Sentences with phrase «massive amounts of information»

Check out their website where you will find massive amounts of information on boards, which one is right for you and buy them online, delivered to your door for free.
Clients admire the talents of agency people who see the world around them with empathy and creativity and who take massive amounts of information and data and produce insights and ideas.
I love sociology and my career has given me the opportunity to see massive amounts of information compiled into neat little data models.
There is also evidence that plants have memory, can integrate massive amounts of information and maybe pay attention.
In each instance, the hope is that critical insights are hidden deep within massive amounts of information, just waiting to be discovered.
Your baby's eyes will take in massive amounts of information about the world around her as she grows.
Protect by being proactive The profession handles massive amounts of information and money.
Big data is the catchall phrase for a long list of technologies that allow companies to affordably store massive amounts of information from all sorts of sources.
Dogs are naturally the champions of the sniffer world, able to glean massive amounts of information from only a small scent.
Based on our extensive litigation and trial experience as well as our nationally - recognized eDiscovery capabilities, we are uniquely positioned to review, analyze, synthesize and simplify cases involving complex issues, to sift through massive amounts of information and focus on what is important, compelling and necessary to obtain the best result.
Readers are already used to consuming massive amounts of information for free online, and their expectations will gravitate in the direction of «free» even when it comes to books (including fiction and all types of nonfiction).
The reason I pitch for finding ways to get more of our rules and legal processes developed by non-government entities — both for - profit companies and non-profit community organizations — is to harness what markets offer: a distributed and decentralized mechanism for processing massive amounts of information and identifying when, where, and how doing things differently might work to produce value.
RSS reader sites like Google Reader enable users to sort and consume massive amounts of information efficiently.
Storing data as a holograph can pack massive amounts of information into a tiny light - sensitive crystal, but so far there has been no simple way to retrieve the data without destroying it.
Auctioneers faced an interesting dilemma: The Vancouver - based company, which organizes auctions for industrial equipment, was accumulating massive amounts of information on its customers and the items it was listing for sale, but it had no one on staff who could really dive deep and make sense of it all.
Although aggregating massive amounts of information might sound like a grueling, expensive endeavor, there's a good chance a government agency has already dedicated resources to gathering some of the information you're seeking.
IBM and Mediatek plan to ultimately develop ways to wirelessly connect high - definition TVs to set - top boxes using millimeter - wave radio technology, which takes advantage of the highest frequency portion of the radio spectrum where massive amounts of information can be sent quickly.
When massive amounts of information from patients with Lyme disease are gathered and analyzed, researchers begin to see patterns that help find solutions....
Her gift is an ability to synthesize massive amounts of information and summarize / organize it in a way that others can understand and act upon.
Anyone who saw JFK can tell you that Oliver Stone has few peers when it comes to conveying massive amounts of information, and Snowden does an admirable job of explaining the nuts and bolts of projects such as XKeyscore and PRISM without making your eyes glaze over.
As WikiLeaks has demonstrated, governments scour, record, and analyze massive amounts of information daily, including data mined from their closest allies.
The major credit bureaus not only store massive amounts of information about your credit habits, they also gather and sell your personal credit information to banks, lenders, credit card companies, insurance companies, landlords, utility companies and even employers.
«We're handling massive amounts of information in subsecond time periods,» Knight says.
Ellison is one of the world's richest men who got that way by founding and running Oracle, a company that makes a database that stores massive amount of information.
You have access to enormous amounts of information, and I think over time people tend to mistake access to massive amounts of information for wisdom.
What Ripcord sells is a way for companies, especially publicly - traded companies and universities, to manage the massive amount of information that passes through their physical and digital doors.
Artificial intelligence and Watson - type entities will replace many analyst jobs because it will be very difficult for humans to sort through the massive amounts of information that will be generated.
Meanwhile, the massive amount of information readily available could empower businesses to cut out the research middlemen altogether.
Chatbots have the ability to process a massive amount of information, so they can quickly sort through large internal data reports.
He reckons that checking food label can be time - consuming and even confusing, given the massive amount of information that's slapped on the label.
That is a massive amount of information to try and wrangle in the first place, let alone filter down into a usable and accurate data report.
Even so, it is an observable fact that babies have an amazing ability to learn a massive amount of information and build on what they know daily!
Whether you are a parent expecting their first child or someone who has some previous experience of buying child car seats, it is very easy to become overwhelmed by the massive amount of information available on this subject, and the long list of safety and convenience issues that you have to consider when choosing the perfect seat... [Read More...] about Best Convertible Car Seat Buying Guide
He speculates that astronauts equipped with implants will tap into the massive amount of information they will need while colonizing the moon or exploring the universe.
Ross has also ordered the Census Bureau to expand its use of administrative records, the massive amount of information that other government agencies already possess on U.S. residents.
This massive amount of information threatens to become a barrier to our understanding of our home galaxy, the Milky Way.
However, it remains a major challenge to digest the massive amounts of information and use it in an intelligent and comprehensive manner.
I have been studying a massive amount of information in the past few months about over 80,000 toxic chemicals and metals in our environment.
REVIEW Universal Leonardo covers a massive amount of information about the man and his extraordinary skills.
Some students now have access to massive amounts of information... and they are making learning connections across multiple sites.
It contained (in over 80 minutes) a massive amount of information, much of which I already knew and some I didn't agree with.
My goal is to help Authors sort though the massive amount of information on internet regarding Self Publishing.
The most important, is that I have gotten fed up with all the scams I found on the Internet and the massive amount of information that one has to sort out to get to the bottom line about using online Self - Publishing services.
These account for 70 % of the titles, and Brewster called this massive amount of information the «dead zone» of publishing.
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