Sentences with phrase «math qualifications»

Schools will also get # 600 for every additional pupil studying a one - year AS - level or core maths qualification.
Furthermore, the research found that students who studied advanced maths qualifications earned 30 per cent more on average and maintained higher career achievements.
working with the Royal Society and British Academy to encourage universities and employers to better promote the value of maths qualifications
The plans are to introduce a more rigorous maths curriculum, new AS and A level maths qualifications and high quality «core maths» qualifications so that more young people can secure their first job, an apprenticeship or go on to further study.
Only pupils studying both a maths and further maths qualification in the same academic year will attract double funding, up to # 2,400 over two years, but this is the «only combination of qualifications that will attract funding twice in one year», the government said.
There is a difference between gaining maths qualifications and being numerate, argues National Numeracy's Mike Ellicock
Nurses without formal maths qualifications can take a free numeracy course at Burnley College
Research conducted by the charity has found that 45,000 disadvantaged young people are failing to achieve five good GCSEs including English and maths, with only 46 per cent achieving English and maths qualifications by the age of 19.
Updating Functional Skills maths qualifications to improve their quality as well as their recognition amongst employers; and
Children could be taught how to calculate change in house prices, or the value of mortgages, as part of new vocational maths qualifications announced today.
The real life mathematics skills students learn on the new core maths qualification will benefit not only their future employers but give the students and apprentices confidence to tackle and solve problems in their everyday lives too.»
The an Advanced Maths Premium will also support institutions to increase the number of girls and those from disadvantaged backgrounds taking advanced maths qualifications, to help equip Britain with the skills needed to boost the future economy.
Work is also be done with the Royal Society and British Academy to encourage universities and employers to better promote the value of maths qualifications
Ofqual is planning to conduct a research study to support the accreditation process for new A level maths qualifications.
For some more able students, a Level 2 Further Maths qualification will be offered alongside the GCSE.
The programme also covers health and safety, work preparation methods, and literacy and numeracy skills which allow students to gain essential English and maths qualifications.
In the UK, the lack of appreciation of the wider application of maths is influencing the number of students who are recognising just what is possible in terms of a future career and how a maths qualification can be put to further use.
From September 2018, schools and colleges will receive an extra # 600 premium for each additional pupil taking the one - year AS maths or the Core Maths qualification.
Nick Gibb, the schools minister, said: «Although maths remains the most popular subject at A-level, this premium will open up the opportunity for even more young people to study advanced maths qualifications, providing them with the knowledge and skills for future success.»
Around 95,000 pupils currently study maths at A-level every year, while 16,000 take further maths and around 5,000 sit core maths qualifications, which are for pupils who want to study the subject beyond 16 but who did not get top grades at GCSE.
Pupils in year 12 and 13 will combine vocational courses with level 3 English and maths qualifications and employability skills.
The government's new core maths qualifications, which encourage teenagers to use maths in real situations, would be ideal, they argue.
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