Sentences with phrase «material relationship»

Her work explores material relationships through repetition, juxtaposition, and contemplation.
She recently helped a leading household goods e-tailer bring three cases against allegedly independent online review sites for their failure to disclose material relationships with our client's competitors.
A growing material relationship for Paige with the Jennings KGB handler Claudia, played note perfect once more by multiple Emmy winner Margo Martindale, and the return of the disillusioned Oleg (Costa Ronin) from Moscow to pull some strings of his own, casts the net deeper and wider as discordant plotlines slide to convergence.
Though he's known as a master conceptualist, the Large Glass displays Duchamp's interest in how material relationships follow conceptual ideas, an example that would be especially informative for the post-Minimalist artists of the 1970s — for example Eva Hesse and Bruce Nauman — when they reacted to Minimalism's austerity by using transparent, ephemeral, and organic materials.
Liz Glynn's multi-dimensional practice reanimates historic moments and looks critically at our contemporary material relationship to these events.
Almost uniformly, curatorial efforts have concentrated on the graphic or material relationship between writing and the visual arts: whether or not writing is a kind of drawing; how artists have integrated text as visual form; how drawing can free language from the necessity of communication etc..
Four of those issuers set targets that only apply to independent directors — board members who don't own shares in the company or have any material relationship with the company.
It is a material relationship that will end when the two parties are satisfied.
I follow the Blogger's Code of Ethics and disclose all material relationships according to FCC guidelines.
* Authors agree to disclose any material relationships with companies whose stocks they write about or parties that stand to gain in any way from the viewpoint they are outlining.
They've exhibited widely, in both national and international contexts, and have a range of aesthetic interests that include: practices of accumulation, manifestations of power, human discourses around the transcendent and the material relationship between self and world.
The formal and material relationships that exist in my photographs are evidence of the accumulated human contact with the built world, contact that has yielded a unique but shared entropic beauty specific to place.
Rather than grouping the artists geographically, the exhibition explores the thematic and material relationships between the artists to address themes that transcend particular locations such as peace and social violence; race, power, and identity; informal economies and corporate impact on the environment; memory; architecture, light and space.
Her painting Concrete Ball (2012) comes from a body of work which explores the material relationship to image within painting, where the material itself is part of the subject of the painting.
Each work represents her identification of formal aesthetic issues of composition, abstraction, process, and material relationships.
A self - regenerative practice and formally inquisitive joke, the works provide relief from the engrossing quality of his installations, offering an opportunity to zoom in on his material relationships.
The basis test is a subjective, principle - based approach: The rules say that a director is independent if he or she does not have a direct or indirect «material relationship» with the issuer, meaning a relationship that could, in the board's view, reasonably be expected to interfere with the exercise of a member's independent judgment.
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