the mass of gas and stars was directly determining the rotation speed.
The mass of the gas can then be estimated directly.
All are probably protostars — masses of gas and dust that shine brightly as they contract, converting gravitational energy into radiation.
A mass of gas falling rapidly into a black hole is estimated to give off more than 100 times as much energy as is released by the identical amount of mass through nuclear fusion.
They estimate that the mass of the gas in them is about 1 billion times that of the Sun, typical for gas - rich, low - mass galaxies in the early Universe.
You can not make simplistic claims such as this without fully understanding what you claim — you have failed to allow for the mass of the gases per equivalent volumes!
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