Sentences with phrase «mat with knees»

Sit on a mat with knees bent and feet flat on the mat.
To perform sit ups, lie down on an exercise mat with knees bent, about a shoulder width apart and with feet flat on the floor.
One Leg Bridge — Lie on mat with knees bent, lift one leg straight up towards ceiling and using the other leg lift hips up to a bridge position and then come back down.
Sit on a mat with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
Lying on mat with knees bent and fairly wide and feet on the ground, bring hands close together in front of you and crunch up pushing hands through space between legs, pulse in this crunch position 3 times and release, bring hands and arms to ground beside body and lift your legs straight up towards ceiling and lift butt up off the ground, reaching legs up further.
Lay on mat with knees bent and feet on ground with arms beside you.
Recline on your mat with your knees bent and feet on the floor.
Sit on a mat with your knees bent and feet together.
To do hip thrusts, lay on your back on a mat with your knees bent, feet parallel, and palms down on the mat.

Not exact matches

Grab a mat and lie on your back with your hips and knees at right angles.
Lying on your back with knees bent and feet mat - distance apart, windshield wipe your knees from left to right.
Begin with your back on the mat, knees bent at 90 degrees.
• Begin with hands on medicine ball, in half plank position with knees on the mat • Slowly raise body up to full plank position, weight evenly distributed between hands and feet • Ensure core is engaged and back is flat to avoid unwanted pressure on the lower back
Starting Position: Lie flat on your back on the floor / mat in a bent - knee position with feet placed firmly on the floor and your hands behind your head.
How to: Get on your hands and knees on an exercise mat, with wrists in line with shoulders and knees in line with hips (a).
Kneel down (with a towel or mat under your knees if desired), place your hands directly under your shoulders, knees extended out to a modified plank position.
Let the right foot become heavy and gently flip your dog over, landing with the ball of the foot right behind the left knee on the mat.
How to: Using a mat underneath you, start on your hands ands knees, with your arms straight and your wrists directly under your shoulders (a).
Elbow plank knee to elbow: Start in a forearm plank with elbows tracking directly below your shoulders on the mat and hips in line with your back.
Start lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the mat.
How to do it: Sit with knees bent, feet flat on mat (A).
From downward facing dog, step your right foot to the outside of your right hand, lining the edge of the foot up with the edge of the mat and drop your left knee.
Lie on your back with knees bent, hands pressed into the mat and feet hip - width apart.
Also, mats come thicker for those of us with sensitive knees, and longer for the tall folks.
To make the pose easier, do it with your knees on the mat.
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on a mat, hip - distance apart.
Lie on the floor or a mat, with knees bent and hands behind head.
Lie flat on your back on the floor / mat in a bent - knee position with feet placed firmly on the floor and your hands behind your head.
Standing at the end of your mat, or on ground, with feet hip width apart, roll backwards so that your knees are overhead and then forward again, place your hands on the ground in front of you and then jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, jump legs back in and jump up.
lie down on your back with your lower back pressed into the mat and bend your knees.
Tip your knee to the right, until it touches the floor — your shinbone should be almost parallel with the front of your mat.
How to: Get on your hands and knees on an exercise mat, wrists under shoulders and knees in line with hips (a).
Tip: plan ahead with a good mat for your knees.
On an exercise mat lie on your back with hips and knees both at 90 degree angles.
Lie on mat with hands behind head, rotate to the left as you bring in the left knee, while bringing in the right elbow towards it, then switch sides rotating to the right and bringing in the right knee and the left elbow to meet it, as the left leg straightens out, continue alternating sides
From standing step one foot back into a high lunge position with your front knee bent and left leg straightened behind you with your hips facing the front of you mat.
ab bicycles - Start by lying on your back on a mat with both your hips and your knees at 90ï «° angles and your head and shoulders slightly lifted off the ground with your fingers touching the sides of your head (not pulling on the back of your head).
Release tension and bring your knees closer to the mat with every exhale.
Crunches — Start on an exercise mat on your back with your knees bent and arms across your chest.
If you are working on a hard floor, you might consider padding your knees with a mat or blanket.
Have her stand at your knees, bend forward, and place her hands on your top thighs, which can be padded with a folded sticky mat.
Rest your knees on the ground (preferably with a towel or mat beneath them), legs together, with your feet suspended in the air (a).
Sitting on mat with legs extended and knees slightly bent and holding dumbbell close to one hip, raise legs up off ground and hold them a few inches off ground throughout movements.
Peacock Pose (Mayurasana): Kneel on a yoga mat with slightly wider knees.
Standing poses with external rotation can not safely be practiced with the pelvis «squared» to the long side of the mat, or else SI joints (and knees!)
Beginning from modified high plank with shoulders over elbows over wrists and knees on the mat, exhale and lower down until the elbows are at 90 degree angle.
Begin class with the students in a supine position, on their mats, knees bent and soles of the feet on the floor, legs extended, or legs over a bolster, depending on the comfort level of the students.
kneeling hip flexor stretch: Lunge forward with knee on ground (preferred on mat).
How to: To begin, start in downward facing dog, bend one knee and place it on your mat a little wider than your hip, with your shin parallel to the front of the mat.
Put your ball on the mat and come down to your hands and knees with the ball in front of you.
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