Sentences with phrase «maternal cells»

Living maternal cells are transferred through the milk to the infant.
When a mother says that she is «always with» her children, it is literally true: Scientists recently found that a small number of maternal cells can persist in a woman's offspring for decades or longer.
The body has trouble discriminating offspring cells from maternal cells and sets off an autoimmune response.
Mackenzie and others also found that in animals, higher doses of donor maternal cells were more effective, and that injecting them into the fetal bloodstream further enhanced success.
«Before we knew about these persisting fetal cells, and the persisting maternal cells, researchers didn't often analyze their data according to difference in sex,» says J. Lee Nelson, a professor of human immunogenetics at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and a co-author on the rheumatoid arthritis study.
ChimerMarker also has a linked maternal cell contamination (MCC) application.
Median concentrations were 2.0 versus 0 FMc cells per million maternal cells in healthy women and breast cancer patients, respectively.
A new study suggests some preterm births occur because the fetus rejects the mother, after its immune system is triggered too early and senses maternal cells as foreign invaders.
Human milk contains live maternal cells, which include blood - derived leukocytes, cells of the mammary epithelium and cell fragments.
Their analyses indicated that up to 10 percent of the fetus» blood cells came from the mother — a significantly larger percentage of maternal cells than what is found anywhere else in the fetus.
Maternal cells have been found in individuals 47 years after birth.
Finally, tests showed the child's cancer cells were almost all maternal cells, with no genetic material from the father.
Of the beta cells in the diabetic pancreas, however, almost twice as many were maternal cells, which means Mama's cells may in fact be helping to repair the pancreas.
For instance, maternal cells might be transplanted into a diabetic to repair the pancreas.
Although researchers have suspected that maternal cells might play a role in provoking immunologic problems, this study found that in individuals with type 1 diabetes, at least, those cells might actually be lending a helping hand.
Maternal cells, which cross the placenta during pregnancy, can set up residence anywhere in the fetus, including the bloodstream, heart, liver, and thymus gland.
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