Sentences with phrase «massive missed opportunity»

This oversight leads to massive missed opportunities overseas that can rapidly grow any business.
Regardless of the cause, these numbers still represent a massive missed opportunity for millions.
Players can't even directly fight each other, which seems like a massive missed opportunity.
Still, last night was a massive missed opportunity.
Our first match against West Ham was a massive missed opportunity!
Arsenal's title dreams come crashing down at the Etihad as Manchester City send Manuel Pellegrini off in style, and heap pressure on Arsene Wenger as Gooners everywhere curse a massive missed opportunity.
Massive missed opportunity.
The more I think about it the more I see last season as a massive missed opportunity.
Overall, this feels like a massive missed opportunity.
Listen sisters, this is a MASSIVE MISSED OPPORTUNITY!
Moon Hunters has no online mode which is a massive missed opportunity in a fairly niche game that's all about cooperation.
The actual gameplay was a massive missed opportunity.
The side missions are a massive missed opportunity, too.
Greening, who was heckled by leaders over grammar schools, yesterday branded the lack of flexible working opportunities in schools a «massive missed opportunity», and pledged to hold a summit on the issue later in the year.
For starters it seems like a massive missed opportunity to not release a package containing remastered versions of both Darksiders and Darksiders 2, but more importantly as great as I thought Darksiders 2 was, a re-release feels a bit unneccessary.
Loved the gameplay, but the story was a massive missed opportunity and the ending is one of the worst I've ever experienced.
On the gameplay front what we've got is a pretty standard side - scrolling hack «n slasher with a dash of two - player local co-op for good measure which is, unsurprisingly, where the game really shines, although the lack of online co-op is a massive missed opportunity..
Putting a focus on 4K Minecraft just seems like a massive missed opportunity.
But it's inability to challenge the player's thinking, and instead insisting on making the experience feel like a guessing game, coupled with its unforgiving punishment for a single loss, really make Milon's Secret Castle a massive missed opportunity.
Massive missed opportunity!
Kate Ruddock continued: «This is a massive missed opportunity.
This study also reveals a massive missed opportunity: For the modest cost of boosting SNAP benefits so that they're enough to last all month — about $ 15 billion per year — the US could dramatically reduce hunger and significantly boost academic achievement and educational attainment for low - income students.
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