Sentences with phrase «mass resignations»

"Mass resignations" refers to a situation where a large number of people, often employees, voluntarily leave or quit their jobs all at once. Full definition
The Mann et al EOS article was published on July and was followed soon after by mass resignation of Climate Research editors for the role of the journal in publishing Soon and Baliunas.
The threat of mass resignations from Labour's front bench over Article 50 may have been averted for now, but the Brexit dilemma facing MPs has by no means gone away.
Ms Eagle has also been touted as candidate to replace Jeremy Corbyn, who is under immense pressure to step down following mass resignations from the Labour front bench.
Supporters rally round party leader after mass resignations from shadow cabinet in wake of UK vote to leave EU
Asked on Tuesday whether he thought he could fill his team, which was hit by mass resignations over the summer, without conceding on elections, the Labour leader told the Guardian: «Yes, I do.
The political turmoil and mass resignations threaten Maduro's government, which depends on oil for 90 percent of export revenue.
Since Donald Trump preempted mass resignations from his business executive panels last week by disbanding two of them (on manufacturing and economic policy) and canceling a third (on infrastructure), pundits have fallen over themselves to praise CEOs as the moral conscience of the nation.
The fallout from the umpires union's ill - conceived 1999 mass resignation continued last month, when an arbitrator in Philadelphia declared that Major League Baseball must take back nine of the 22 umps who lost their jobs.
But after rolling mass resignations from the shadow cabinet, which have continued into Tuesday with Pat Glass resigning as shadow education secretary just two days after being appointed, Milband said it was time for Labour to unite around an alternative candidate.
Following mass resignations during the summer, more than 50 shadow ministerial posts remain unfilled, with a number of people doing two jobs or more.
John McDonnell is set to spearhead Labour's Brexit fightback today in a reported attempt to show the party can still function as an effective opposition despite the recent mass resignation of its MPs.
He was endured mass resignations from his shadow cabinet with a leadership election now on the horizon.
«What we are building at Omi Dam is capable of sparking mass resignation from the civil service as our people are seeing a window of opportunity to prosperity through agriculture».
The hapless leftie was pictured in his grey tracksuit ahead of another day of announcements about the new Labour frontbench as he tries to fill dozens of holes left after mass resignations earlier this year.
Lucy Powell handed in her resignation on Sunday 26 June on a day of mass resignations for Leader Jeremy Corbyn's shadow cabinet.
«This petulant mass resignation is intended to save face for them and create some kind of statement, but I think in a bizarre way they have so little of a platform right now that their leaks and their resignations, and every statement they make, ends up looking like a positive for us.»
He has been forced to replace most of his shadow cabinet in the past week after mass resignations and repeated calls for him to quit.
Despite the mass resignations, TIM's statutory auditors included Elliott's proposal on the agenda for this week's meeting - a decision TIM's board and Vivendi had challenged in court and which the judge suspended with its ruling.
It saw the mass resignation of the Santer Commission, following a series of scandals (culminating in a nepotism row involving the former French prime minister and then EU Commissioner, Edith Cresson).
Many of this supporters are fiercely defensive of the man they love and are still raging at the mass resignation of the front bench and the way things spiralled out of control in the days after Brexit.
There were mass resignations and the war of words with Unite dragged in the rest of the trade union movement.
Despite the mass resignation of shadow cabinet members, Corbyn feels emboldened to resist calls to go.
This government would fall after such a mass resignation, and either a general election or a Conservative (or coalition) government would follow.
Alongside disenfranchisement, mass resignation and legislation to retain, there is of course a fourth scenario: though no legislation is passed to retain them, the Scottish MPs continue to turn up to the Commons and vote.
Mr Corbyn has faced a massive no confidence from his MPs and mass resignations from his shadow ministerial team but has refused to quit.
Burnham did not join in the mass resignations that triggered the leadership challenge against Corbyn and has been supportive of the leader since losing the contest against him last year.
Mr Flynn's unexpected double promotion is a result of the mass resignations from Jeremy Corbyn's Shadow Cabinet.
Mr Corbyn has faced an 80 % vote of no confidence from his MPs, mass resignations from his shadow ministerial team and calls to quit by a string of senior party figures.
And while the Labour backbenches were packed, the front bench was sparsely populated following the mass resignations.
The Bristol MP, who stepped down from Jeremy Corbyn's shadow cabinet amid the mass resignations that followed the Brexit referendum, said she felt compelled to come forward after Etemadzadeh was criticised for her account of a recent encounter with Hopkins.
Following Hilary Benn's departure there was a mass resignation of shadow cabinet members and, at the time of writing, the party's MPs have backed a vote of no confidence by an overwhelming margin.
It is a further confirmation of the failures in process which resulted in the mass resignation of many members of the LAG before the production of the report by those who remained.
It comes after weeks of tension between Mr Corbyn and Mr Watson following the mass resignation of the shadow cabinet in June.
Jon Trickett returns to the role he was given in June after he was moved to Shadow Secretary of State for Business Innovation and Skills following the mass resignations of many Labour MPs after the EU referendum result.
For the records, no «senior EFCC core official» has resigned from the commission and insinuation of mass resignation at the commission is mere scaremongering.
Hence the mass resignations from the Shadow government — plus the sacking of Hilary Benn for perceived disloyalty — which followed a few days after the vote.
In this rapidly evolving drama, Sunday morning newspaper headlines about «Tories in crisis» have already been overtaken by a surge of «Labour in crisis» stories following Jeremy Corbyn's decision — a decision, at last — to sack Hilary Benn for disloyalty and trigger a mass resignation from the shadow cabinet.
Mr Smith resigned as shadow work and pensions secretary in the mass resignations from the leader's front bench last month.
Mr Corbyn faces a leadership challenge from Mr Smith following an overwhelming vote of no confidence among his MPs and mass resignations from his shadow ministerial team.
Not only will you have an exodus of headteachers, but you will have mass resignations from governing bodies, at the very time when schools need experienced people who ask the important question: why?
MM should never be mentioned without reference to their stupendous error in substituting radian for degrees in their GRL paper, nor to the mass resignation of editors protesting the publication of that paper.
Sorry, yet another correction: The mass resignation was in response to publication of a prior paper disputing anthropogenic global warming, although the editor of this latter paper was the same as with MMichaels.
Correction to my last post: The radians / degrees problem and the mass resignation were at Climate Research, not GRL, and that particular particular paper was McKittrick and Michaels.
De Freitas is best known as the editor whose greenlighting of an execrable paper by Willie Soon and Sallie Baliunas led to the mass resignation of four Climate Research editors later the same year, including just - installed editor - in - chief Hans von Storch.
Nor were there any mass resignations from the IPCC.
It is a very rare situation that an editor resigns over the failure of peer review, and to my knowledge it has only happened once before in anything related to climate science — the mass resignation of 6 editors at Climate Research in 2003 in the wake of the Soon and Baliunas debacle.
Be it a sales person losing that mega deal, the proposal you have worked tirelessly rejected by your boss or even faced with a mass resignation of your subordinates.
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