Sentences with phrase «mass of the hydrogen molecule»

To use your molecular weight example, the calculated mass of the hydrogen molecule, H2, depends on the accuracy of the measured mass of the hydrogen atom, but also on the accuracy of the hypothesis: «the mass of a molecule is the sum of the masses of its constituent atoms».

Not exact matches

Next, Agee and his colleagues used a laser to extract water molecules trapped within minerals in the meteorite and fed them into a mass spectrometer to calculate the ratio of deuterium, a heavy isotope of hydrogen, to ordinary hydrogen.
An ultra-precise clock that ticks to the rhythm of hydrogen molecules could offer a way to probe particle masses and look for signs of odd behaviour
According to the team's calculations, a clock with a molecule of two hydrogen atoms at its centre could combine multiple frequencies at once, providing a more accurate probe of possible changes in the electron - proton mass ratio.
In principle, odorant isotopomers provide a possible test of shape vs. vibration mechanisms: replacing, for example, hydrogen with deuterium in an odorant leaves the ground - state conformation of the molecule unaltered while doubling atomic mass and so altering the frequency of all its vibrational modes to a greater or lesser extent [11].
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