Sentences with phrase «massive plankton blooms»

Maybe we can nourish massive plankton blooms in the Southern Ocean, to suck CO2 straight out of the sky.
When the three currents mingle and rise to sunlit depths, it creates ideal conditions for massive plankton blooms, which are essential for seabirds and larger forms of marine life.
BURY IT UNDER THE SEA Some research groups have tried fertilizing the ocean with iron to encourage massive plankton blooms that suck carbon dioxide from the air.

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Ocean chemist Philip Boyd of the University of Otago in New Zealand says many other researchers have tried to link an infusion of iron from volcanic ash or even dust storms to plankton blooms, but this study is the first to «verify such a massive event.»
By stimulating a massive growth of plankton, called a bloom, Planktos claims to be able to draw millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere into the deep oceans over the next year.
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