Sentences with phrase «mass transportation»

As seen in the trailer above, the expansion is supplementing the range of mass transportation systems available for players to build in their cities.
To continue to grow in size and strength, we must develop a new interconnected, planned system of mass transportation, roads and bridges and airports for the next 100 years.
But it's the only logical way we'll see if high speed mass transportation can become a reality.
Sure, other generations before us put their thumbs out, but we turned it into mass transportation.
With so many mass transportation options, you can even get by without a car if you choose to.
The fact that millions of people live close together allows new opportunities for clean mass transportation, for example.
That's because, while flying is among the safest means of mass transportation today, it is also — increasingly — becoming one of the most stressful.
Obviously, some type of surface mass transportation system was needed.
Construction and mass transportation infrastructure and the jobs that go with them are part of any plan for any massive convention center.
We must end the «car culture» and begin a serious, sustained investment in affordable and efficient mass transportation, here and abroad.
Just moments from mass transportation, restaurants, post office, and schools.
Close by major highways and mass transportation systems, getting to work will be the least of your worries!
This is certainly a turning point for OLEV to become more commercialized and widely accepted for mass transportation in our daily living.»
Green Office A green office with special recognition for our earth - friendly associates who use mass transportation, and participate in other green initiatives.
Obama will build upon his efforts in the Senate to ensure that more Metropolitan Planning Organizations create policies to incentivize greater bicycle and pedestrian usage of roads and sidewalks, and he will also re-commit federal resources to public mass transportation projects across the country.
«We called this meeting to highlight the issues around mass transportation on the East End,» said Ms. Throne - Holst, who is running a Democratic primary against attorney Dave Calone of Babylon for the First Congressional District seat currently held by Republican Lee Zeldin (R - Shirley).
But, Tokyo is a world leader for mass transportation technology, so Mercedes» decision to bring this concept here is understandable.
Travel, which earns individuals 2x points, includes things such as mass transportation, auto rental (including Zipcar), taxis (including Uber), parking, and tolls and bridges.
«Outside of cities with mass transportation, undocumented immigrants are at a serious disadvantage without driver's licenses, making simple tasks like picking up groceries, picking up a child from school or going to work a struggle.»
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) assists in developing improved mass transportation systems for cities and communities nationwide.
49 USC 5310, Formula Grants and Loans for Special Needs of Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities The Secretary of Transportation may make grants and loans to state and local government authorities to help provide mass transportation service planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special needs of elderly individuals and individuals with disabilities.
Not since Tomorrowland's PeopleMover has a vision for the future of urban mass transportation garnered as much attention as the high - speed Hyperloop system has.
«I support Amtrak funding and the development of high - speed freight and passenger rail networks across the country... I will also re-commit federal resources to public mass transportation projects across the country.
If successful, Porter will not only give Air Canada a real run for its money, but it will be responsible for the fastest expansion of any form of mass transportation Toronto will see for years to come.
Electricity, before science DARKNESS MASS Transportation, before science WALK!
One of the biggest challenges facing New York City right now is its aging mass transportation system, with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's infrastructure deteriorating as subways and trains run on an outdated system.
Bloomberg emphasized the need to «help the city's middle class,» including preventing foreclosures, coming to the aid of those who have already lost their homes and making mass transportation more affordable.
Among those was a new Yankee Stadium, with adequate mass transportation promised sometime in the future.
The Fort Tilden Local Redevelopment Authority concluded that the site was not a feasible location for homeless services due to various reasons including the site's remoteness, limited mass transportation access, lack of housing, and environmental remediation needs.
What Rockland County needs is a full - time mass transportation system, and not the part time one that exists today.
I obviously relate to them all the things mentioned in this article and also the additional benefits of a really fantastic mass transportation system and great technology including the high - speed cable modem access in my flat overlooking the ocean.
49 USC 5332, Nondiscrimination in Mass Transit This law provides for nondiscrimination within mass transportation, to include facilities as well as transportation modes.
It's Casual, a Los Angeles - based hardcore band, delivers a high - energy track that promotes mass transportation.
Gov. Christie also quashed a major job - creating mass transportation initiative, the «ARC» project, which was years along in the planning stages when he took office.
DiverDan: your suggestions make sense to this layman --(although mass transportation in many of the rural areas of this country is a non-starter).
There is always a price to be paid if a new technology is to be used safely — mass transportation by horses required much less legal infrastructure than do motor vehicles, which has never stopped expanding in volume, complexity, and necessary resources.
We're also trying to tie in various intermodal transportation elements with our bike paths and pedestrian walkways and mass transportation so it all works cohesively to reduce the amount of vehicular traffic overall.
«For example, if you live in a city, you won't have to budget for a car since you can use mass transportation
New assistive technologies have made it possible for people with disabilities to use computers, phones, elevators and mass transportation on their own.
Let me lust list some areas that will require government action and planning: rejuvenating the centers of big cities, providing mass transportation systems, controlling pollution, maintaining open spaces and recreational areas, taking care of future energy needs, making health care available to all.
Better still, it would be much, much faster than Tomorrowland's solution for urban mass transportation.
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