Sentences with phrase «mate preferences»

The phrase "mate preferences" refers to the specific qualities and characteristics that someone looks for in a potential romantic or life partner. It includes factors like physical appearance, personality traits, intelligence, values, and other qualities that are important to an individual when choosing a mate. Full definition
The sheer number of studies conducted and the diversity of the samples utilized suggest that these gender differences in mating preferences are nearly universal.
What might we expect to find in terms of mate preferences in the short - and long - term context?
In this model, an early decline in female fertility was driven by a shift in male mating preference.
The results from the research are clear: mating preferences among men and women look increasingly similar.
To the extent that gender roles and expectations change, however, we should see corresponding changes in male and female mate preferences.
Whether women's mate preferences shift at high fertility has been a source of debate since the late 1990s, when the first scholarly studies to hint at such a change appeared.
Mate preferences do predict attraction and choices in the early stages of mate selection.
Creative mate preferences as a function of cognitive ability, personality, and creative achievement.
Her areas of research expertise include mate preferences, personality, and online behaviours.
We estimate mate preferences using a novel data set from an online dating service..
We expect mate preferences to be positively correlated with preferences for physically attractive partners in general and to be negatively linked to preferences for desirable personality traits in both contexts.
Had they measured their women participants at peak fertility (given women's short - term mating preferences for sexy men appear to peak at this time), perhaps even more pleasure / desire would have been evident!
Mating pairs were formed according to an age - dependent mating preference matrix.
Last, we examined correlations among our six mate preference dimensions and measures of sociosexuality and mate value.
New UTSC research shows that male black widow spiders prefer their female mates to be well - fed virgins, revealing a rare example of mate preference by male spiders.
«It has historically been a challenge to understand how mating preferences for ornamental traits can evolve when every individual succeeds in getting a mate,» Stern explains, in part because the seemingly simple selection process of monogamous pairs, where mates couple up and remove themselves from the broader gene - swapping pool for good, is tricky to handle mathematically.
Father's physique influences mate preferences but not the actual choice of male somatotype in heterosexual women and homosexual men.
We extended this work by using the same data analysis technique, but examined the content and structure of mate preferences across the fundamentally important distinction of temporal context (Buss & Schmitt, 1993).
While at Saint John's University, Patrick conducted internationally recognized research on Human Mating Preferences.
«Many want to believe that women and men are identical in their underlying psychology, but the genders differ strikingly in their evolved mate preferences in some domains,» said co-author of the study and psychology professor David Buss.
Men and women should be similar in their long - term mate preferences because both sexes invest heavily in each other whereas in the short - term, the sexes should differ because they are in a competitive rather than a cooperative relationship (Li et al., 2002; Li & Kenrick, 2006).
(There's little historical or intercultural research on LGBT mate preferences; such questions are clearly important, but sadly there isn't yet sufficient data to examine them properly.)
Paleoanthropologists Jean - Jacques Hublin and Luke Premo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, tested this hypothesis by simulating how mating preferences alter gene flow between individuals in different groups.
And that «failure» led Peichel and her colleagues to later brainstorm — and build — a special fish tank with transparent compartments for two males and one female that allowed them to test other aspects of fish mating preferences.
The surprising outcome, however, was that «within one generation, the flies developed mate preference for their own group, ignoring the others, and that this was dependent on the microbes in the gut that helped them utilize the food,» he said.
«The large overall difference between men's and women's mate preferences tells us that the sexes must have experienced dramatically different challenges in the mating domain throughout human evolution,» said lead author and graduate researcher Daniel Conroy - Beam.
Men's and women's ideas of the perfect mate differ significantly due to evolutionary pressures, according to a cross-cultural study on multiple mate preferences by psychologists at The University of Texas at Austin.
«We demonstrate that mate preferences continue to shape our feelings and behaviors within relationships in at least two key ways: by interacting with nuanced emotional systems such as how happy we are with our partner and by influencing how much or little effort we devote to keeping them.»
«Experimental evidence for asymmetric mate preference and aggression: behavioral interactions in a woodrat (Neotoma) hybrid zone,» appears online on BioMed Central.
«Mate preferences matter beyond initial mate selection, profoundly influencing both relationship dynamics and effort devoted to keeping partners.
«Few decisions impact fitness more than mate selection, so natural selection has endowed us with a set of powerfully motivating mate preferences,» Conroy - Beam said.
The armament carried by each sex in each species predicted which sex's mating preferences dominated, they report in the 14 February issue of Nature.
Our results demonstrate the importance of considering mating preference in population demography.
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