Sentences with phrase «math than their classmates»

A multi-year study of students enrolled in two - way dual - language programs in North Carolina between 2007 and 2010, found that low - income black children in these programs scored higher in reading and math than their classmates of the same race and socioeconomic background who were being taught in one language.

Not exact matches

The paper also cites PISA data from 2012 showing girls studying physics «had lower confidence than their male classmates, despite tests revealing no difference in academic performance; and that students confidence in their maths abilities were more likely to embark on STEM careers».
In Pappano's article for the Harvard Education Letter, for example, math teacher Sherryl Hauser is quoted as saying that students complained when they saw their papers contained more problems than those of their classmates when she attempted differentiation.
In 50 years of evaluation, PCHP has documented important longitudinal impacts for program participants: graduates enter school as well or better prepared than their classmates, perform significantly better than their socioeconomic peers and as well as or better than the overall population on school readiness measures in kindergarten and first grade, and are reading and doing math on grade level in third grade.
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